ESIL Interest Group History of International Law

ESIL Interest Group History of International Law

Thursday, 30 April 2020

OPEN ACCESS RESOURCE: Bulletin officiel du Congo belge


We learned that the Royal Academy for Overseas Sciences has digitized the Official Bulletin of the Belgian Congo (1885-1959). The collection can be found, free of charge, here

(source: ESCLH Blog)

Friday, 24 April 2020

BOOK: Francine MCKENZIE, GATT and Global Order in the Postwar Era (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020). ISBN 9781108494892, £ 29.99

(Source: CUP)

Cambridge University Press is publishing a new book on the Post-WWII trading system and its role in foreign policy and international relations.


After the Second World War, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) promoted trade liberalization to help make the world prosperous and peaceful. Francine McKenzie uses case studies of the Cold War, the creation of the EEC and other regional trade agreements, development, and agriculture, to show that trade is a primary goal of foreign policy, a dominant (and divisive) aspect of international relations, and a vital component of global order. She unpacks the many ways in which trade was politicised, and the layers of meaning associated with trade; trade policies, as well as disputes about trade, communicated ideas, hopes and fears that were linked to larger questions of identity, sovereignty, and status. This study reveals how the economic and political dimensions of foreign policy and international engagement intersected, showing that trade was not only instrumentalised in the service of particular policies or relations but that it was also an essential aspect of international relations.


Francine McKenzieUniversity of Western Ontario
Francine McKenzie is a Professor at the University of Western Ontario. She is an international historian who has published extensively on international cooperation, trade, and global order. Her publications include Redefining the Bonds of Commonwealth, 1939-1948 (2002), A Global History of Trade and Conflict since 1500 (2013) and Dominion of Race: Rethinking Canada's International History (2017).


Introduction: GATT in World Affairs
1. Accidental Organization: Origins and Early Years of GATT
2. 'An Arrow in the Western World's Quiver': The Cold War Challenge to GATT
3. 'Take It or Leave It': The EEC Challenge to GATT
4. 'Spread Like the Plague': The Regional Challenge to GATT
5. 'Rich Man's Club': The Development Challenge to GATT
6. 'Agricultural Anarchy': The Agriculture Challenge to GATT
Conclusion: The Embattled History of GATT.

More info here

(source: ESCLH Blog)

Thursday, 23 April 2020

BOOK REVIEW: Prof. dr. Miloš VEC reviews Fabian KLOSE, "In the Cause of Humanity". Eine Geschichte der humanitären Intervention im langen 19. Jahrhundert (Frankfurt Allgemeine Zeitung, 17 APR 2020)

(image source: V&R)

Prof. dr. Miloš Vec (Vienna) reviewed Fabian Klose's open access book In The Cause of Humanity: Eine Geschichte der humanitären Intervention im langen 19. Jahrhundert (see earlier on this blog).

First paragraph:
Bis heute ist die Idee einer humanitären Schutzverantwortung der internationalen Gemeinschaft eine der umstrittensten Fragen des Völkerrechts und beschäftigt die internationale Politik nicht erst seit der Intervention im Kosovo. Denn das prinzipielle Spannungsverhältnis ist seit ihrem Erscheinen im neunzehnten Jahrhundert gleich geblieben: hier die internationale Gemeinschaft, dort der einzelne Staat mit seinen Rechten auf Souveränität und territoriale Unverletzlichkeit. In welchen Fällen Krieg im Namen der Humanität geführt werden darf, wann die internationale Gemeinschaft intervenieren darf, bleibt deswegen heikel, weil Völkerrecht auch ein Machtspiel ist. Unter dem Vorwand der Hilfe und des Schutzes können auch imperiale Ziele verfolgt werden.

(read more on the FAZ Website)

Wednesday, 22 April 2020

BOOK REVIEW: Isabel V. HULL reviews Leonard V. SMITH, Sovereignty at the Paris Peace Conference of 1919. (The Greater War, 1912–1923.) New York: Oxford University Press, 2018 (American Historical Review CXXV (2020), No. 2 (Apr), 713-714

(image source:

