ESIL Interest Group History of International Law

ESIL Interest Group History of International Law

Friday 23 October 2020

BOOK: Lothar BROCK & Hendrik SIMON (eds.), The Justification of War and International Order. From Past to Present [The History and Theory of International Law, eds. Nehal BHUTA, Anthony PAGDEN & Benjamin STRAUMANN] (Oxford: OUP, 2021), 560 p. ISBN 9780198865308, 95 GBP

(image source: OUP)

The history of war is also a history of its justification. The contributions to this book argue that the justification of war rarely happens as empty propaganda. While it is directed at mobilizing support and reducing resistance, it is not purely instrumental. Rather, the justification of force is part of an incessant struggle over what is to count as justifiable behaviour in a given historical constellation of power, interests, and norms. This way, the justification of specific wars interacts with international order as a normative frame of reference for dealing with conflict. The justification of war shapes this order, and is being shaped by it. As the justification of specific wars entails a critique of war in general, the use of force in international relations has always been accompanied by political and scholarly discourses on its appropriateness. In much of the pertinent literature the dominating focus is on theoretical or conceptual debates as a mirror of how international normative orders evolve. In contrast, the focus of the present volume is on theory and political practice as sources for the re- and de-construction of the way in which the justification of war and international order interact. With contributions from international law, history, and international relations, and from Western and non-Western perspectives, this book offers a unique collection of papers exploring the continuities and changes in war discourses as they respond to and shape normative orders from early modern times to the present.

Table of contents:

1:The Justification of War and International Order. From Past to Present, Hendrik Simon and Lothar Brock
Part I
2:Politics, Ethics and History in Just War, Anthony Lang, Jr.
3:Imperialism, International Law and War: Enduring Legacies and Curious Entanglements, Siddharth Mallavarapu
Part II
4:Princes' Justifications of War in Early Modern Europe: the Constitution of an International Community by Communication, Anuschka Tischer
5:The Legal Mechanics of Spanish Conquest: War and Peace in Early Colonial Peru, Arnulf Becker Lorca
6:Capitalism, British Grand Strategy and the Peace Treaty of Utrecht: Towards A Historical Sociology of War- and Peacemaking in the Construction of International Order, Benno Teschke
7:Kant's Rejection of Just War: International Order between Democratic Constitutionalism and Revolutionary Violence, Oliver Eberl
Part III
8:Anarchy over Law? Towards a Genealogy of Modern War Justifications (1789-1918), Hendrik Simon
9:Protection Emergencies: Justifying Measures Short of War in the British Empire, Lauren Benton
10:The Great War and International Law: German Justifications of Prevention and Pre-emptive Self-Defence, Isabel V. Hull
11:Salvation through War? The Ottoman Search for Sovereignty in 1914, Aimee Genell and Mustafa Aksakal
12:Juridification, Politicisation, and Circumvention of Law: (De-)Legitimising Chemical Warfare before and after Ypres, 1899-1925, Milos Vec
Part IV
13:Peace through Law: Lessons from 1914, B.S. Chimni
14:Re-Ordering the World from the Skies? The Emergence and Justification of Aerial Warfare, Thomas Hippler
15:The Justi?catory Potential of International Law. National Socialists' Dreams of African Colonies, Felix Lange
Part V
16:'What We Are Fighting For': Democracies' Justifications of Using Armed Force since the End of the Cold War, Anna Geis and Wolfgang Wagner
17:The War on Terror and the Law of War: Shaping International Order in the Context of Irregular Violence, Michael Stohl
18:'We Are Going to War.' Narratives of Self-Defence & Responsibility in Afghanistan War Documentaries, Axel Heck and Gabi Schlag
19:Justifying Interventions - The Case of ECOWAS in Liberia, Nina Wilén
20:Humanitarian Intervention: Justifying War for a New International Order, Beate Jahn
Part VI
21:The Islamic Law of War and Peace and the International Legal Order: Convergence or Dissonance?, Sohail H. Hashmi
22:In the Name of State Sovereignty? The Justification of War in Russian History and the Present, Paul Robinson and Mikhail Antonov
23:China's Approach to the Use of Force: A Short Review of China's Changing Attitudes towards the Justification of Humanitarian Intervention, Manjiao Chi
Paty VII
24:Justified: Just War and the Ethics of Violence and World Order, Chris Brown
25:How Many Deaths Can Art 2 (4) UN Charter Die?, Thilo Marauhn
26:Justification and Critique: Humanitarianism and Imperialism over Time, B.S. Chimni
27:The Justification and Critique of Coercion as World Order Politics, Christopher Daase and Nicole Deitelhoff
An Attempt at a Synthesis
28:Justifications of the Use of Force as Constitutive Elements of World Order - Points of Departure, Arrivals and Moving Destinations, Lothar Brock and Hendrik Simon

