ESIL Interest Group History of International Law

ESIL Interest Group History of International Law

Friday 21 December 2018


(image source: aflowerinjapan)

The Interest Groups thanks all its visitors for their uninterrupted attention. We will take a break from posting until 7 January 2019.

Enjoy the holidays and visit us again for updates in the New Year !

JOURNAL: Journal of the History of International Law/Revue d'histoire du droit international XX (2018), No. 3 (Dec)

(image source: Brill)

Possibilities of the Past: Histories of the NIEO and the Travails of Critique (Ingo Venzke)
The resurfacing interest in the New International Economic Order (NIEO) is mainly driven by the ambition of regaining a sense for past possibilities in order to question the present and to open up different futures. This ambition resonates with the core of critical thinking which pushes toward an appreciation of contingencies. What was possible? When approaching this question, however, historical inquiries must not overstate the possibilities of different action at the expense of determining structures. More specifically, they need to deal with the low degree of institutionalized politics on the international plane. And they need to counter a tendency toward excess nostalgia for that which was not. More than anything else, the history of the NIEO testifies to the great difficulties in turning claims about contingency into compelling narratives. Another way of approaching the NIEO, however, does not place actual possibilities at its centre, but unrealized potentials.
Historical Titles v. Effective Occupation: Spanish Jurists on the Caroline Islands Affair (1885) (Marta Lorente)
This article analyses the arguments posed by Spanish jurists regarding the character and value in international nineteenth-century order of the titles to territories that the Spanish State inherited from the Catholic Monarchs. Focused on defending colonial interests in the Pacific, Spanish jurists insisted upon reproducing the legitimising arguments of the Conquest throughout the nineteenth century, until the German occupation of the Caroline Islands, expressly supported by the agreements reached at the Berlin Conference, forced them to rethink the foundations of their argument. The conflict surrounding the Caroline Islands was the first example of confrontation between articles 33 and 34 of the Act of Berlin and historical titles.
On the Use and Abuse of Francisco de Vitoria: James Brown Scott and Carl Schmitt (Joshua Schmeltzer)
This article traces the use and abuse of Francisco de Vitoria in the work of James Brown Scott and Carl Schmitt. With reference to his notebook entries from the period, it argues that Schmitt’s interpretation of Francisco de Vitoria and the Respublica Christiana in Der Nomos der Erde was a polemical response to the work of James Brown Scott, meant to weaponise the legacy of Vitoria and thereby undercut the basis for liberal internationalist theories of just war and the formal equality of states. In doing so, the present study provides a historicist account of Schmitt’s own attempt to construct a history of the law of nations in the aftermath of World War II.
Professor James Leslie Brierly and His First Chinese Pupil Li Shengwu at Oxford University Faculty of Law (1927–1930) (Chen Li)
This article focuses on James Brierly’s acceptance and supervision of Li Shengwu—the first Chinese student to conduct research into international law at Oxford. In Section 2, it traces Li Shengwu’s admission by Oxford. Section 3 outlines Li’s draft thesis and explains possible reasons for his failure to graduate.

Book reviews:
The Law of the Whale Hunt. Dispute Resolution, Property Law, and American Whales, 1780–1880, written by Robert Deal (Malgosia Fitzmaurice)

Rage for Order. The British Empire and the Origins of International Law, 1800–1850, written by Lauren Benton and Lisa Ford (Parvathi Menon)

(More information here)

Thursday 20 December 2018

INTERVIEW: Dimitri VAN DEN MEERSSCHE & Pascal MESSER interview Martti KOSKENNIEMI on "International Law and the Far Right" (Opinio Iuris, 10 DEC 2018)

(image source: OpinioJuris)

Opinio Iuris has an extended interview with Martti Koskenniemi, following his lecture on 29 November 2018 in The Hague on "International Law and the Far Right."