First paragraph:
Leonard V. Smith, an accomplished social historian of World War I, has produced a thoughtful reassessment of the Paris Peace Conference that ended the Great War. It is well researched in both primary and secondary sources, and it pays close attention to recent trends in historiography. It aims to recapture the openness (“then-ness”) of this striking moment in human affairs. Smith is himself open to international relations (IR) theory to shake up the standard historian’s view. Sovereignty at the Paris Peace Conference of 1919 provides an accurate overview of the myriad issues facing contemporary statesmen: the collapse of empires, fluid borders, population disorder, colonial redistribution, war debts, reparations, establishing an entirely new international institution (the League of Nations), etc. Among its accomplishments, the book offers a sharp assessment of the role of experts, especially political geographers in postwar boundary drawing, a spirited defense of Fridtjof Nansen and the league, who are too often blamed for severe population transfers, and a shrewd analysis of how racial categorization functioned to compromise between greedy Allied imperial states and the requirement that they administer mandates rather than simply annex former German colonies.
Read more here.

Tuesday, 21 April 2020

BOOK: Gabriela A. FREI, Great Britain, International Law, and the Evolution of Maritime Strategic Thought, 1856 - 1914 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020). ISBN 9780198859932, £60.00

(Source: OUP)

Oxford University Press is publishing a book on British state practice and the evolution of international maritime law from the aftermath of the Crimean War to World War I.


Gabriela A. Frei addresses the interaction between international maritime law and maritime strategy in a historical context, arguing that both international law and maritime strategy are based on long-term state interests. Great Britain as the predominant sea power in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries shaped the relationship between international law and maritime strategy like no other power. This study explores how Great Britain used international maritime law as an instrument of foreign policy to protect its strategic and economic interests, and how maritime strategic thought evolved in parallel to the development of international legal norms.

Frei offers an analysis of British state practice as well as an examination of the efforts of the international community to codify international maritime law in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Great Britain as the predominant sea power as well as the world's largest carrier of goods had to balance its interests as both a belligerent and a neutral power. With the growing importance of international law in international politics, the volume examines the role of international lawyers, strategists, and government officials who shaped state practice. Great Britain's neutrality for most of the period between 1856 and 1914 influenced its state practice and its perceptions of a future maritime conflict. Yet, the codification of international maritime law at the Hague and London conferences at the beginning of the twentieth century demanded a reassessment of Great Britain's legal position.


Gabriela A. Frei, Early Career Fellow, TORCH, The Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities
Gabriela A. Frei is an Associate Member of the Faculty of History at the University of Oxford and an Early Career Fellow at the Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities (TORCH). She holds a DPhil in History and a MSt in Historical Research from the University of Oxford, and she was awarded a degree of Licentiata Philosophiae (history, constitutional law, and English literature) from the University of Bern, Switzerland. She held postdoctoral research positions at the University of Cambridge, the Université Libre de Bruxelles, and the University of Oxford. Her research and publications focus on the relationship between international law, maritime strategy, and politics in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. She has a particular interest in the role of jurists in international politics, and how law shapes political agendas.


1: The Sea as a Legal and Strategic Space
2: The Making of the Law of Neutrality
3: The Law of Neutrality and State Practice
4: The Codification of International Maritime Law
5: The Hague and London Conferences and the Rise of an International Legal Order
6: Maritime Strategic Thought and International Law
7: International Law and the Theory of War
Conclusion: Sea Power, International Law, and Future Wars

More info here

(source: ESCLH Blog)

Monday, 20 April 2020

BOOK REVIEW: Lucien FRARY reviews Will SMILEY, From Slaves to Prisoners of War: The Ottoman Empire, Russia, and International Law. (The History and Theory of International Law.) New York: Oxford University Press, 2018 (American Historical Review CXXV (2020), No. 2 (Apr), 616-618

(image source: OUP)

First paragraph:
Frederick the Great’s famous quip about the Russian-Ottoman wars as “the one-eyed fighting the blind” diminishes the significance of these titanic clashes, which unleashed mayhem upon huge populations, spread epidemic diseases, forced human migrations, and shredded territory throughout Eastern Europe and Transcaucasia. These wars determined the boundaries of modern nation-states and forged a sense of identity among millions of people. According to Will Smiley’s new book From Slaves to Prisoners of War: The Ottoman Empire, Russia, and International Law, the wars shaped the development of international law, including regulations for ransoming military captives and the trafficking of slaves, and defined subjecthood. What makes the book particularly intriguing (and its subject so difficult to research) is how the borderlands interacted with the international legal system during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, thus helping us understand the context in which these new international rules emerged.
Read more here and earlier on this blog.

