ESIL Interest Group History of International Law

ESIL Interest Group History of International Law

Thursday 31 May 2018

JOURNAL: Call for Papers 'History of International Law' (Revista de Direito Internacional/Brazilian Journal of International Law 2018/3) (ISSN 2237-1036)

(image source: IL Reporter)

The Brazilian Journal of International Law (RDI) invites submissions for a special issue on History of International Law. The issue will be edited by Professors Arthur Giannattasio (Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo), Olivier Descamps (Université Panthéon-Assas, Paris), Suleiman Mourad (Smith College, Northampton) and Mohammed Hocine Benkheira (École Pratique des Hautes Études, Paris).

Submissions on all aspects concerning the History of International Law are welcome. The following themes can be considered as general guidelines for submissions:

1. History of International Law beyond Facts and Norms: A methodological or an epistemological approach?
2. The Role of History for Critical Analysis of International Law
3. International law and its practice in historical perspective in Brazil
4. International Law and its Histories: Dealing with Eurocentrism
5. Histories of empire, colonialism, slavery, intervention and international law
6. The Role of Religions in International Law History
7. Contributions of Islamic Law to Medieval, Modern and Contemporary International Legal Orders
8. Muslim countries between Islamic Law, National Law and International Law
9. The intertwinement between European, Islamic and Chinese international legal traditions and its impact for the development of International Law in History
10. Excluded Scholarship in International Law: Unravelling the Contributions from Unknown Female and Male International Legal Scholars
11. International Law and its Myths: lex mercatoria and medieval lex mercatoria, war and peace, international economic law, international human rights law, international criminal law, international environmental law, international humanitarian law, among others
12. Globalization and its aftermath on International Law (histories of fragmentation, constitutionalism and regionalism)
13. Patrimonial situation and Personal situation


The Brazilian Journal of International Law is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal which publishes academic papers related to issues addressed by public and private international law. Ranked by the Brazilian National Counsel of Technological and Scientific Development as Qualis A1 in Law, RDI is becoming an important academic asset in the quest for development and construction of critical views about international law. 

Manuscripts may be submitted in English, French, Portuguese, or Spanish. Articles in English are strongly recommended. Manuscript revisions will be in the language of submission. Non-native speakers are strongly encouraged to have their paper read by a native speaker. The Journal will reject articles if the level of chosen language is insufficient. 
It adopts a double-blind peer-review policy. The response from the first review will normally be provided within 30 days from the submission. Authors are expected to correct and return proofs of accepted articles within 10 days.
Authors should preferably hold a PhD and/or have a strong professional/academic background in International Law and History of International Law at the time of submission. The editors will reject manuscripts before review if they are not suitable for the journal, e.g. because of inadequate or imprecise analytical development, inconsistent formatting or non-compliance with our submission guidelines, and poor writing style (this list is not exhaustive).
Deadline for final version: 30 September 2018.

All content published by the Journal, except where identified, is licensed under a Creative Commons attribution-type BY-NC. This will ensure the widest dissemination and protection against copyright infringement of articles. The “article” is defined as comprising the final, definitive, and citable Version of Scholarly Record, and includes: (a) the accepted manuscript in its final and revised form, including the text, abstract, and all accompanying tables, illustrations, data; and (b) any supplemental material. 
As an author, you are required to secure permission to reproduce any proprietary text, illustration, table, or other material, including data, audio, video, film stills, and screenshots, and any supplemental material you propose to submit. This applies to direct reproduction as well as “derivative reproduction” (where you have created a new figure or table that derives substantially from a copyrighted source). The reproduction of short extracts of text, excluding poetry and song lyrics, for the purposes of criticism may be possible without formal permission on the basis that the quotation is reproduced accurately and full attribution is given.
Complete guidelines for preparing and submitting your manuscript to this journal are provided below.
The Journal considers all manuscripts on the strict condition that they have not been submitted elsewhere, that they have not been published already, nor are they under consideration for publication or in press elsewhere. Contributions must report original research and will be subjected to review by referees at the discretion of the Editorial Committee. 
· Manuscripts should be written in Times New Roman, size 12, space between lines 1.5 throughout the manuscript (including all quotations, endnotes and references).
· Pages should be numbered consecutively.
· Notes should be listed consecutively at the end of the article (endnotes), and clearly marked in the text at the point of punctuation by superior numbers. Endnotes should be used for clarification purposes only.
· Manuscripts must be submitted in Word format (.doc). PDF files will not be accepted.
· All the authors of a paper must attach their short curriculum vitae (CV), which must consist of a single one paragraph-text of 100-120 words in length, each. This is to be done online during the submission process.
· The affiliations of all named co-authors should be the affiliation where the research was conducted. If any of the named co-authors moves affiliation during the peer review process, the new affiliation can be given as a footnote. Please note that no changes to affiliation can be made after the article is accepted.
· All manuscripts submitted should be free from jargon and be written as clearly and concisely as possible. Non-discriminatory language is mandatory. Sexist or racist terms must not be used. 
· All submissions should be made online via 
Articles should be based on original research and develop an original argument falling within the scope of the journal. The articles are subjected to a blind-peer review and must include:
· Title
· Abstract of up to 200 words
· 5-7 keywords
· Main text
· References (at the end of the article)
· Footnotes
· Acknowledgements (if appropriate)
· Table(s) and Figure(s) with caption(s) (on individual files) (if appropriate)