First paragraph:

Last week in the Peace Palace, Prof. Martti Koskenniemi spoke about international law and the rise of the far right for the Hague-based T.M.C. Asser Instituut. “Economic reforms are of no concern to these protesters. And the more you try to reform, the more you will appear like a hopeless idiot.” An interview with Prof. Martti Koskenniemi on the backlash against globalism, fake expertise and the smoking gun in his historical work by Dimitri van den Meerssche & Pascal Messer. At the Fourth Asser Annual Lecture you spoke about the current ‘backlash’ against international law and its institutions and the rise of the extreme right. You seem to have your own analysis on the nature of this backlash and where it stems from. Yes. I am critical of this liberal understanding which tries to establish a sympathetic relationship with people who are assumed to have been, as the cliché goes, ‘left behind’, those lost somewhere in an ‘unavoidable process of globalisation’. This sociological and economic account looks at the way in which the economic benefits from globalisation have not reached a group of people. These people would be reacting to their relative deprivation, by being critical of elites and of life in the city. And by Brexit and by voting for Trump, and by kicking in the ass those people who they think are responsible for their deprivation and marginalisation.
Prof.  Koskenniemi's lecture was announced earlier on this blog.

See the video of the original lecture below (Youtube):

Wednesday 19 December 2018

CALL FOR PAPERS: Peace among the Ruins. The Legacy of Andrew Carnegie’s Internationalism and the World Crisis of 1919 (Edinburgh: University of Edinburg, 30 MAY-1 JUN 2019); DEADLINE 14 JAN 2019

(image source: Wikimedia Commons)
The 11th of August 2019 will mark the hundredth anniversary of the death of Andrew Carnegie. While best known in the popular imagination for his ‘rags to riches’ story, rising from an early life of penury in Dunfermline to become America’s leading steel tycoon, Carnegie was also a committed and influential internationalist. By the age of forty, Carnegie spent the majority of his time not on his considerable business ventures, but on becoming a scholar and public intellectual. He dreamed of the reunion of Britain and America, became a fervent acolyte of Herbert Spencer, publicly chastised the United States’ turn to imperialism following the Spanish-American War, and called for a world order founded on international law. Carnegie also devoted his largesse to these causes. Most notably as the patron of the Peace Palace in The Hague, which today houses the International Court of Justice, and the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, still widely considered to be one of the most influential think-tanks in the world.
2019 will also witness the hundredth anniversary of several epochal events in the history of internationalism – the Versailles Treaty, the signing of the covenant of the League of Nations, and the foundation of the Communist International. These anniversaries present an opportune moment to return to Andrew Carnegie’s thought and philanthropy, and to examine his contribution to the history, development and contemporary practice of internationalism. The retrenchment of internationalism in recent years endows these topics with a new and urgent significance, while also raising a number of interesting parallels with the fate of the internationalism of Carnegie’s own day – mired as it was by war, protectionism, crumbling empires, economic depression, and the stillborn birth of the League of Nations. It was this period of crisis that gave way both to the Second World War, and to a recrudescent internationalism that paved the way for the United Nations and the post-war international order. Its legacies are manifold for today.
Drawing on these anniversaries, the University of Edinburgh – an apposite location since Carnegie’s birthplace, Dunfermline, lies just across the River Forth – is hosting a conference focusing on some of the themes of Carnegie’s life and the year 1919. The conference will consist of a number of panels, grouped around five keynote addresses by the invited speakers.
Invited Speakers
- Dr Duncan Bell, University of Cambridge
- Professor Erez Manela, Harvard University
- Professor Patricia Owens, University of Sussex
- Professor Inderjeet Parmar, University of London
- Professor Ingrid Sharp, Leeds University
Paper Submissions
We welcome paper proposals from historians, international relations scholars and political theorists on the following subjects (this list is meant to be indicative rather than exhaustive):
- Carnegie’s views on international cooperation, philanthropy and world politics
- Significance of 1919 as a turning point in the history of internationalism
- History of international cooperation, organisations and law
- Proposals for an Anglo-American union
- Role of philanthropic organisations, endowments and think tanks in world politics
- Visions of world order and the decline of empires
- Origins and history of American anti-imperialism
- Changing tides of globalisation
Please submit a 500-word proposal and a short CV to Louis Fletcher ( by 14 January 2019. You will be notified about the status of your submission by the end of January 2019.
Conference Organisers
Louis Fletcher
Dr Fabian Hilfrich
Prof Juliet Kaarbo
Dr Mathias Thaler
The conference is sponsored by the School of History, Classics and Archaeology, the School of Social and Political Science, and the Centre for Security Research (CeSeR) at the University of Edinburgh.
(source: HSozKult)

BOOK: Ignacio DE LA RASILLA DEL MORAL and Ayesha SHAHID, eds., International Law and Islam (Leiden-New York: Brill | Nijhoff, 2018). ISBN 978-90-04-38837-6, €165.00

(Source: Brill)

Brill has published a book dealing with the role of Islam in the history of international law, co-edited by our former ESIL IG president, Prof. dr. Ignacio de la Rasilla (Wuhan University Institute of International Law).