Friday, 17 April 2020

BOOK REVIEW: Maartje ABBENHUIS reviews James CROSSLAND, War, Law and Humanity: The Campaign to Control Warfare, 1853–1914. New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2018 (American Historical Review CXXV (2020), No. 2 (Apr)

(image source: Bloomsbury)

First paragaph:
James Crossland’s rather ambitiously titled book War, Law and Humanity: The Campaign to Control Warfare, 1853–1914 narrates the activism and agency of two dozen or so men and women in mitigating, restricting, and avoiding the violence and spread of war in the second half of the nineteenth century. Its author does so by explaining not only the agency of these individuals in developing key humanitarian causes—like the Red Cross and the United States Sanitary Commission—but also the interconnection between their agency and the development of a range of legal codes and treaties aimed at regulating warfare, like the Lieber Code (1863), the Geneva Conventions of 1864 and 1906, the Saint Petersburg Declaration of 1868, the Brussels Convention of 1874, and the Hague Conventions of 1899 and 1907. It is a highly readable book, replete with engaging anecdotes, contemporary reflections, and lively stylistic touches.
Read more here.

Thursday, 16 April 2020

BOOK: Stefano ANDRETTA, Stéphane PÉQUIGNOT and Jean-Claude WAQUET (eds.), De l'ambassadeur: les écrits relatifs à l'ambassadeur et à l'art de négocier du Moyen Âge au début du XIXe siècle [Collection de l'École française de Rome, 504] (Rome: École française de Rome, 2015) 650 p. ISBN 978-2-7283-1093-7, OPEN ACCESS

This work was announced first on 8 October 2015 on this blog, more than four years ago. It is now available in open access.

(image source: École française de Rome)

The École française de Rome published a collective work on diplomatic writing.

Consacré aux écrits relatifs à l’ambassadeur et à l’art de négocier, ce livre suit au fil d’une vingtaine d’études le long et multiforme travail d’élaboration auquel la figure de l’ambassadeur et l’art de la négociation ont donné lieu, de la genèse de nouvelles formes d’organisation politique à la fin du Moyen Âge jusqu’à l’émergence de la profession diplomatique à la fin du XVIIIe siècle et au XIXe siècle. Certains des textes examinés, comme les traités de legatis ou le Guide de Martens, présentent une dimension théorique ou pédagogique. D’autres sont des écrits littéraires, des instruments juridiques ou des actes de la pratique où se lit, de façon plus ou moins incidente, une réflexion sur les envoyés diplomatiques et l’art qu’ils mettaient en œuvre. Qu’ils aient été composés pour accréditer une fonction, défendre des privilèges, forger des modèles de comportement ou transmettre à de futurs praticiens les leçons de l’expérience, ces textes montrent comment, des docteurs médiévaux aux professeurs du XIXe siècle, en passant par les humanistes et les négociateurs du Grand Siècle, la figure de l’ambassadeur et les règles de son art ont été sans cesse construites et reconstruites. Aussi, à travers l’étude de ce vaste corpus, ce livre invite à un parcours dans les savoirs de la diplomatie, de l’ambaxiator médiéval aux lendemains du Congrès de Vienne.
On the editors:

- Stefano Andretta, ancien chercheur au CNR et à l’Université Rome I « La Sapienza », est actuellement professeur titulaire d’histoire moderne et d’histoire des États italiens pré-unitaires à l’Université Rome III (Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici).

- Stéphane Péquignot, agrégé d’histoire, ancien élève de l’École Normale Supérieure et ancien membre de la Casa de Velázquez, est docteur en histoire et maître de conférences à l’École Pratique des Hautes Études (Paris).

- Jean-Claude Waquet, ancien élève de l’École des Chartes et ancien membre de l’École Française de Rome, a été professeur aux Universités de Strasbourg et Paris 12. Il est directeur d’études à l’École Pratique des Hautes Études (Paris).

Table of contents here.

Introduction available here.