On the editors:

Edited by Lothar Brock, Senior Professor, Goethe-University Frankfurt, and Hendrik Simon, Research Associate, Peace Research Institute Frankfurt

Lothar Brock is Senior Professor of Political Science at Goethe University Frankfurt and at the Peace Research Institute Frankfurt. He is co-author of Fragile States: Violence and the Failure of Intervention (Polity, 2012) and co-editor of Democratic Wars: Looking at the Dark Side of Democratic Peace (Palgrave, 2006).

Hendrik Simon is Lecturer at Goethe University Frankfurt and Research Associate at the Peace Research Institute Frankfurt. He was Visiting Fellow at the Centre for Advanced International Theory/University of Sussex (2017), at the University of Vienna (2018, 2016), at the Max Planck Institute for European Legal History Frankfurt (2015-16) and at the Cluster of Excellence 'Normative Orders' (2011-12).

(more information with OUP

Thursday 22 October 2020

BOOK: Stella GHERVAS, Conquering Peace From the Enlightenment to the European Union (Cambridge (Mass.): Harvard UP, FEB 2021), ISBN 9780674975262


(image source: Harvard UP)


Political peace in Europe has historically been elusive and ephemeral. Stella Ghervas shows that since the eighteenth century, European thinkers and leaders in pursuit of lasting peace fostered the idea of European unification. Bridging intellectual and political history, Ghervas draws on the work of philosophers from Abbé de Saint-Pierre, who wrote an early eighteenth-century plan for perpetual peace, to Rousseau and Kant, as well as statesmen such as Tsar Alexander I, Woodrow Wilson, Winston Churchill, Robert Schuman, and Mikhail Gorbachev. She locates five major conflicts since 1700 that spurred such visionaries to promote systems of peace in Europe: the War of the Spanish Succession, the Napoleonic Wars, World War I, World War II, and the Cold War. Each moment generated a “spirit” of peace among monarchs, diplomats, democratic leaders, and ordinary citizens. The engineers of peace progressively constructed mechanisms and institutions designed to prevent future wars. Arguing for continuities from the ideals of the Enlightenment, through the nineteenth-century Concert of Nations, to the institutions of the European Union and beyond, Conquering Peace illustrates how peace as a value shaped the idea of a unified Europe long before the EU came into being. Today the EU is widely criticized as an obstacle to sovereignty and for its democratic deficit. Seen in the long-range perspective of the history of peacemaking, however, this European society of states emerges as something else entirely: a step in the quest for a less violent world.

(source: Harvard UP

Wednesday 21 October 2020

BOOK: Sakiko KAIGA, Britain and the Intellectual Origins of the League of Nations, 1914–1919 (Cambridge: CUP, APR 2021), ISBN 9781108774130

(image source: CUP)


In this innovative account of the origins of the idea of the League of Nations, Sakiko Kaiga casts new light on the pro-League of Nations movement in Britain in the era of the First World War, revealing its unexpected consequences for the development of the first international organisation for peace. Combining international, social, intellectual history and international relations, she challenges two misunderstandings about the role of the movement: that their ideas about a league were utopian and that its peaceful ideal appealed to the war-weary public. Kaiga demonstrates how the original post-war plan consisted of both realistic and idealistic views of international relations, and shows how it evolved and changed in tandem with the war. She provides a comprehensive analysis of the unknown origins of the League of Nations and highlights the transformation of international society and of ideas about war prevention in the twentieth century to the present.