International Law and Islam: Historical Explorations offers a unique opportunity to examine the Islamic contribution to the development of international law in historical perspective. The role of Islam in its various intellectual, political and legal manifestations within the history of international law is part of the exciting intellectual renovation of international and global legal history in the dawn of the twenty-first century. The present volume is an invitation to engage with this thriving development after ‘generations of prejudiced writing’ regarding the notable contribution of Islam to international law and its history.


Ignacio de la Rasilla, Ph.D. (2011) Geneva, is Han Depei Chair Professor of International Law at Wuhan University, Institute of International Law. He has published extensively on international law and its history including In the Shadow of Vitoria (Brill-Nijhoff, 2017). Ayesha Shahid, Ph.D. (2008) University of Warwick, UK, is Senior Lecturer in Law at Coventry Law School, Coventry University. She has published extensively on Islamic Law and Human Rights and is the author ofSilent Voices, Untold Stories (OUP, 2010).


Ignacio de la Rasilla, Islam and the Global Turn in the History of International Law
Ignacio de la Rasilla, The Protean Historical Mirror of International Law
Michelle Burgis-Kasthala, How Should International Lawyers Study Islamic Law and Its Contribution to International Law?
Ayesha Shahid, An Exploration of the ‘Global’ History of International Law: Some Perspectives from within the Islamic Legal Traditions
John D. Haskell, Subjectivity and Structures: The Challenges of Methodology in the Study of the History of International Law and Religion
Robert Kolb, The Basis of Obligation in Treaties of Ancient Cultures – Pactum Est Servandum?
Jean Allain, Khadduri as Gatekeeper of the Islamic Law of Nations?
Ignacio Forcada Barona, In Search of the Lost Influence: Islamic Thinkers and the Spanish Origins of International Law
Pierre-Alexandre Cardinal & Frédéric Mégret, The Other ‘Other’: Moors, International Law and the Origin of the Colonial Matrix
Luigi Nuzzo, Law, Religion and Power: Texts and Discourse of Conquest
Ilias Bantekas, Land Rights in Nineteenth-Century Ottoman State Succession Treaties
Haniff Ahamat & Nizamuddin Alias, The Evolution of the Personality of the Malay Sultanate States
Matthias Vanhullebusch, On the Abodes of War and Peace in the Islamic Law of War: Fact or Fiction?
Mohamed Badar, Ahmed Al-Dawoody & Noelle Higgins, The Origins and Evolution of Islamic Law of Rebellion: Its Significance to the Current International Humanitarian Law Discourse

More information here

(source: ESCLH Blog)

Tuesday 18 December 2018

BOOK: Sébastien SCHICK, Des liaisons avantageuses. Ministres, liens de dépendance et diplomatie dans le Saint-Empire romain germanique (1720-1760) [Histoire Moderne, ISSN 0761-523X] (Paris: Editions de la Sorbonne, 2018), 384 p. ISBN 9791035100971, € 25

(image source: Éditions de la Sorbonne)

L'amitié, la parenté, le patronage : autant de relations personnelles de dépendance mobilisées avec efficacité dans l'Europe du XVIIIe siècle. À la croisée d’une histoire sociale et culturelle du fait politique, ce livre analyse un mode d’action spécifique, représentatif de la culture politique de la seconde modernité. Ces liaisons avantageuses, qu’un ensemble de pratiques spécifiques permettent d’entretenir, représentent alors un capital social d’autant plus essentiel qu’il est l’une des conditions de l’action politique efficace. Les principaux acteurs de cet ouvrage sont des ministres des principautés de Brunswick-Lunebourg, de Saxe, de Prusse, de Cologne et de Wolfenbüttel : en observant la manière dont ils utilisaient, dans le cadre de l’action diplomatique, les relations qu’ils avaient su tisser, en Allemagne mais aussi en Europe, ce sont surtout des connexions et des pratiques européennes que ce travail fait apparaître. L’ouvrage croise ainsi trois objets historiographiques : les relations de dépendance, qui apparaissent dans toute leur importance politique ; le Saint-Empire, dont le fonctionnement n’est pas analysé à partir de son système juridique ou de ses institutions, mais des relations sociales qui le fondent en tant que société politique ; la diplomatie européenne, enfin. Le constat du rôle fondamental, dans l’action diplomatique, des réseaux personnels des ministres, permet de questionner le modèle d’une diplomatie européenne qui serait devenue toujours plus professionnelle et spécialisée au cours des siècles.
More information with the publisher.