For questions regarding the content of this special issue, please contact: 

Professor Dr. Nitish Monebhurrun — Editor of the Brazilian Journal of International law

Professor Dr. Arthur Giannattasio – Guest Editor

Professor Dr. Olivier Descamps - Guest Editor

Professor Dr. Suleiman Mourad - Guest Editor

Professor Dr. Mohammed Hocine Benkheira – Guest Editor

(source: International Law Reporter)

Tuesday 29 May 2018

BOOK: Eric SCHNAKENBOURG (dir). Les entrées en guerre à l’époque moderne XVIe-XVIIIe siècle [CRHIA - Enquêtes & Documents, vol. 61] (Rennes: PURennes, 2018), 178 p. ISBN 978-2-7535-7448-9, € 22

(image source: PURennes)

Book abstract:
Si les sorties de guerre ont déjà été l’objet de travaux et de rencontres scientifiques, le basculement inverse a, en revanche, été peu étudié jusqu’à présent. En effet, les historiens ont l’habitude d’enfermer les périodes de conflits entre la date de déclaration de guerre et celle de la conclusion de la paix. Il s’agit ici de réfléchir aux passages de la paix à la guerre pour savoir comment, à l’époque moderne, les États, les sociétés et les individus sont saisis par l’épreuve du conflit armé.
Table of contents here.

More information with the publisher.

BOOK: Pierre-Marie DUPUY, Ordre juridique et désordre international [Doctrines] (Paris: Pedone, 2018), 377 p. ISBN 9782233008763, € 42

(image source: Pedone)

Book abstract:
Comment comprendre l’architecture du droit international qui repose sur de grands principes unificateurs gardés par le juge international, mais embrasse une multitudes de normes et systèmes qui tendent au contraire à le fragmenter ? Tel est l’un des principaux sujets de réflexion de Pierre-Marie Dupuy qu’on trouve développé dans plusieurs articles de ce recueil qui révèlent une constance admirable que son Cours général à l’Académie de droit international avait mise en évidence et qui justifient le titre de cet ouvrage qui, cependant, ne se limite pas, loin de là, à ce questionnement mais offre au lecteur un florilège d’écrits qui relèvent tant de la technique que de la théorie, de l’histoire et de la philosophie du droit. Il y a en somme une unité de pensée de l’auteur dans la diversité de ses objets d’attention et analyses. Un autre facteur d’unité remarquable est le fait que l’auteur n’entend pas, ni n’a jamais entendu, s’enfermer dans une étude purement juridique du seul univers juridique international. Trop conscient que, s’il existe bien un ordre juridique international, le monde est plongé dans un désordre politique international, Pierre-Marie Dupuy ne cesse de réfléchir à cette inadéquation entre cet ordre juridique et ce désordre politique, entre une promesse de paix et d’humanité et la prévalence des conflictualités. Il s’agit de montrer, d’une part, que celle-ci n’est pas si importante que certains se plaisent à le dire, le droit international s’adaptant à ce qui lui est extérieur, et surtout d’accepter de traiter le droit international pour ce qu’il est, un système dont l’efficacité est tributaire de facteurs qui lui sont extérieurs et de l’analyser au regard de ceux-ci. Pierre-Marie Dupuy n’a jamais pu se contenter de décrire le droit international, mais invite toujours à le comprendre sans hésiter à le critiquer et simultanément à en découvrir les promesses. Et s’il veut croire à ces dernières, passant incessamment du monde des idées à celui de la pratique, l’auteur reste lucide et montre leurs limites, comme pour mieux les dépasser.
On the author:
 Pierre-Marie Dupuy est membre de l’Institut de droit international et professeur émérite de l’Université Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas. Il a été professeur dans diverses universités étrangères, en particulier à l’Institut universitaire européen de Florence ainsi qu’à l’Institut de hautes études internationales et du développement à Genève. Auteur de nombreux ouvrages, il a parallèlement exercé une très riche activité de praticien. La Manley Hudson Medal lui a été décernée en 2015 par l’American Society of International Law.
Table of contents here.