(source: CUP

Tuesday 20 October 2020

ADVANCE ARTICLE: Danielle CHARETTE, David Hume’s Balancing Act: The Political Discourses and the Sinews of War (American Political Science Review)

(image source: Cambridge Core)


Both champions and critics of “neorealism” in contemporary international relations misinterpret David Hume as an early spokesman for a universal and scientific balance-of-power theory. This article instead treats Hume’s “Of the Balance of Power,” alongside the other essays in his Political Discourses (1752), as conceptual resources for a historically inflected analysis of state balancing. Hume’s defense of the balance of power cannot be divorced from his critique of commercial warfare in “Of the Balance of Trade” and “Of the Jealousy of Trade.” To better appreciate Hume’s historical and economic approach to foreign policy, this article places Hume in conversation with Machiavelli, Guicciardini, Andrew Fletcher, and Montesquieu. International relations scholars suspicious of static paradigms should reconsider Hume’s genealogy of the balance of power, which differs from the standard liberal and neorealist accounts. Well before International Political Economy developed as a formal subdiscipline, Hume was conceptually treating economics and power politics in tandem.

(source: Cambridge Core; DOI 10.1017/S0003055420000726

Monday 19 October 2020

BOOK: Herbert R. REGINBOGIN and Pascal LOTTAZ (eds.), Permanent Neutrality: A Model for Peace, Security, and Justice, London: Rowman & Littlefield, 2020, ISBN 9781793610287


(image source: neutralitystudies)

Book abstract:

Neutrality is the forgotten step-child of International Relations. Despite its century-old tradition, invoked and utilized by statesmen and stateswomen from Catherina the Great, over George Washington to Franklin D. Roosevelt, it has been cast aside as a relic of the distant past. Yet, the “neutral idea” never died. From ancient Greece to the twenty-first century, there were always those who decided that they wanted to be “friends to you and foe to neither,” as Thucydides put it 2400 years ago. This book examines why and how that is the case. The seven authors pay particular attention to permanent neutrality, explaining why it is a realist security model, rivaling collective security, and what its modern-day applications are. From Taiwan, over Russia, Ukraine, the EU, and to the USA, permanent neutrality has its implications for all players in the international system. It harbors the potential to decrease the security dilemma among states and contribute to peace, security, and justice of this young century.

Table of contents:

 A Tale of Two Strategies: Permanent Neutrality and Collective Security (page 15)

Stephen C. Neff

Neutrality and Security: A Comparison with Alternative Models of National Security (page 39)
P. Terrence Hopmann

The Logic of Neutrality (page 57)
Pascal Lottaz

The Model of Neutrality: The Example of East-Central European States (page 89)
Heinz Gärtner

Neutral and Nonaligned States in the European Union (page 111)
Gunther Hauser

Neutral Power Russia (page 129)
Glenn Diesen

America's Experience with Neutrality: An Epoch of Neutrality (page 145)
Herbert R. Reginbogin

The Nomos of Neutrality in East Asia (page 167)
Herbert R. Reginbogin and Pascal Lottaz

Taiwanese Neutrality: Solving the Conundrum (page 191)
Pascal Lottaz and Herbert R. Reginbogin

10. Case Studies of Contemporary Neutrality Advocacy (page 209)
Lu Hsiu-lien, Michael Tsai, and Michaek O' Hanlon

(source: neutralitystudies

Thursday 15 October 2020

JOURNAL: Jus Gentium - Journal of International Legal History (vol. V, issues 1 and 2) [incl. Symposium: Archives of International Law: Histories of International Lawyers between Trajectories, Practices, and Discourses, ed. Dvozinar KEVONIAN & Philippe RYGIEL]