Monday 17 December 2018

CALL FOR PAPERS: XXVth Annual Forum of Young Legal Historians (Brussels: VUB/ULB/USL, 5-8 JUNE 2019); DEADLINE 15 JAN 2019

Identity, Citizenship and Legal History

XXVth Annual Forum of Young Legal Historians
Brussels, 5 – 8 June 2019

(image source: Wikimedia Commons)

Historically, the concept of citizenship encompassed three distinct, yet interconnected dimensions. The first and foremost dimension was of a legal nature: citizenship was a legal status which allowed one to act freely in accordance with the law and, when necessary, to claim its protection. In its second dimension citizenship presupposed one’s active participation in society’s political institutions. And last, though certainly not least, citizenship was closely linked to membership of a specific community that provided a distinct source of identity. All three dimensions were closely related to each other. This can perhaps be most aptly exemplified in the ancient boast of ‘Civis romanus sum!’, which encapsulated simultaneously a plea for legal rights, a republican sense of duty, and a distinctly Roman feeling of the imperial pride. Since the nineteenth century, these dimensions have been linked predominantly to the modern nation-state, a model which is nowadays increasingly challenged on the internal as well as the external level. Internally, many states are seen to be struggling with federalism, separatist movements, legacies of colonialism and right-wing identity politics. Externally, today’s governments are confronted with issues, such as climate change, demographic shifts, migration streams and a global and interdependent economic system, that require international cooperation or even supranational institutions.

The XXVth Annual Forum of the Young Legal Historians aims to shed light on these questions by looking at the legal history of the closely intertwined concepts of citizenship and legal history. Throughout history, citizenship and identity has been defined in different ways and at different levels. For instance, in antiquity the often smallish Greek poleis could hardly be compared to the expansive Roman Empire. Medieval life in Europe consisted of a feudal patchwork of kingdoms, principalities and free city-states, yet all were considered part of Christendom. Identity could also be determined by social class (e.g. aristocratic families) or by profession (e.g. the guilds). The nineteenth century saw the rise of nationalism and revolution, whilst at the same time European powers expanded their colonial empires. Despite these evolutions, it cannot be denied that there is also much continuity to be found. Although diversity and globalisation have reached an unprecedented scale and form today, these phenomena are not entirely new. Each era has had its international relations, its trades, wars, economic discrepancies, migrants and refugees.

There is, in short, enough reason to expect that we can learn from history. Such an endeavour necessitates a multidisciplinary approach since legal constructions can be fully appreciated only when combined with insights from the related fields of history, philosophy, political science and sociology. Therefore, the organizers welcome both traditional approaches in legal history and methodologically innovative research.

If you would like to present a paper during the conference, please send an application including an abstract of not more than 250 words and your CV to before 15 January 2019. It is also possible to apply for a full panel. In that case, your proposal should also include, in addition to individual paper proposals, an abstract introducing the theme of the panel. Presentations have to be in English and should not exceed 20 minutes each. The conference fee will be € 100,- and does not include accommodation. Further information about the upcoming forum can be found at the website of the conferenceInformation about the Association of Young Legal Historians and the past Annual Forums is available at the AYLH-website.

We look forward to welcoming you to Brussels.

Wouter De Rycke (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, CORE)
Marco in ’t Veld (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, CORE)
Maxime Jottrand (Université libre de Bruxelles, CHDAJ)
Romain Landmeters (Université Saint-Louis Bruxelles, CRHiDI)

Stephanie Plasschaert (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, CORE)
This conference received the generous support of the Committee for Legal History of the Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Science and the Arts.

