ESIL Interest Group History of International Law

ESIL Interest Group History of International Law

Tuesday 19 April 2022

BOOK: Giulio GALLAROTTI, A History of International Monetary Diplomacy, 1867 to the Present: The Rise of the Guardian State and Economic Sovereignty in a Globalizing World (Routledge, 2022)


Image source: Routledge

Book Description

This book is about how the rise of democracy has transformed economics over the past 150 years. As voting was expanded to the masses in the late 19th century, political leaders faced emergent pressures to deliver prosperity to their newly enfranchised populations. This led to the rise of the guardian state: a state whose prime directive was to protect economic growth and employment. Domestic economic goals now became sacrosanct, and if that meant a failure on the international stage to construct solutions to problems in monetary relations, so be it.

The book traces the history of international monetary diplomacy during this long period to show how the guardian state has manifested itself, and how it has shaped the course of international monetary relations. Each of the most important international monetary conferences in history is scrutinized with respect to how nations sought to protect the prosperity within their national economies. The historical narratives give a bird’s-eye view into how domestic political priorities have intruded on and shaped economic relations among nations.

The book clearly demonstrates the advantages of an interdisciplinary understanding of how politics shapes economics. It will be invaluable reading for scholars and students of international economics, politics and economic history.

Table of Content

Chapter 1. The Rise of the Guardian State and Structural Change in the Global Political Economy
Chapter 2. The 19th Century Conferences
Chapter 3. The Interwar Conferences: Genoa and London
Chapter 4. Mature Guardianship: Bretton Woods
Chapter 5. Guardianship Under Monetary Imperialism: The Smithsonian Conference
Chapter 6. Guardianship in the Monetary Feudalism of the Non-System: Monetary Imperialism Part Two at Plaza, Louvre, and Beyond
Chapter 7. Reflecting on a Century of Guardianship: Patterns and Implications
Statistical Appendix

Author biography

Giulio M. Gallarotti is Professor of Government and member of the Faculty of the College of the Environment–at Wesleyan University, USA. He is also Adjunct Professor of Political Science at Columbia University, USA, and was a Visiting Professor in the Department of Economic Theory at the University of Rome, Italy.

More information with Routledge.

BOOK: Beatrice HEUSER, War: A Genealogy of Western Ideas and Practices (Oxford University Press, 2022)

Image source: OUP


War has been conceptualised from a military perspective, but also from ethical, legal, and philosophical viewpoints. These different analytical perspectives are all necessary to understand the many dimensions war, the continua on which war is situated - from small-scale to large-scale, from limited in time or long, from less to extremely destructive, with varying aims, and degrees of involvement of populations.

Western civilisations have conceptualised war in binary ways denying the variety of manifestations of war along these continua. While binary definitions are necessary to capture different conditions legally, they hamper analysis. The binaries include inter-State and intestine war, just war and unjust war (the latter including insurgencies), citizen-soldiers and professionals, civilians and combatants. Yet realities have mostly straddled such demarcations. Even citizen-armies have usually included professionals, civilians have been treated as enemies and sometimes even formally defined as enemies, and rules have not conformed with binary distinctions, if they were respected at all. While customary rules governing the conduct of war have been turned into International Law, this is the only aspect of war that has developed in a fairly linear way, while the rise, disappearance, and renaissance of the just war tradition has been anything but linear. This non-linearity also applies to the brutality with which war has been fought, especially towards civilians, who for long stretches of European history must have been the main victims of war, notwithstanding increasing protection they were afforded in theory by customary law. To understand war, we must shed some of these binaries.

Table of Contents

2:War in Europe: A Short Typological Survey
3:Ethical, Political And Legal Concepts Of War
4:Root Causes and Drivers of War
5:Just War Traditions
6:Professed Reasons for Going to War and War Aims
7:Who Fights?
8:Who is the Enemy?
9:Traditional and Legal Constraints on Warfare
10:The Rules and Practice of Warfare

More details with Oxford University Press.

JOURNAL: Diplomatica: A Journal of Diplomacy and Society, Volume 4 (2022), Issue 1 (Mar 2022)

Source: Brill


Conducting Spanish Diplomacy in the Digital Age

Author: Juan Luis Manfredi-Sánchez

Pages: 1–30

Creating Connected Constituencies: The Strategy and Limits of US Propaganda and Influence in Early Cold War Syria, 1945–60

Author: Idir Ouahes

Pages: 31–51

Cosimo I de’ Medici’s Dissimulation of Diplomacy in the Guardaroba Nuova

Author: Bradley J. Cavallo

Pages: 52–73

From the Green Zone to Havana Syndrome: Making Geographic Sense of Rotationality and Hardship in Diplomacy

Authors: Jamey Essex and Joshua Bowman

Pages: 74–99

“Easily Emotional” and “Always Inclined to Extremes.” Ambassador Herman van Roijen and Dutch Anxiety about American Anti-Communism, 1947–53

Author: Rimko van der Maar

Pages: 100–123

Book reviews

Ramy Youssef, 2020. Die Anerkennung von Grenzen: Eine Soziologie der Diplomatie (The Recognition of Borders: A Sociology of Diplomacy).