(image source: Lawbookexchange)
Issue 1

Ancient China: Degeneration of the Institution of Zhou from Constitution to International Law and on to Anarchy (David K. C. Huang & Nigel N. T. Li)

The Private Foundations of International Law: Intellectual Property Rights and Pashukanis (Sean P. Morris)

Ukrainian Statehood in the Mid-Seventeenth to Early Eighteenth Centuries in Treaties with Foreign States: Principal Legal Models (Part One) (O.V. Kresin)

Aleksandr Pilenko: International Law and Invention Law in Russia (Vitalii S. Ivanenko)

Notes and comments: On the Origins of the Earliest Lecture on International Law in Persia (Moshen Nikbin)

Documents and Other Evidence of State Practice: Thomas Baty: Legal Adviser to the Government of Japan (William E. Butler) - Enemy Allegiance, Domicile, and 'House of Trade' (Thomas Baty) 

Idem: A Brief Calendar of State Practice for Shandong: 1897-1924: Part One (1897-1904): Open Door to China (Peter Macalister-Smith & Joachim Schwietzke)


The Last Waltz of the Law of Nations (W.E. Butler)
Encyclopedia of International Law (W.E. Butler)

Issue 2

When Law Failed: The Admiralty Sessions at the Old Bailey, 7-8 June 1792 (John D. III Gordan)

Ukrainian Statehood in the Mid-Seventeenth to Early Eighteenth Centuries in Treaties with Foreign States: Principal Legal Models (Part Two) (O.V. Kresin)

Arbitrating Capitulations: Small versus Barbarous in the 1901 Greco-Ottoman Consular Convention (N. Fujinami)

Symposium: Archives of International Law: Histories of International Lawyers between Trajectories, Practices, and Discourses

Archives of International Lawyers: Towards a Social History of International Legal Practice (Dzovinar Kevonian & Philippe Rygiel)

Very Discreet Experts: The "International Association of Penal Law" and the Nuremberg Moment (Guillaume Mouralis)

Private Files and Personal Contacts: Tobias Asser: Just Another Case Study (Arthur Eyffinger)

Estanislao Zeballos and the Argentine Doctrine of Human Private Law: A Micro-Social Approach to the History of Private International Law (Pilar Gonzalez & Bernaldo de Quiros)

Cross-Referencing Written Archives and Oral Sources: Transcript of a Filmed Interview of Jean Salmon (Dzovinar Kevonian & Philippe Rygiel)

Notes and Comments:

Boris Nolde: International Lawyer of Imperial Russia and the Russia (V.S. Ivanenko)

Chains of Law: Postwar Justice in the Andaman Islands, Singapore, and Tokyo, 1945-1948 (Alexander Williams)

Documents and Other Evidence of State Practice

The First Published Treaty Collection in Persia: An Introduction (Mohsen Nikbin)

Fragments from the 1844 Stepanov Manuscript on the "Law of Nations and Diplomacy" from the Legacy of the Kharkiv School of International Law (Oleg Tarasov)

Manuscript of T. F. Stepanov "Law of Nations and Diplomacy" (T.F. Stepanov)

A Brief Calendar of State Practice for Shandong: 1897-1924: Part Two (1905-1914): Open Door to China (Peter Macalister-Smith & Joachim Schwietzke)

Van Vechten (Johnny) Veeder (1948-2020) In Memoriam (W.E. Butler)

(source: HeinOnline)

Friday 9 October 2020

BOOK: Martti KOSKENNIEMI, To the Uttermost Parts of the Earth. Legal Imagination and International Power 1300–1870 (Cambridge: CUP, MAY 2021), ISBN 9780521745345


(image source: CUP)

Book presentation:

To the Uttermost Parts of the Earth shows the vital role played by legal imagination in the formation of the international order during 1300–1870. It discusses how European statehood arose during early modernity as a locally specific combination of ideas about sovereign power and property rights, and how those ideas expanded to structure the formation of European empires and consolidate modern international relations. By connecting the development of legal thinking with the history of political thought and by showing the gradual rise of economic analysis into predominance, the author argues that legal ideas from different European legal systems - Spanish, French, English and German - have played a prominent role in the history of global power. This history has emerged in imaginative ways to combine public and private power, sovereignty and property. The book will appeal to readers crossing conventional limits between international law, international relations, history of political thought, jurisprudence and legal history.
On the author: 

Martti Koskenniemi is Professor of International Law at the University of Helsinki. His works on the theory and history of international law are studied by lawyers, historians and international relations scholars across the world. He has held visiting professorships at many leading universities and he is Corresponding Fellow of the British Academy and a Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

More information with CUP.

Thursday 8 October 2020

CALL FOR PAPERS: Jewish International Lawyers and New World Orders (1917-1951) (Jerusalem/Leipzig 24-25 MAY 2021); DEADLINE 15 NOV 2020

The International Law Forum of the Faculty of Law at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem together with the Leibniz Institute for Jewish History and Culture – Simon Dubnow, at Leipzig and the Jacob Robinson Institute at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem are inviting proposals for papers to be presented at an international conference to be held mostly or partly online on 24-25 May 2021 (depending on the prevailing public health conditions). The conference will include invited speakers and other participants.


 The first half of the 20th century featured two dramatic attempts to construct New World Orders following the two World Wars. These attempts included the establishment of ambitious international governance frameworks in the form of the League of Nations, the Permanent Court of International Justice and the International Labor Organization after the First World War and the United Nations Organization, the International Court of Justice and the Bretton Woods System after the Second World War. In parallel with these developments, landmark agreements were reached resulting in a radical transformation of the Westphalian state system, and, in particular, with regard to the relationship between states, individuals and groups. These agreements included other major instruments such as the post-World War One minority treaties, the Slavery Convention (1926), the Kellogg-Briand Pact (1928), the Geneva Conventions of 1929 and 1949, the London Charter (1945), the Genocide Convention (1948), the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) and the Refugees Convention (1951). It can be argued that the norms and institutions established in this dramatic period revolutionized international law in diverse fields, ranging from international human rights law, through international criminal law and international humanitarian law, to international economic law. Recent years have seen a sharp increase in historical research describing the unique contribution of prominent Jewish international lawyers to the development of modern international law. Among the prominent publications belonging to this genre one can mention Philippe Sands’ East West Street, focusing on the life and work of Raphael Lemkin and Hersch Lauterpacht (2017), Gilad Ben-Nun’s book on the Fourth Geneva Convention which highlights the contribution of Georg Cohn, Georges Cahen-Salvador and Nissim Mevorah (2020), James Leoffler and Moria Paz’s edited volume on the Law of Strangers (2019), James Loeffler’s Rooted Cosmopolitans: Jews and Human Rights in the Twentieth Century (2018),  Nathan Kurz’s, Jewish Internationalism and Human Rights after the Holocaust (2020) and Rotem Giladi’s publications on Israel and the Refugees and Genocide Convention (2015).[1]  A number of earlier works also touched upon multiple dimensions of the topic[2],  including the contributions of prominent Jewish international lawyers, such as Hans Kelsen and Jacob Robinson[3],  and on the relationship between the experience of being uprooted and interest in international law. 4] The conference seeks to invite lawyers, historian and academics from other relevant disciplines to take stock of this growing literature, that analyzes the contribution of Jewish international lawyers to the major developments in international law noted above, and to address the following questions: Can one truly speak of a “Jewish school” in international law? Or can one allude to a number of “Jewish schools” speaking in different voices? Can the contributions of Jewish international lawyers be distinguished from other contemporary trends shaped by migration and/or attachment to cosmopolitan ideals? If so, what are the main contours of this Jewish school(s)? How is it related to Jewish thought and experience generally or to the collective interests of the Jewish people in the relevant period? Does anything remain of this tradition in the 21st century? Has this tradition affected the approach to international law of Israel and international Jewish institutions? To what extent does the categorization of certain authors as “Jewish” do injustice to their own self-identification as individuals or as nationals of specific countries? To what extent has the Jewish stance(s) toward international law changed since the creation of the State of Israel (and to what extent is there a Jewish-Israeli School (or schools) that are distinct from the Jewish school(s)(? In particular, how may these questions be related to what some have seen as Israel’s skeptical stance towards many of the universal or cosmopolitan values articulated in the post-World War eras. Finally, can any contemporary lessons be drawn from this phenomenon and, if so, what are they? Understanding the historic experience represented by the contribution of Jewish international lawyers in the period in question may also help researchers better understand contemporary attitudes towards international law as well as the feasibility of changing them.