(source: ESCLH Blog)

Friday 14 December 2018

BOOK: Shavana MUSA, Victim Reparation under the Ius Post Bellum : An Historical and Normative Perspective [Cambridge Studies in International and Comparative Law] (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018). ISBN 9781108471732, £ 85.00

Cambridge University Press is publishing a book on victim reparations under the ius post bellum.


Victim Reparation under the Ius Post Bellum fills an enormous gap in international legal scholarship. It questions the paradigmatic shift of rights to reparation towards a morality-based theory of international law. At a time when international law has a tendency to take a purely positivistic and international approach, Shavana Musa questions whether an embrace of an evaluative approach alongside the politics of war and peace is more practical and effective for war victims. Musa provides a never-before-conducted contextual insight into how the issue has been handled historically, analysing case studies from major wars from the seventeenth century to the modern day. She uses as-yet untouched archival documentation from these periods, which uncovers unique data and information on international peacemaking, and actually demonstrates more effective practices of reparation provisions compared with today. This book combines historical analysis with modern day developments to provide normative assertions for a future reparation system.


Shavana MusaUniversity of Manchester
Shavana Musa is a Lecturer in international law, security and human rights at the University of Manchester, and a Fulbright Scholar in Cyber Security at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in Washington DC. She is also Founder and CEO of Ontogeny Global, a revolutionary risk management firm. She has conducted projects on human rights within the international investment regime, child labour, as well as the complexities surrounding law and technology.


1. Introduction
2. Peace treaties and Admiralty Courts
3. The Anglo-Dutch wars
4. The Silesian loan affair and the Seven Years War
5. The American War of Independence
6. The Anglo-Argentine Commission
7. The American Civil War
8. The Second Anglo-Boer War
9. Reparation and international law from the twentieth century
10. A peaceful and normative conclusion?
List of cases
List of treaties, Legislation and other legal instruments

More information here

(source: ESCLH Blog)

Thursday 13 December 2018

BOOK REVIEW: Jorge Díaz CEBALLOS reviews Jorge CAÑIZARES-EGUERA, Entangled Empires: The Anglo-Iberian Atlantic, 1500-1830 (Philadelphia: University of Philadelphia Press, 2018), 344 p. ISBN 9780812249835, 55 USD [H-DIPLO]

(image source: HNet)

First paragraph:

In his influential book, which appeared in 1970, The Old World and the New, John H. Elliott traced the origins and development of European’s perception of the New World since 1492. Elliott emphasized how nineteenth-century historiography set the standards of interpretation for this event, creating a “Europocentric conception of history” that celebrated, in a somewhat optimistic fashion, the pursuits and the impact of European nations in faraway lands.[1] That conception of history was based on a liberal interpretation of history as a linear and uninterrupted path of progress. According to Elliott, twentieth-century historiography maintained the interpretation of European’s conquest of the New World. The difference was that twentieth-century scholars wrote about “European superiority” “burdened with the consciousness of European guilt.”[2] Although Elliott’s historiographic analysis only covered books published until 1970, his conclusions remained valid until recent times. This book has had a long-lasting influence on scholars working on the relationship between the New World and Old; two congresses, later published in books, even sprang from that influence.[3] Elliott’s own chapter in one of these books qualified as “blunted” the impact between Renaissance Europe and America, and declared that, in the moment of the first contact a linear advance did not start; instead “we find ourselves at the beginning of a winding road which twists back on itself, and involves retreats, advances, and more than one false start.”[4] That very spirit moved Elliott’s own research on a comparative history of Spanish and British Empires in the New World to a very well-built monographic study of the conquest and colonization of America by the two nations. Elliott’s Empires of the Atlantic World: Britain and Spain in America 1492-1830 (2006), although deepened by his analysis, was constructed with a parallel structure that compared two empires chronologically and thematically.

Read further here.

(source: H-Diplo)

Wednesday 12 December 2018

BOOK: Rémi FABRE, Thierry BONZON, Jean-Michel GUIEU, Elisa MARCOBELLI & Michel RAPOPORT (eds.), Les défenseurs de la paix (Rennes: Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2018), 446 p. ISBN 9782753575462

(image source: PUR)

Book abstract:
Les défenseurs de la paix apparaissent comme un élément essentiel de l’histoire politique et intellectuelle du début du XXe siècle mais aussi de la Grande Guerre. Cet ouvrage s’efforce de les « retrouver » en présentant autour d’eux une pluralité d’éclairages, et en restituant la pleine dimension internationale de leurs activités. Les limites chronologiques choisies permettent d’envisager tant la menace de la guerre dans la paix que l’espérance de la paix dans la guerre. Au tableau d’un « avant-guerre » glissant inexorablement vers l’abîme est préférée une présentation moins téléologique, qui prend davantage en compte les forces qui œuvrèrent au maintien de la paix.