ARTICLE: Anne-Charlotte MARTINEAU, "A Forgotten Chapter in the History of International Commercial Arbitration: The Slave Trade's Dispute Settlement System" Leiden Journal of International Law XXXI (2018), Nr. 2, 219-241

(image source: Cambridge Core)

This article is part of the ongoing efforts to write a critical history of international arbitration in commercial and investment matters. It examines the ways in which the Spanish crown and its concessionaries set up a mechanism to settle legal disputes pertaining to the transatlantic slave trade. The transformation of asientos de negros from limited royal contracts to large-scale monopolies awarded to foreign chartered companies during the sixteenth, seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries was accompanied by the creation of an international commercial arbitration system. Why was this system set up, how did it work, and what was its faith? The overall aim of the article is to invite international lawyers to rethink the history of international arbitration and pay closer attention to the ‘private’ dimensions of formal and informal imperialism. It also attempts to bridge the historical investigation and contemporary commentary. In the conclusion, I argue that this study allows us, in a mirroring effect, to question the idea that today's dispute settlement mechanism was conceived as a means to ‘depoliticize’ international investment law. What the introduction of arbitration achieves is to place some fundamental questions out of sight. Today, as in the past, arbitrators work from within the system; their work rests on a series of unspoken – and yet highly political – premises about the organization of economic life and the distribution of values.
More information here or

ARTICLE: Felix LANGE, "The dream of a völkisch colonial empire: international law and colonial law during the National Socialist era", London Review of International Law V (2017), no. 3 (Nov), 343-369

(image source: Oxford Journals)

Felix Lange (HU Berlin) publised "The dream of a völkisch colonial empire: international law and colonial law during the National Socialist era" in the third issue of the fifth volume of the London Review of International Law (pp. 343-369).

Among the foreign policy goals of National Socialist Germany was the recovery of the former German colonies. Supporters of the colonial cause made frequent use of international law, and colonial law experts designed laws for the imagined völkisch colonial empire. This article contextualises the academic discourse on international law and colonial law in the political debates of the time.
More information here or on

(source: International Law Reporter)

BOOK: Tom RUYS, Olivier CORTEN & Alexandra HOFER (eds.), The Use of Force in International Law. A Case-Based Approach (Oxford: OUP, 2018), 960 p. ISBN 9780198784364, 49,99 GBP

(image source: OUP)

Book abstract:
The international law on the use of force is one of the oldest branches of international law. It is an area twinned with the emergence of international law as a concept in itself, and which sees law and politics collide. The number of armed conflicts is equal only to the number of methodological approaches used to describe them. Many violent encounters are well known. The Kosovo Crisis in 1999 and the US-led invasion of Iraq in 2003 spring easily to the minds of most scholars and academics, and gain extensive coverage in this text. Other conflicts, including the Belgian operation in Stanleyville, and the Ethiopian Intervention in Somalia, are often overlooked to our peril. Ruys and Corten's expert-written text compares over sixty different instances of the use of cross border force since the adoption of the UN Charter in 1945, from all out warfare to hostile encounters between individual units, targeted killings, and hostage rescue operations, to ask a complex question. How much authority does the power of precedent really have in the law of the use of force?
Table of contents:
 1: Introduction, Tom Ruys, Olivier Corten, and Alexandra Hofer
2: The Caroline Incident - 1837, 
Michael Wood
1 - The Cold War Era (1945-1989)