The call

Researchers interested in addressing issues related to the themes of the conference are invited to respond to this call for papers with a 1-2-page proposal for an article and presentation, along with a brief CV. Proposals should be submitted by email to Mr. Tal Mimran, the coordinator of the International Law Forum ( no later than 15 November 2020. Applicants should be notified of the committee's decision by 15 December 2020. Written contributions (of approx. 10-25 pages) based on the selected proposals should be submitted by 1 May 2021. The Israel Law Review (a Cambridge University Press publication) has expressed interest in publishing selected full length papers based on conference presentations, subject to its standard review and editing procedures.

 Conference Academic Committee  

Eyal Benvenisti, Cambridge University/Hebrew University of Jerusalem Tomer Broude, Hebrew University of Jerusalem Dan Diner, Jabob Robinson Institute, Hebrew University Elisabeth Gallas, Dubnow Institute Rotem Giladi, Dubnow Institute Philipp Graf, Dubnow Institute Guy Harpaz, Hebrew University of Jerusalem Moshe Hirsch, Hebrew University of Jerusalem Yaël Ronen, Israel Law Review, Hebrew University of Jerusalem Yuval Shany, Hebrew University of Jerusalem Malcolm Shaw, Essex Court Chambers/Hebrew University of Jerusalem Yfaat Weiss, Dubnow Institute

(source: H-Diplo

Wednesday 7 October 2020

BOOK: Ignacio DE LA RASILLA, International Law and History. Modern Interfaces [Cambridge Studies in International and Comparative Law] (Cambridge: CUP, Feb 2021), ISBN 9781108473408, 85 GBP

(image source: CUP)

This interdisciplinary exploration of the modern historiography of international law invites a diverse assessment of the indissoluble unity of the old and the new in the most global of all legal disciplines. The study of the history of international law does not only serve a better understanding of how international law has evolved to become what it is and what it is not. Its histories, which re-think the past in the present, also influence our perception of contemporary matters in international law and our understandings of how they may potentially unfold. This multi-perspectival inquiry into the dominant modes of international legal history studies and its fundamental debates may also help students of both international law and history to identify the historical approaches that best suit their international legal-historical perspectives and best address their historical and legal research questions.

Table of contents:

1. The Turn to the History of International Law
2. Contextual Approaches to the History of International Law
3. Critical/Post-Modern Approaches to the History of International Law
4. TWAIL/Post-Colonial Approaches to the History of International Law
5. Global Approaches to the History of International Law
6. Feminist Approaches to the History of International Law
7. Normative Approaches to the History of International Law
8. Sociological Approaches to the History of International Law
9. Institutional Approaches to the History of International Law
10. Biographical Approaches to the History of International Law

11. Multiperspectivity and Periodization in the History of International Law 

(source: Cambridge Core


Tuesday 6 October 2020

ADVANCE ARTICLE: Jenny Huangfu DAY, "Mediating Sovereignty: The Qing legation in London and its diplomatic representation of China, 1876–1901" (Modern Asian Studies)