(source: École française de Rome)

Wednesday, 15 April 2020

OPEN ACCESS: Jean Matthieu MATTEI, Histoire du droit de la guerre (1700-1819). Introduction à l'histoire du droit international (Marseille: PUAM, 2006), 1239 p. ISBN 9782821853195, DOI 10.4000/books.puam.777

(image source: openedition)

Foreword by Prof. em. Peter Haggenmacher (first paragraph):
Depuis quelque temps, l’histoire du droit international semble jouir d’une attention qu’elle n’a guère connue par le passé en France. Alors que ce pays a fourni des générations de valeureux et même de brillants internationalistes, peu d’entre eux se sont intéressés aux origines de leur discipline. Résultat sans doute d’un tropisme professionnel étroitement positiviste et utilitaire ; car on peut évidemment faire carrière, et on le fait presque mieux, semble-t-il, sans s’encombrer d’érudition historique. Il suffit cependant d’évoquer la grande figure de Jules Basdevant pour s’apercevoir que le meilleur des professionnalismes peut non seulement se concilier avec une profonde culture historique mais s’en nourrir constamment ; et qui a connu Paul Reuter sait à quel point il était ouvert à la composante historique de sa discipline. D’autres encore pourraient être mentionnés en ce sens, mais au demeurant il faut bien constater que les internationalistes français n’ont pas contribué dans l’ensemble de façon notable à l’historiographie du droit international.
Read the full book here.

(source: Modernum)

Tuesday, 14 April 2020

DATABASE and CALL FOR CONTRIBUTORS: Kund HAAKONSSEN, Frank GUNERT & Diethelm KLIPPEL (eds)., Natural Law 1625-1850 (University of Erfurt/University of Jena)

(image source: Uni Jena)

The Natural Law Database is an open-ended, collaborative biographical and bibliographical knowledge reservoir of early modern natural law scholars from Europe and beyond. All contributions are peer-reviewed. The database is a part of the international research network Natural Law 1625-1850: An International Project and has the purpose of creating a knowledge hub, where any researcher or student easily can access and explore the world of early modern - mainly academic - natural law.
The Natural Law Database is based on the principle of collaboration and open-endedness. This means that the database project does not have a defined end-date since it is continuously expanding with new information, digitisations and expert commentaries. Since the project covers Europe (and beyond) for more than two centuries, the database also relies upon an active participation from the research community in order to grow. The populating of the database is a collaborative and international enterprise, in the sense that anyone anywhere can contribute and is encouraged to do so.
Call for contributors:
In other words, we need your help to develop the database and keep it up-to-date. For further information see How to contribute?
Full database presentation here.

(source: Uni Jena)

Monday, 13 April 2020

BOOK: Jacques BOINEAU (dir.), Le droit international. Aspects politiques [Méditerranée] (Paris: L'Harmattan, 2014), 2 vol. 978-2-343-04661-7; € 16,5 and € 19

(image source: L'Harmattan)

Book abstract:
Ces contributions invitent à réfléchir sur la recomposition contemporaine de l'espace méditerranéen et sur le droit international qui s'y applique, à partir d'exemples tirés des plus grandes civilisations méditerranéennes aux époques antique et médiévale. Elles invitent le lecteur à s'interroger sur les piliers de la Méditerranée dans le jeu des relations entre les hommes et les institutions, et à découvrir l'essence des réponses juridiques et politiques.
Source: L'Harmattan.

Friday, 10 April 2020

BOOK: David VON MAYENBURG, ed., Handbuch Zur Geschichte Der Konfliktlösung in Europa, Band I-IV (Cham: Springer, 2020).

(Source: Springer)

Springer is publishing a four-volume work on the history of conflict resolution in Europe.


Das vierbändige Werk „Geschichte der Konfliktregulierung“ wurde von namhaften internationalen Expertinnen und Experten geschrieben und soll als zentrales Referenzmedium für die historische Dimension aller Formen der Streitentscheidung dienen. Der Aufbau orientiert sich an den vier Epochen Antike, Mittelalter, Frühe Neuzeit und 19./20. Jahrhundert. Zugleich wird eine europäische Perspektive eingenommen, die sich sowohl in den einzelnen Kapiteln als auch in speziellen Länderforschungsberichten niederschlägt. Nach einer Einführung in die jeweilige Epoche werden einerseits Konfliktlösungsmodelle und  -institutionen sowie andererseits Kernfragen und Zentralprobleme behandelt. Rechtshistorische Dokumente runden die Darstellung ab.