3: The Korean War - 1950-1953, 
Nigel White
4: The Suez Canal Crisis - 1956, 
Alexandra Hofer
5: The Soviet Intervention in Hungary - 1956, 
Eliav Lieblich
6: The U-2 incident - 1960, 
Ki-Gab Park
7: The Belgian Intervention in The Congo - 1960 and 1964, 
Robert Kolb
8: The Indian Intervention in Goa - 1961, 
Tom Ruys
9: The Cuban Missile Crisis - 1962, 
Alexander Orakhelashvili
10: The Gulf of Tonkin Incident - 1964, 
Douglas Guilfoyle
11: The US Intervention in the Dominican Republic - 1965, 
Christian Walter
12: The Six Day War - 1967, 
John Quigley
13: The Intervention in Czechoslovakia - 1968, 
Gerhard Hafner
14: The USS Pueblo Incident - 1968, 
Wolff Heintschel von Heinegg
15: The Indian Intervention into (East) Pakistan - 1971, 
Dino Kristiotis
16: The Yom Kippur War - 1973, 
François Dubuisson and Vaios Koutroulis
17: Turkey's intervention in Cyprus - 1974, 
Oliver Dörr
18: The Mayaguez Incident - 1975, 
Natalino Ronzitti
19: The Entebbe Raid - 1976, 
Claus Kreß and Benjamin K. Nußberger
20: The Larnaca Incident - 1978, 
Constantine Antonopoulos
21: The Vietnamese Intervention in Cambodia - 1978, 
Gregory H. Fox
22: The Ugandan-Tanzanian War - 1978-1979, 
Kenneth Chan
23: Operation Litani - 1978, 
Myra Williamson
24: The Lebanon War - 1982, 
Myra Williamson
25: The Soviet Intervention in Afghanistan - 1979-1980, 
Georg Nolte and Janina Barkholdt
26: The US Hostage Rescue Operation in Iran - 1980, 
Mathias Forteau and Alison See Ying Xiu
27: The Iran-Iraq War - 1980-1988, 
Andrea de Guttry
28: Israel's Air Strike Against Iraq's Osiraq Nuclear Reactor - 1981, 
Tom Ruys
29: The US Intervention in Nicaragua - 1981-1988, 
Jörg Kammerhofer
30: The Falklands/Malvinas War - 1982, 
Etienne Henry
31: South African Incursions into Lesotho - 1982, 
Theresa Reinold
32: The US Intervention in Grenada - 1983, 
Nabil Hajjami
33: The Israeli Raid Against the PLO Headquarters in Tunis - 1985, 
Erin Pobjie, Fanny Declercq, and Raphaël Van Steenberghe
34: The Killing of Khalil al-Wazir by Israeli Commandos in Tunis - 1988, 
Erin Pobjie, Fanny Declercq, and Raphaël Van Steenberghe
35: The US Strikes Against Libya - 1986, 
Maurice Kamto
36: The US Intervention in Panama - 1989, 
Nicholas Tsagourias
2 - The Post-Cold War Era (1990-2000)

37: The ECOWAS Intervention in Liberia - 1990-1997, 
Ugo Villani
38: The Gulf War - 1990-1991, 
Erika de Wet
39: Intervention in Iraq's Kurdish region and the Creation of the No-Fly Zones in Northern and Southern Iraq - 1991-2003, 
Tarcisio Gazzini
40: The Intervention in Somalia, 
Terry D. Gill and Kinga Tibori-Szabó
41: The Intervention in Bosnia and Herzegovina - 1992-1995, 
Pierre Klein
42: The US Air Strike Against the Iraqi Intelligence Headquarters - 1993, 
Paulina Starski
43: The ECOWAS Intervention in Sierra Leone - 1997-1999, 
Susan Breau
44: The US Strikes in Sudan and Afghanistan - 1998, 
Enzo Cannizzaro and Aurora Rasi
45: The Eritrean-Ethiopian War - 1998-2000, 
Sean D. Murphy
46: The Great African War and the Intervention by Uganda and Rwanda in the Democratic Republic of Congo - 1998-2003, 
James A. Green
47: The Kosovo crisis - 1999, 
Daniel Franchini and Antonios Tzanakopoulos
3 - The Post 9/11-Era (2001-)

