ESIL Interest Group History of International Law

ESIL Interest Group History of International Law

Thursday 31 March 2016

CONFERENCE REPORT: "The Vienna Congress and the Transformation of International Law" (HSozKult, 29 Mar 2016)

(image: Poppelsdorfer Schloss, source: Wikimedia Commons)

HSozKult published a conference report by Chirstophe Wampach (Bonn University, Institute for German and Rhineland Legal History) on the Conference "The Vienna Congress and the Transformation of International Law", held in Bonn on 3-4 September 2015 (see earlier on this blog).

First paragraph:
200 years after the European Great Powers convened in Vienna to discuss the post-Napoleonic era, Miloš Vec, professor of legal and constitutional history at the University of Vienna, and Mathias Schmoeckel, professor of legal history at the University of Bonn, called for an international and interdisciplinary conference to examine the implications of the Congress of 1815 in international law and conflict resolution. Indeed, whereas the political importance of the Congress of Vienna has very often been emphasised in the historical research, its legal aspects, on the contrary, have been left untold for too long. The conference took place on 3rd and 4th September 2015 at the Poppelsdorf Palace (Poppelsdorfer Schloss) in Bonn (Germany) and was financed by both the universities of Vienna and Bonn, and the LOEWE Research Focus ‘Extrajudicial and Judicial Conflict Resolution’ (LOEWE-Schwerpunkt „Außergerichtliche und gerichtliche Konfliktlösung“).
Fulltext here or on HNet.

Monday 21 March 2016

WORKSHOP A HISTORY OF INTERNATIONAL LAW IN ITALY: The Development of International Law Scholarship in Italy and the Impact of Key Historical and Political Events on International Legal Studies, Firenze: EUI, 18-19 Apr 2016

Prof. Guido Bartolini (Roma III) transmitted the following fascination programme of a two-day workshop on The History of International Law in Italy at the EUI (18-19 Apr).

18 – 19 April 2016
European University Institute
Sala Europa, Villa Schifanoia
via Boccaccio 121

Monday 18 April 2016

9.15 - 9.30 Introduction to the Workshop
Nehal Bhuta
What “A History of International Law in Italy” Is for?
Giulio Bartolini
9.30 - 11.00 Early ‘Italian’ Scholars of ius gentium
Claudia Storti Storchi
Discussant: Luigi Lacchè
International Legal Scholarship in Italy from the Late Seventeenth to the Early Nineteenth Century
Walter Rech 
Discussant: Eliana Augusti
11.00 - 11.20 Coffee-break
11.20 – 13.15 The Risorgimento and the ‘Birth’ of the International Law Scholarship in Italy Edoardo Greppi
Discussant: Claudia Storti Storchi
The Italian Legal Scholarships in the Early Decades of the XXth Century
Giulio Bartolini
Discussant: Bardo Fassbender
The Italian Doctrine of International Law in the Post-II WW Period (Antonio Cassese); The Last Decades of the Italian Doctrine
Paolo Palchetti 
Discussant: Nehal Bhuta
13.15 - 14.30 Lunch (speakers only)
14.30 - 17.30 The Dialogue of Private and Public International Law in Italy
Pietro Franzina
Discussant: Roberto Virzo 
The Formation of Scholarly Journals of International Law – Their Role in the Discipline
Ivan Ingravallo
Discussant: Milos Vec
Catholicism and International Law Studies
Mirko Sossai
Discussant: Paolo Benvenuti  
The Influx of International Law Scholars in the Constitution-making Process  Roberto Virzo
Discussant: Sergio Marchisio 

Tuesday 19 April 2016

9.00 - 11.10 Encounters: The Mutual Influence between Italian and Foreign Scholars Robert Kolb and Giovanni DiStefano
Discussant: Anne Peters
The Unification of Italy and International Law
Sergio Marchisio 

Colonialism and Italian International Lawyers
Luigi Nuzzo
Discussant: Matthew Craven 

11.10 - 11.30 Coffee-break
11.30 – 13.30 The “Roman Question”, the Creation of the Vatican City State and the Recognition of the International Legal Personality of the Holy See in the International Law Literature
Tommaso Di Ruzza
Discussant: Edoardo Greppi

Main Post-II WW International Law Issues: 1945-1957
Enrico Milano 
Discussant: Federico Romero
The Impact of Marxism on Italian International Lawyers
Lorenzo Gradoni
Discussant:  Pavel Kolář

13.30 Conclusion of the Workshop

Eliana Augusti University of Salento
Giulio Bartolini University of Roma Tre
Paolo Benvenuti University of Roma Tre
Nehal Bhuta European University Institute
Matthew Craven SOAS, University of London
Tommaso Di Ruzza Financial Information Authority, Holy See
Giovanni DiStefano University of Neuchatel
Bardo Fassbender University of St. Gallen
Pietro Franzina University of Ferrara
Lorenzo Gradoni Max Planck Institute Luxembourg for International, European and Regulatory Procedural Law
Edoardo Greppi University of Turin
Ivan Ingravallo University of Bari
Pavel Kolář European University Institute
Robert Kolb University of Geneva
Luigi Lacchè University of Macerata
Sergio Marchisio University of Rome, La Sapienza
Enrico Milano University of Verona
Luigi Nuzzo University of Salento
Paolo Palchetti University of Macerata
Anne Peters Max Planck Institute, Heidelberg
Walter Rech University of Helsinki
Federico Romero European University Institute
Mirko Sossai University of Roma Tre
Claudia Storti Storchi University of Milan
Milos Vec University of Vienna
Roberto Virzo University of Sannio

Giulio Bartolini University of Roma Tre
Nehal Bhuta European University Institute
Valentina Spiga European University Institute

A PDF of this provisional programme can be found here.

Tuesday 15 March 2016

LECTURE: World War One and the End of Neutrality: A Question Asked in the Wrong Way ? (Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium, Committee for Legal History/VUB CORE, 7 Apr 2016)

The Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium (Committee for Legal History) and the Research Group CORE (Contextual Research in Law) of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) invite prof. dr. Eric Schnakenbourg (Université de Nantes/CRHIA/Institut Universitaire de France) for a lecture on the topic:

"World War One and the End of Neutrality:
A Question Asked in the Wrong Way ?"

Prof. dr. Eric Schnakenbourg is full-time professor of History at the University of Nantes and Director of the Research Center on International and Atlantic History. He published his Habilitation à diriger des recherches with the Presses Universitaires de Rennes in 2013 (Entre la guerre et la paix. Neutralite et relations internationales, XVIIe-XVIIIe siècles), and, earlier, his doctoral dissertation on France and Northern Europe in the early 18th Century with Honoré Campion.

The event will take place in the Academy Palace (Simon Stevin-Room), from 12:30 to 14:00.

Registration is mandatory, since the number of seats is limited. Click here for the event page.