More info about the four volumes (Volume I Antiquity, Volume II Middle Ages, Volume III Early Modern Era and Volume IV 19th-20th century can be found here

(source: ESCLH Blog)

Thursday, 9 April 2020

ARTICLE: Mary L. DUDZIAK & Leti VOLPP, "Legal Borderlands: Law and the Construction of American Borders" (American Quarterly LVII (2005), Nr. 3, 593-610) OPEN ACCESS

(image source: JHU)

First paragraph:
In the coast, at the California-Mexico border, a rusted sheath of metal extends from the beach into the ocean, dividing the waves. There, grains of sand become attributes of different sovereignties. Two nations are brought together at this edge; at the same time, their inhabitants are marked with national identities; they come together wearing the marks of sovereignty inscribed by the border. Yet while it classifies and codifies subjects, the border cannot contain sovereignty itself. The border marks a space that American power proceeds from.
(source: ProjectMuse)

Wednesday, 8 April 2020

BOOK: Catherine HAGUENAU-MOIZARD, Arnaud DURANTHON, and Krzysztof WOJTYCZEK, eds., L’Autriche-Hongrie des années 1866-1918 : une contribution exceptionnelle à la protection des droits de l’homme (Nijmegen: Wolf Legal Publishers, 2020). ISBN 978-9-4624-0534-9, 59.95 EUR

Via the Portail universitaire du droit, we learned of the publication of an edited collection on law in the Austro-Hungarian Empire (with contributions in French and German).


Dans la deuxième moitié du 19e siècle, Vienne et Budapest sont devenues deux grandes capitales intellectuelles de l'Europe. L'Autriche-Hongrie est aussi à l'origine d'évolutions quelque peu oubliées en Europe occidentale, avec notamment une contribution exceptionnelle au développement de la culture juridique européenne. Les juristes de différentes nationalités, actifs dans l'Empire austro-hongrois, jouèrent un rôle majeur dans le développement du droit et de la science du droit en Europe. L'ouvrage, regroupant les rapports presentés au colloque tenu a Strasbourg les 17 et 18 novembre 2017, a pour but de rappeler quelques éléments particulièrement importants de cette contribution.


Arnaud Duranthon, Catherine Haguenau-Moizard, Krzysztof Wojtyczek, Avant-propos, p. VII

1. Introduction
Krzysztof Wojtyczek, L'Autriche-Hongrie des années 1867-1918 : un phénomène intellectuel et juridique exceptionnel, p. 1

2. La Constitution austro-hongroise de 1866-67
Andrzej Dziadzio, Die Grundrechte der Dezemberverfassung von 1867 in der administrativen Praxis - zwischen Bürokratie und Rechtsstaat, p. 15
Thomas Olechowski, Das Reichsgericht, p. 33
Sebastiaan Van Ouwerkerk, L’Autriche-Hongrie, la doctrine publiciste française et le problème des formes politiques, p. 47

3. La théorie du droit
Nicolas ChifflotAvant Kelsen. Le droit vivant de Eugen Ehrlich, p. 69
Mathias Jestaedt, Die „Entzauberung“ des Rechtsdenkens – Hans Kelsens „Hauptprobleme der Staatsrechtslehre“ aus dem Jahre 1911 –, p. 85
Clemens Jabloner, Zur Entwicklung der Reinen Rechtslehre gegen Ende der Österreichisch - Ungarischen Monarchie, p. 101
Mate Paksy, La Théorie pure du droit et l’interprétation juridique, p. 121
Johann Helwig, Cercle de Vienne et École viennoise de la théorie du droit, p. 151
Miriam Gassner, Hans Kelsen und die weltweite Verbreitung seiner Rechtslehre, p. 171

4. Le rayonnement du droit austro-hongrois en Europe
Fryderyk Zoll, Das österreichische Recht und die kulturelle Vielfalt der österreichischen Monarchie – eine juristische Geschichte aus Galizien mit einem Ausblick auf das heutige Europa, p. 185
Eszter Cs. Herger, Das Nebeneinanderleben des österreichischen und des ungarischen Privatrechts im Königreich Ungarn und in den Nebenländern der Ungarischen Krone zwischen 1848 und 1918, p. 195
Piotr Czarny, Einfluss des österreichischen öffentlichen Rechts aus der Periode der konstitutionellen Monarchie (1867-1918) auf polnisches Verfassungs- und Verwaltungsrecht in der Zwischenkriegszeit und in der Gegenwart, p. 217

More info here

(source: ESCLH Blog)

Tuesday, 7 April 2020

BOOK: Daniel WOOLFE, A Concise History of History. Global Historiography from Antiquity to the Present (Cambridge: CUP, 2020), 358 p.ISBN 9781108444859, 22,99 GBP

(image source: CUP)