48: The Intervention in Afghanistan - 2001-, 
Michael Byers
49: The Iraq War - 2003, 
Marc Weller
50: Israeli Air Strikes in Syria - 2003 and 2007, 
Lindsay Moir
51: The Israeli Intervention in Lebanon - 2006, 
Christian J. Tams and Wenke Brückner
52: The Turkish Intervention Against the PKK in Northern Iraq - 2007-2008, 
Kimberley N. Trapp
53: 'Operation Phoenix' - the Colombian Raid Against the FARC in Ecuador - 2008, 
Mónica Pinto and Marcos Kotlik
54: The Conflict in Georgia - 2008, 
Christine Gray
55: Israeli Military Operations Against Gaza: Operation Cast Lead (2008-2009), Operation Pillar of Defense (2012) and Operation Protective Edge (2014), 
Christian Henderson
56: The NATO Intervention in Libya - 2011, 
Ashley Deeks
57: US Extra-Territorial Actions against Individuals: Bin Laden, Al Awlaki, and Abu Khattalah, 
David Kretzmer
58: The Intervention in Côte d'Ivoire - 2011, 
Dire Tladi
59: The Intervention of the Gulf Cooperation Council in Bahrain - 2011, 
Agatha Verdebout
60: The Ethiopian Military Intervention in Somalia - 2011, 
Jean-Christophe Martin
61: The Intervention of France and African Countries in Mali 2013, 
Karine Bannelier and Théodore Christakis
62: Threats of and Actual Military Strikes against Syria - 2013 and 2017, 
Anne Lagerwall
63: The Crisis in Ukraine - 2014, 
Mary Ellen O'Connell
64: The Military Operations against the 'Islamic State' (ISIL or Da'esh) - 2014, 
Olivier Corten
65: The Saudi-Led Military Intervention in Yemen's Civil War - 2015, 
Luca Ferro and Tom Ruys
66: The ECOWAS Intervention in the Gambia - 2016, 
Mohamed S. Helal

More information with OUP.

BOOK: Robert KOLB, International Law on the Maintenance of Peace. Jus Contra Bellum [Principles of International Law Series] (Cheltenham: E. Elgar 2018), 520 p. GBP 103,5

(image source: E. Elgar)

Book abstract:
The law on the use of force in relation to the maintenance of international peace remains one of the most important areas of international law and international relations to date. Rather than simply provide another factual account of the law in this area, this detailed and analytical book seeks to explore its normative aspects. Rooted in public international law, the book provides insight into the historical evolution and sociological environment of this particular branch of law. The competences and practice of the UN and of regional organizations in maintaining peace are examined before the focus is shifted to the inter-State level, the main non-use of force rule and its claimed or recognized exceptions. Robert Kolb analyses each of these rules separately, before concluding with insightful reflections on the current state-of-play and considerations for future developments. Inquiring, yet practical, this book will appeal to students and scholars studying both international law and international relations, particularly with regard to peace and conflict. It will also be of interest to government officials working in the field.
Table of contents:
 Contents: Foreword
PART I General features and historic development of the law of and against war - jus contra bellum
1. General features
2. The historic development of limitations on recourse to force: Main periods in which the jus ad bellum has come under pressure
3. Overview: state of the law in 1939
PART II Powers of the organised collectivity (particularly the UN Security Council)
4. Scheme and structure of the UN Charter 5.
Chapter VII of the Charter: co-ercive powers of the Security Council
5. Executing (through the use of force?) a judgment of the International Court of Justice
6. The exercise of parallel competences by the Security Council and the International Court of Justice
7. The binding character of Security Council decisions under Chapter VII or under Article 94 § 2 of the Charter ; Article 50 of the Charter
8. Classic and robust peacekeeping operations
9. Chapter VII of the Charter and neutrality
PART III The prohibition against the use of force and exceptions for individual States
10. The prohibition against the use of force: Article 2 (4) of the Charter
11. Exceptions to the prohibition against the use of force
12. Peaceful change Bibliography Index

Monday 21 May 2018

CONFERENCE: 15. Internationaler Kongress zur Diplomatik (Leipzig, 4-6 Oct 2018); DEADLINE FOR REGISTRATION 15 SEP 2018

Kontakt und Organisation
Dr. des. Sebastian Roebert
Tel.: +49 (0)341 97 37 083

Dr. des. Eric Böhme
Tel.: +49 (0)341 97 37 112

Um Anmeldung wird gebeten bis 15. September 2018.
Für Fragen und Hilfestellungen für die Organisation Ihrer Übernachtung wenden Sie sich bitte an die Organisatoren der Tagung.