(image source: Cambridge Core)


In 1896, Sir Halliday Macartney, counsellor of the Qing London legation, detained the revolutionary Sun Yat-sen on legation grounds in an attempt to deport him back to China. Since then, the image of the legation as an ossified extension of a despotic government has dominated public imagination. This article proposes a new way of understanding the legation's action: it exemplifies the legal activism of Qing diplomats in recovering judicial sovereignty that had been compromised by the presence of extraterritoriality and colonialism. Legations represented a broad range of interests of China through diplomatic negotiations and legal mediations, and brought unresolved disputes between foreign ministers and the Zongli Yamen in Beijing to the attention of their home governments. This article analyses the mediation and collaboration performed by the London legation between the various levels of the Qing government and the British Foreign Office. It argues that Qing legations and their diplomatic representation abroad were essential to the construction and imagination of China as a sovereign state. 

(read more on Cambridge Core: DOI 10.1017/S0026749X2000030X)

Monday 5 October 2020

BOOK: Colin HEYWOOD & Ivan PARVEV (Eds.), The Treaties of Carlowitz: Antecedents, Course and Consequences (Leiden-New York: Brill, 2020). ISBN 978-90-04-40950-7, EUR 105.00


(Source: Brill)

Brill has published a new book on the Treaties of Carlowitz (1699).


The Treaties of Carlowitz (1699) includes recent studies on the Lega Sacra War of 1683-1699 against the Ottoman Empire, the Peace treaties of Carlowitz (1699), and on the general impact of the conflict upon Modern Europe and the Balkans. With its contributions written by well-known international specialists in the field, the volume demonstrates that sometimes important conflicts tend to be forgotten with time, overshadowed by more spectacular wars, peace congresses or diplomatic alliances. The “Long War” of 1683-1699 is a case in point. By re-thinking and re-writing the history of the conflict and the subsequent peacemaking between a Christian alliance and the Ottoman state at the end of the 17th century, new perspectives, stretching into the present era, for the history of Europe, the Balkans and the Near East are brought into discussion.


Contributors are: Tatjana Bazarova, Maurits van den Boogert, John Paul Ghobrial, Abdullah Güllüoğlu, Zoltan Györe, Colin Heywood, Lothar Höbelt, Erica Ianiro, Charles Ingrao, Dzheni Ivanova, Kirill Kochegarov, Dariusz Kołodziejzcyk, Hans Georg Majer, Ivan Parvev, Arno Strohmeier.


Colin Heywood, Ph.D. (London, 1970) is an Honorary Research Fellow at the University of Hull. He has published numerous studies and articles on Ottoman history and historiography and on Mediterranean and maritime history in the late medieval and early modern period. 

Ivan Parvev, Ph.D. (1993), Habil. D. (2011), University of Sofia, is Professor of Early Modern Balkan history at that university. He has published monographs and articles on Habsburg-Balkan relations, including Land in Sicht. Südosteuropa in den deutschen politischen Zeitschriften des 18. Jahrhunderts (Zabern, 2008).


  About the Authors 

Part 1: The War of 1683–1699 – Political Strategies and Balance of Power in Europe

 1On the Road to Carlowitz: Visions of Ottoman Diplomacy in the Letters of Thomas Coke, 1691–1694 
  Jean-Paul A. Ghobrial 
 2‘This Great Work’: Lord Paget and the Processes of English Mediating Diplomacy in the Latter Stages of the Sacra Lega War, 1697–1698 
  Colin Heywood 
 3The Spoils of Peace: What the Dutch Got Out of Carlowitz 
  Maurits H. van den Boogert 
 4The War of 1683–1699 and the Beginning of the Eastern Question 
  Ivan Parvev 