Table of contents:
Avant-propos, p. 7
Thierry Bonzon, Rémi Fabre, Jean-Michel Guieu, Elisa Marcobelli et Michel Rapoport, Introduction générale, p. 9

Première partie : Culture de paix
Rémi Fabre, Jean-Michel Guieu et Elisa Marcobelli, Prologue : Les réseaux internationaux de défense de la paix à la Belle Époque, entre rivalités et convergences, p. 23

Culture de paix
Emmanuel Jousse, L’idéalisme des nouveaux Machiavels. Réflexions de la Société fabienne sur la guerre et la paix (1899-1918), p. 47
Jean-François Condette, « La guerre agonisante ». Les combats pour la paix de la revue pédagogique Le Volume (1899-1914), p. 67
Jean-Rémy Bézias, Albert Ier de Monaco et Bertha von Suttner : une relation au service de la paix (1900-1914), p. 83

Le droit au service de la paix
Jean-Michel Guieu, La « paix par le droit ». De l’âge d’or du pacifisme juridique à la « guerre du droit », p. 95
Jakob Zollmann, Théorie et pratique de l’arbitrage international avant la Première Guerre mondiale, p. 111
Gabriela A . Frei, The Institut de droit international and the Making of Law for Peace (1899–1917), p. 127

La diffusion de l’idéal de la paix dans les sociétés européennes
Gearóid Barry, Alfred Vanderpol (1854-1915), religious internationalism and the pre-history of Catholic pacifism in France, 1906-1917, p. 141
Piotr Szlanta, Poles—Nation without Pacifists? Phenomenon of War and the Polish Public Opinion 1899-1914, p. 151
Gérald Sawicki, Appels et manifestations en faveur de la paix : la contribution des Alsaciens-Lorrains en 1913, p. 163
Rémi Fabre, L’antipacifisme dans le débat culturel et politique : autour de la Revue des Deux Mondes, p. 177
Werner Wintersteiner, Épilogue : 1914 – de la culture de la violence à la culture de guerre, p. 193

Seconde partie : Face aux défis de la guerre
Sandi E . Cooper, Prologue : The Campaigns to prevent the Great War: Peace Prophets and European Realities, p. 211

Dans l’urgence de la guerre
Elisa Marcobelli, L’Internationale et les socialistes français, allemands et italiens face à la guerre italo-turque (1911-1912),.p. 229
Rémy Cazals, Une pacifiste au travail en pleine guerre : Marie-Louise Puech-Milhau, p. 241

La guerre pour le droit
Nadine Akhund et Stéphane Tison, L’appel à l’Amérique. L’action de Nicholas Murray Butler et Paul d’Estournelles de Constant en faveur de la paix pendant la Grande Guerre (1914-1917), p. 255
Michael Riemens, Neutral peace activities and initiatives during the Great War: The Dutch Anti-War Council and the Central Organisation for a Durable Peace, p. 273
Carl Bouchard, « Nous savions que notre cause avait un défenseur » : Woodrow Wilson parle de la paix (1914-1917), p. 285

La paix contre la guerre
Thierry Bonzon, Pierre Brizon, le paysan du Danube. Itinéraire d’un socialiste devenu pacifiste, p. 303
Claudia Baldoli, La protestation paysanne catholique contre la guerre dans la vallée du Pô, 1914-1917, p. 331
Michel Rapoport, 1899-1917, Bertrand Russell, un apôtre du pacifisme ?, p. 343
Jean-Yves Brancy, Européens et pacifistes dans la Grande Guerre : l’amitié Romain Rolland-Stefan Zweig, p. 355
Verdiana Grossi, Femmes et paix : 1914-1917, p. 369
Norman Ingram, Épilogue : Reconfigurations du Pacifisme : la Grande Guerre, les défenseurs de la paix, et l’évolution du pacifisme, p. 391
Thierry Bonzon, Rémi Fabre, Jean-Michel Guieu, Elisa Marcobelli et Michel Rapoport, Conclusion générale : 1899-1917, retrouver les défenseurs de la paix, p. 403

More information with the publisher.