This short history of history is an ideal introduction for those studying or teaching the subject as part of courses on the historian's craft, historical theory and method, and historiography. Spanning the earliest known forms of historical writing in the ancient Near East right through to the present and covering developments in Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas, it also touches on the latest topics and debates in the field, such as 'Big History', 'Deep History' and the impact of the electronic age. It features timelines listing major dynasties or regimes throughout the world alongside historiographical developments; guides to key thinkers and seminal historical works; further reading; a glossary of terms; and sample questions to promote further debate at the end of each chapter. This is a truly global account of the process of progressive intercultural contact that led to the hegemony of Western historiographical methods.
On the author:
Daniel Woolf is Professor of History at Queen's University, Ontario. He is the author of several books, including A Global History of History (Cambridge, 2011), the award-winning The Social Circulation of the Past (2003), Reading History in Early Modern England (Cambridge, 2001), and The Idea of History in Early Stuart England (1991). He is a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society, of the Society of Antiquaries of London, and the Royal Society of Canada.µ

(more information on Cambridge Core)

Monday, 6 April 2020

ARTICLE: Eric SCHNAKENBOURG, "La géographie des diplomates : la mondialisation de la diplomatie à l’époque moderne" (Revue d'histoire moderne et contemporaine LXVII (2020), No. 1, 139-162)

(image source: Cairn)

The connection of the states of war and peace between powers in Europe and in the rest of the world was one of the greatest challenges for the early modern diplomacy. From the middle of the 16th century it was accepted that the peace treaties signed in Europe were not valid for the other parts of the world. From then, the so-called “lines of amity” introduced a partition of the worldwide space between, on the one hand, a part ruled by the commitments of the law of nations and, on the other hand, a part that would always be in a precarious situation, permanently between war and peace. In the 17th century, the express extending of the commitments of the alliances and of the peace treaties outside Europe was an important development in the practice of a real global diplomacy. But its terms and conditions were still to be defined. One of the options was to reach an agreement on the schedule of the implementation of the treaties based upon the distance with Europe. This article aims to show that the setting up of a concurrence of the states of war and peace between Europe and the rest of the world was a long process of a construction of a global diplomatic territory through the paradoxical acknowledgement of singular situations.
Read more on cairn.

Friday, 3 April 2020

BOOK: Laurent VEYSSIÈRE, Philippe JOUTARD & Didier POTON (dir.), Vers un nouveau monde atlantique. Les traités de Paris 1763-1783 [Histoire; dir. Frédéric CHAUVAUD, Florian MAZEL, Cédric MICHON & Jacqueline SAINCLIVIER] (Rennes: Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2016, 270 p. ISBN 9782753549555, € 24

(image source: openedition)