Part 2: The Sacra Lega War Viewed by the Sublime Porte

 5Ottoman Diplomacy in the First Years (1683–1685) of the Ottoman “Long War” 
  Abdullah Güllüoğlu 
 6Ottoman Subjects, Habsburg Allies. The Reaya of the Chiprovtsi Region (Northwestern Bulgaria) on the Front Line, 1688–1690 
  Dzheni Ivanova 
 7Ottoman Knowledge of the Imperial Commanders 
  Hans Georg Majer 

Part 3: Time for War, Time for Peace

 8From Slankamen to Zenta: The Austrian War Effort in the East during the 1690s 
  Lothar Höbelt 
 9The Habsburgs and the Holy League: Religion or Realpolitik? 
  Charles Ingrao 
 10From the ‘Eternal Peace’ to the Treaty of Carlowitz: Relations between Russia, the Sublime Porte and the Crimean Khanate (1686–1699) 
  Kirill Kochegarov 
 11The Treaty of Carlowitz in Polish Memory – A Date Better Forgotten? 
  Dariusz Kołodziejczyk 
 12The Symbolic Making of the Peace of Carlowitz: The Border Crossing of Count Wolfgang IV of Oettingen-Wallerstein during His Mission as Imperial Grand Ambassador to the Sublime Porte (1699–1701) 
  Arno Strohmeyer 
 13The Treaty of Carlowitz and its Impact on Russian-Ottoman Relations, 1700–1710 
  Tatiana Bazarova 

Part 4: Early Modern Demographic and Economic Context

 14War and Demography: The Case of Hungary 1521–1718 
  Zoltán Györe 
 15Venice after Carlowitz: Change and Challenge in Eighteenth-century Venetian Policy 
  Erica Ianiro 
 Concluding Remarks 


More info here

(source: ESCLH Blog)

Friday 2 October 2020

BOOK: Anne PETERS & Anna PETRIG, Völkerrecht. Allgemeiner Teil (Heidelberg/Karlsruhe: C.F. Müller, 2020), 486 p. ISBN 978-3-8114-5627-3, € 44


(image source: C.F. Müller)

Book abstract:
Das Völkerrecht ist eine dynamische Rechtsmaterie, die sich in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten stark ausdifferenzierte. Das Lehrbuch wurde für die 5. Auflage auf den neuesten Stand gebracht. Es gibt einen Überblick über die historische Entwicklung sowie über die Strukturen und Funktionsmechanismen des Völkerrechts. Das Augenmerk richtet sich auf die folgenden zentralen Themen: die Rechtssubjekte, die Rechtsquellen, die internationalen Organisationen, das universelle Gewaltverbot, die Friedenssicherung durch die UN, die völkerrechtliche Verantwortung und Sanktionen sowie Streitbeilegung. Der Lehrstoff bezieht aktuelle Streitfälle mit ein und schlägt damit eine Brücke zur praktischen Anwendung des Völkerrechts. Vertiefungsfragen erleichtern das Selbststudium und regen zur kritischen Reflexion an.

Source: C.F. Müller

Thursday 1 October 2020

BOOK: Cait STORR, International Status in the Shadow of Empire. Nauru and the Histories of International Law [Cambridge Studies in International and Comparative Law] (Cambridge: CUP, 2020), ISBN 9781108498500, GBP 85


(image source: CUP)

Nauru is often figured as an anomaly in the international order. This book offers a new account of Nauru's imperial history and examines its significance to the histories of international law. Drawing on theories of jurisdiction and bureaucracy, it reconstructs four shifts in Nauru's status – from German protectorate, to League of Nations C Mandate, to UN Trust Territory, to sovereign state – as a means of redescribing the transition from the nineteenth century imperial order to the twentieth century state system. The book argues that as international status shifts, imperial form accretes: as Nauru's status shifted, what occurred at the local level was a gradual process of bureaucratisation. Two conclusions emerge from this argument. The first is that imperial administration in Nauru produced the Republic's post-independence 'failures'. The second is that international recognition of sovereign status is best understood as marking a beginning, not an end, of the process of decolonisation.

On the author:

 Cait Storr, University of Technology Sydney

(source: CUP)