Tuesday 11 December 2018

BOOK: Christian DJEFFAL, Static and Evolutive Treaty Interpretation. A Funcational Reconstruction [Cambridge Studies in International and Comparative Law] (Cambridge: CUP, 2018), ISBN 9781107543645, 27,99 GBP

(image source: ManagementBooks)

How should international treaties be interpreted over time? This book offers fresh insights on this age-old question. The Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (VCLT) sets out the rules for interpretation, stipulating that treaties should be interpreted inter alia according to the 'ordinary meaning' of the text. Evolutive interpretation has been considered since the times of Gentili and Grotius, but this is the first book to systematically address what evolutive interpretation looks like in reality. It sets out to address how and under what circumstances it can be said that the interpretation of a treaty evolves, and under what circumstances it remains static. With the VCLT as its point of departure, this study develops a functional reconstruction of the rules of treaty interpretation, and explores and analyses how the International Court of Justice and the European Court of Human Rights have approached the issue.
On the author:
Christian Djeffal received his Ph.D. from Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, where he worked as a research assistant. He is currently a law clerk at the Higher Regional Court of Frankfurt. He has been a visiting scholar at the Amsterdam Center for International Law at the University of Amsterdam, the Lauterpacht Centre at the University of Cambridge, and the Max-Planck-Institute for Comparative Public and International Law.
Table of contents here.

Monday 10 December 2018

CONFERENCE: Hommage à René Cassin "1948-2018 - 70e anniversaire de la Déclaration universelle des droits de l’homme" (Paris: Quai d'Orsay, 11-2 DEC 2018)

(image source: Wikimedia Commons)

Conference abstract:
À l’occasion du 70e anniversaire de la Déclaration universelle des droits de l’homme et du cinquantième anniversaire de l’attribution du prix Nobel de la paix à René Cassin, ces journées d’études proposent de revenir sur l’émergence des droits de l’homme dans les relations internationales et sur leur place dans le monde contemporain. Que ce soit à l’issue des deux conflits mondiaux, avec l’adoption historique de la résolution 217 A III de l’Assemblée générale des Nations Unies le 10 décembre 1948, pendant la décolonisation ou à la fin de la guerre froide, le progrès des droits de l’homme est en jeu. La Conférence mondiale sur les droits de l’homme réunie à Vienne du 14 au 25 juin 1993 réaffirme avec force l’universalité et l’indivisibilité des droits de l’homme qui constituent désormais, avec la paix et le développement, l’un des trois piliers des Nations Unies. Cette inscription des droits de l’homme dans un temps long, associant diplomates, historiens et juristes, sera abordée au cours de ce colloque en s’appuyant notamment sur la présentation de sources et d’archives méconnues ou récemment ouvertes sur le sujet.
Conference programme here.
More information here.

Wednesday 5 December 2018

CONFERENCE: Politics and the Histories of International Law (Heidelberg, 15-16 February) – Programme

The Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law has published the programme for the conference Politics and the Histories of International Law. More information can be found here 

15 – 16 February 2019, MPIL, Heidelberg, Germany
Friday, 15 February 2019
Registration and Coffee
Welcome Address by Anne Peters, Randall Lesaffer and Emmanuelle Tourme Jouannet
Keynote Opening by Sundhya Pahuja

Panel Ia:
Slavery, Slave Trade and the Law of the Sea
(Chair: Raphael Schäfer)
Panel Ib:
International Law before and beyond the West
(Chair: Luigi Nuzzo)
Panel Ic:
Vulnerability and
International Law
(Chair: Robert Stendel)

Anne-Charlotte Martineau,
The Politics of Writing on Slavery and International Law

Emiliano Buis,
The Politics of Anti-Politics: Mainstream Histories of International Law and the Paradox of Antiquity

León Castellanos-Jankiewicz,
Nationalism and Early International Right
Parvathi Menon,
Protecting Empire in Slave Colonies

Salina Belmessous
Indigenous Peoples and International Law

Karin Loevy,
Histories of International Law as Windows to Law’s Politics: Dicey, Humanitarianism and the Jews
Stefano Cattelan,
Law and Politics, the Genesis of the Law of the Sea
Radhika Jagtap,
Developing an Anticolonial Historiography of International Law from a Social Movements’ Perspective