Book abstract:
À l’article 4 du traité signé à Paris le 10 février 1763 entre la Grande-Bretagne et la France, on peut lire que « Sa Majesté Très Chrétienne cède et garantit à sadite Majesté britannique, en toute propriété, le Canada avec toutes ses dépendances ». Vingt ans plus tard, de nouvelles négociations franco-britanniques, commencées en avril 1782, se terminent le 3 septembre 1783 par la signature du second traité de Paris, dans lequel la Grande-Bretagne reconnaît l’indépendance des États-Unis d’Amérique. Ainsi, en l’espace de deux décennies, ces deux traités délimitent un tournant majeur dans l’histoire de l’Amérique du Nord. Ils marquent l’aboutissement de plusieurs siècles de rivalités coloniales entre Français et Anglais en Amérique du Nord et annoncent le point de départ d’un « monde atlantique nouveau » dont les États-Unis deviendront le centre. Ce livre entreprend de dresser un inventaire de tous les aspects de cette période de conflits et de négociations : la guerre au xviiie siècle et la marine française, la diplomatie et l’art de la paix, les ambitions impériales françaises hors d’Amérique du Nord, le devenir des populations confrontées à de nouvelles lois et règles de vie : Canadiens, Amérindiens, Anglo-américains.
On the editors:
Philippe Joutard (dir.) Philippe Joutard est professeur émérite des universités, il a enseigné à l’université de Provence et à l’EHESS. Ses derniers travaux ont porté sur les rapports complexes entre l’histoire et les mémoires. Didier Poton (dir.) Didier Poton est professeur émérite de l’université de La Rochelle (CRHIA). Ses travaux portent sur les protestants français et le Canada. Laurent Veyssière (dir.) Laurent Veyssière est conservateur général du patrimoine et historien de la Nouvelle- France. Il a dirigé plusieurs ouvrages sur la guerre de Sept Ans et le traité de Paris de 1763.
Table of contents:
Gilbert Pilleul et Denis Racine, Préface Didier Poton Introduction Lucien Bély La dimension diplomatique d’une grande déchirure : la Nouvelle-France de la paix d’Utrecht (1713) au traité de Paris (1763)Hélène Quimper Les leçons de la défaite française en Nouvelle-FranceJean-Pierre Poussou Et si la Nouvelle-France n’avait pas été perdue ? Essai d’histoire contrefactuelleEdmond Dziembowski Le legs politique de la guerre de Sept Ans en Grande-Bretagne : du patriotisme au radicalismeFrançoise Janin La fabrique du traité de Paris (1763)Alain Laberge La 14e colonie ? Population, économie et société dans la Vallée du Saint-Laurent après la Conquête (1760-1783)Laurent Veyssière Le Canada sous régime britannique (1763-1775) Adhésion, neutralité, résignationFrançoise Le Jeune Les suites du traité de Paris vues du côté britannique : mise en place de « nouvelles » politiques de colonisation au Canada français (1763)Alain Beaulieu Les droits des Autochtones à la terre entre les deux traités de Paris (1763-1783)Marcel Fournier Migration européenne vers le Québec De la guerre de Sept Ans à la Révolution française (1754-1789)Olivier Chaline Rendre courage à la MarineAlain Morgat La reconstruction de la marine royale après la guerre de Sept Ans Le cas de RochefortHervé Drévillon 1763-1783 : la France à la recherche d’une nouvelle « constitution militaire »Didier Poton « Retrouver le Canada » : véritable enjeu économique ou « nostalgie mercantile » ?Boris Lesueur Les Antilles dans la préparation de la guerre de revanchePernille Røge 1763 et la reconquête française du SénégalBertrand Van Ruymbeke Le Congrès des États-Unis et le traité de 1783 : les schémas politiques d’une négociation diplomatiqueTangi Villerbu Structurer un territoire ecclésiastique : la géopolitique catholique entre Grands Lacs et Mississippi (1763-1803)Denis Vaugeois L’article 7 du traité de ParisRobert Bouthillier et Éva Guillorel Que reste-t-il des conflits coloniaux franco-anglais dans la tradition chantée francophone d’Amérique ?Philippe Joutard Conclusion

See for more information.

Thursday, 2 April 2020

BOOK: Dorinda OUTRAM, The Enlightenment [New Approaches to European History] (Cambridge: CUP, 2020), 196 p. ISBN 9781108440776, 20,99 GBP

(image source: CUP)

Book abstract:
What is the Enlightenment? A period rich with debates on the nature of man, truth and the place of God, with the international circulation of ideas, people and gold. But did the Enlightenment mean the same for men and women, for rich and poor, for Europeans and non-Europeans? In this fourth edition of her acclaimed book, Dorinda Outram addresses these and other questions about the Enlightenment and its place at the foundation of modernity. Studied as a global phenomenon, Outram sets the period against broader social changes, touching on how historical interpretations of the Enlightenment continue to transform in response to contemporary socio-economic trends. Supported by a wide-ranging selection of documents online, this new edition provides an up-to-date overview of the main themes of the period and benefits from an expanded treatment of political economy and imperialism, making it essential reading for students of eighteenth-century history and philosophy.
On the author:
 Dorinda Outram is Clark Professor Emerita of History at the University of Rochester, New York. Her previous publications include Georges Cuvier: Vocation, Science and Authority in Post-Revolutionary France (1982), Uneasy Careers and Intimate Lives: Women in Science, 1789–1979 (1988) and The Body and the French Revolution: Sex, Class and Political Culture (1989).
(more information with CUP)

Wednesday, 1 April 2020

ARTICLE: Erez MANELA, 'International Society as a Historical Subject' (Diplomatic History XLIV (2020), No. 2, 184-209)

(image source: Oxford Journals)

First paragraph:
For some time now, historians have been venturing well beyond the spatial and methodological enclosures of nation-states that had long defined the modern discipline, writing more history that is variously described as international, transnational, transregional, global, or world history.1 This essay sets out to examine one aspect of the turn away from methodological nationalism—which is the assumption that the nation-state is the natural frame for the study of history—an aspect that has often been described as the emergence of a “new international history.”2 The term “international history” has had a rather complicated history in the U.S. historical profession,
Read more with Oxford Journals.