Author: Andreas Nishikawa-Pacher

Pages: 125–128

Inderjeet Parmar and Oliver Turner (eds.), 2020. The United States in the Indo-Pacific: Obama’s Legacy and the Trump Transition

Author: Moritz Pöllath

Pages: 129–130

Philip Nash, 2020. Breaking Protocol: America’s First Female Ambassadors, 1933–1964

Author: Stefanie M. Schuster

Pages: 131–133

Sinja Graf, 2021. The Humanity of Universal Crime: Inclusion, Inequality and Intervention in International Political Thought

Author: Karl W. Schweizer

Pages: 134–137

Gordon Martel (ed.), 2018. The Encyclopedia of Diplomacy

Author: Iver B. Neumann

Pages: 138–144

Nicolas Drocourt and Élisabeth Malamut (eds.), 2020. La diplomatie byzantine, de l’Empire romain aux confins de l’Europe (Ve-XVe s.)

Author: Isabella Lazzarini

Pages: 145–148

Laurence Badel, 2021. Diplomaties européennes. XIXe-XXIe siècle

Author: Louis Clerc

Pages: 149–153

More information on the publisher's website.

Tuesday 5 April 2022

CALL FOR PAPERS: ESIL Annual Conference, Interest Group History of International Law Pre-conference Hybrid Workshop 'Histories of Inclusion / Exclusion in International Law' (Utrecht/Zoom, 31 August 2022, DEADLINE 24 April 2022)

ESIL Interest Group on the History of International Law Workshop

Call for Papers
2022 ESIL Annual Conference (Utrecht)
Histories of Inclusion / Exclusion in International Law

Today’s international lawyers and historians of international law have become acutely aware that the legacy of modern international law is ambivalent. International law is claimed to be a normative project evolving towards universal scope. Yet, the idea of it has also been (ab)used for purposes of domination that has excluded non-European territories, peoples, and substantive issues from the scope of protection offered by the allegedly universalist law. Most notably, exclusion has been implemented through the so-called standard of civilization. Yet, international law has experienced many defining moments - the establishment of the League of Nations and the United Nations, proclamation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the adoption of the Geneva Conventions, the establishment of international courts and tribunals beginning with the institution of the Permanent Court of Arbitration and the Permanent Court of International Justice, the Nuremberg and Tokyo Military Tribunals, the International Criminal Court, the Bretton-Woods system and the transition from the diplomacy of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade to the World Trade Organisation’s Appellate Body, to name but a few. Altogether, international regimes have included as they have equally excluded many peoples, territories, subject matters, techniques, and methodologies throughout history. How much could international law possibly include – states, individuals, communities, non-state actors, which topics? Everything? Or would it be enough, for 
peremptory norms and cognate principles to be inclusive? Is there any substance beyond procedural matters of standing to the much vaunted erga omnes? Which methodologies and subject matters have been dominant in the history of international law, and which has international law missed? What, who, when, where, how, and why has been excluded? We invite the submission of papers dealing with in/exclusion in the history of international law, including but not constrained to the following themes:
- The defining moments in international law, and who/what has been in/excluded during these moments;
- histories and politics – what and who has international law missed;
- whether, and if so, how interpretation can overcome the in/exclusiveness of 
international law;
- what has the history of international adjudication missed?
- which economic ideologies have influenced the formation and application of the 
sources of international law, and which ideologies have been excluded?
- how has international dealt with the commons (outer space, deep seabed) and who has been in/excluded from its management
- which regions have been in/excluded in the history of international law?
- who/what has been in/excluded from subdisciplinary turns to history of 
international law?

The workshop is expected to take place on 31 August 2022, prior to the 17th Annual Conference of the European Society of International Law in Utrecht from 1 September to 3 September 2022, in a hybrid format, and we invite submissions for both physical and distant participation. Nevertheless, we encourage participants to join us in person.

The Interest Group is unable to provide funding for travel and accommodation. Selected speakers will be expected to bear the costs of their own travel and accommodation. Some ESIL travel grants and ESIL careers' grants will be available to offer partial financial support to speakers who have exhausted other potential sources of funding.

Please see the ESIL website for all relevant information about the 17th Annual Conference.

The Interest Group workshop is open to ESIL members and all participants are required to register for the Annual Conference. There will be an option to register just for one day to attend the workshop; however, all participants are warmly invited to attend the entire event. 

Speakers selected for this workshop can indicate their interest in being considered for the ESIL Young Scholar Prize, if they meet the eligibility conditions as stated on the ESIL website.

Please submit your abstract of no more than 500 words together with a short CV by 24 April 2022 to

Markus Beham – Jaanika Erne – John Morss - Florenz Volkaert