Momchil Milanov,
One Hundred Years of Soli(dari)tude: The Making of the Refugee Status and the Politics of Humanitarianism 

Sebastian Spitra,
New Narratives for a Critical History of World Cultural Heritage

Ignacio de la Rasilla del Moral,
Women’s Historical Invisibility in International Law

Panel IIa:
The Politicization of Western Legal History
(Chair: Miloš Vec)
Panel IIb:
The Politics of Legal History in the Books
(Chair: Annabel Brett)
Panel IIc:
The Laws of War in Context

 (Chair: Rüdiger Wolfrum)
Jan Lemnitzer,
Bringing Politics Back in: What the ‘Turn to Practice’ Means for the Writing of Histories of International Law

Paolo Amorosa,
The Politics of the International Legal Canon: Revisiting the Legacy of the Carnegie Classics Series

Hirofumi Oguri,
Taming Politics in the Historiographies of International Law: Between Naïve Positivism and Agnosticism

Thibaut Fleury Graff,
Henry Wheaton and the Powers of History: Justifying the Power of the US Federal Government in the 19thCentury by Rewriting the History and Contents of International Law

Julia Bühner,
Let There be Light – Histories Hidden in the Shadow of Francisco de Vitoria

Rotem Giladi,
Rites of Affirmation: Progress and Immanence in International Humanitarian Law Historiography 

Maria Adele Carrai,
W. A. P. Martin as a Legal Historian and the Politics of History in Late Qing-China 

Deborah Whitehall,
The Politics of Writing the History of International Law as a Treatise

Claire Vergerio,
Inventing the History of the Laws of War: The Revival of Alberico Gentili in the late 19th Century

Angelo Dube / Lindelwa Mhlongo, The Forgotten Continent? Interrogating Africa’s Contribution to the History and Development of International Law

Amanda AlexanderThe Politics of the Depoliticized Civilian

Session III
Panel IIIa:
The Politics of the Use of Force and the Function of Peace
 (Chair: Anthony Carty)
Panel IIIb:
Legitimacy, Security and Sovereignty in International Legal History 
(Chair: Inge Van Hulle)

Panel IIIc:
The Role of International Legal History before International Courts and Tribunals

(Chair: Thomas Duve)
John Hursh,
What is a Threat to the Peace? Historical Assessment and Shifting Legal Meaning

Michael Mulligan,
Politics and the Histories of International Law: International Law and the Spectre of Legitimacy

Gustavo Prieto,
Mixed Claim Commissions in Latin America During the 19th and 20th Centuries

Thilo Marauhn / Marie-Christin Stenzel,
Narratives of Peace as Justifications for the Use of Force: Henry A. Kissinger and the Long Peace of the 19th Century

Ríán Tuathal Derrig,
The Psychoanalytic New Haven School: A Case Study of Interwar Legal Science

Jakob Zollmann,
Searching for History in Law. The Polish-German Mixed Arbitral Tribunal after 1919

Hendrik Simon,
In the Shadow of War and Order. Historical Reflections on the Interrelationship between Political and Scholarly Practices of Justifying War

Etienne Henry,
Soviet Praxis of Collective Security in the League of Nations Era

Valeria Vázquez Guevara,
A Critical Re-Description of the History of Truth Commissions

Katie Szilagyi / Jon Khan,
There Might Come Soft Rains: Technological Determinism, International Law, and the Age of Intelligent Machines

Mikhail Antonov, The Rise of the Sovereignty Argument in Russian Approaches to International Law 

Michel Erpelding,
International Law and the European Court of Justice: The Politics of Avoiding History

BRILL Conference Dinner with Keynote by
Jacob Katz Cogan
Saturday, 16 February 2019
Plenary Session
(Chair: Randall Lesaffer)

Nehal BhutaHistories of/in International Law 
Jean d’AspremontCritical Attitudes in Historiographical International Legal Studies
Aoife O’Donoghue / Henry JonesHistories of International Law and Self-Reflection within the Discipline
Madeleine HerrenAliens, Race and Law: A History of the Odd Ones Out
Concluding Observations by Matthew Craven and the Editors

(source: ESCLH Blog)