Sächsische Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig
Karl-Tauchnitz-Str. 1
04107 Leipzig

Programm-Flyer zum Download (pdf)

Quellen zur Geschichte der „internationalen“ Beziehungen zwischen politischen Zentren in Europa und der Mittelmeerwelt (ca. 800–1600): Briefe – Urkunden – Verträge


Donnerstag, 04. Oktober 2018

9.00-9.30 Uhr

Eröffnung der Tagung

Einführung in die Tagung


9.30-10.00 Uhr
The Kalmar Treaty: Historiography and Political Background

10.00-10.30 Uhr
CLAES GEJROT (Stockholm)
The Kalmar Treaty: Texts and Language. Some Formal and Diplomatic Aspects

10.30-10.45 Uhr

10.45-11.00 Uhr

11.00-11.30 Uhr
The Kalmar Treaty: Who Were the People Involved? A Norwegian Perspective

11.30-12.00 Uhr
The Kalmar Treaty: Filing and Exemplifying the Documents

12.00-12.15 Uhr

12.15-13.30 Uhr


13.30-14.00 Uhr
Die Verträge zwischen Livland und Russland (15.–16. Jahrhundert)

14.00-14.30 Uhr
SVEN JAROS (Leipzig)
Von Krewo bis Lublin. Stadien, Akteure und Kontexte der polnisch-litauischen Union im Spiegel ausgewählter Dokumente (14.–16. Jahrhundert)

14.30-14.45 Uhr

14.45-15.00 Uhr

15.00-15.30 Uhr
Die Verträge zwischen Serbien und Dubrovnik (Ragusa): Die politischen Beziehungen im Spiegel von diplomatischen Formen (XII.-XV. Jh.)

15.30-16.00 Uhr
Aus den letzten Tagen von Byzanz: Der chrysoboullos logos von Konstantinos XI. Palaiologos vom Juni 1451 für Ragusa

16.00-16.15 Uhr

16.15-16.30 Uhr

16.30-17.00 Uhr
Ungarisch-tschechische Friedensverträge im 13. Jahrhundert

17.00-17.30 Uhr
GYÖRGY RÁCZ (Budapest)
Charters and Letters of the Congress of Visegrád in 1335

17.30-17.45 Uhr

18.15-19.15 Uhr
Assemblée Générale der Commission Internationale de Diplomatique

19.30 Uhr

Freitag, 5. Oktober 2018


9.00-9.30 Uhr
Diplomatischer Schriftwechsel in der Karolingerzeit. Eine Spurensuche

9.30-10.00 Uhr
Die Verträge zwischen Friedrich Barbarossa und Venedig

10.00-10.30 Uhr
Schriftliche Kommunikation der böhmischen Länder mit der römischen Kurie am Ende des 13. Jahrhunderts

10.30-10.45 Uhr

10.45-11.00 Uhr

11.00-11.30 Uhr
Performing victory and defeat through charters. Material context and social perception of the early 13th-century treaties concluded between the French King and the Count of Flanders

11.30-12.00 Uhr
Das Bündnis zwischen König Adolf I. (von Nassau) und dem englischen König Edward I. (1294) und der Zufall der Überlieferung

12.00-12.30 Uhr
JAN W. J. BURGERS (Amsterdam)
Travelling Clerks. The International Outlook of the Clerks at the Princely Courts of the Low Countries, 1280-1350

12.30-12.45 Uhr

12.45-14.00 Uhr

14.00-14.30 Uhr
Von Fernost ins Abendland. Die Briefe mongolischer Herrscher an den König von Frankreich (um 1300)

14.30-15.00 Uhr
SZILÁRD SÜTTŐ (Miskolc, Ungarn)
Die Urkunden vom 28. Juli 1385 über die geplante Ehe zwischen Wilhelm von Habsburg und der ungarisch-polnischen Königstochter Hedwig im Wiener Haus-, Hof- und Staatsarchiv und die Umstände ihrer Ausfertigung Uhr

15.15-15.30 Uhr

15.30-16.00 Uhr
The Union of Leonor of Portugal with the Emperor Frederick III of Germany: Marriage Contract, Charters, Letters and Narratives

16.00-16.30 Uhr
Le traité de paix universelle de Londres (1518)

16.30-16.45 Uhr

16.45-17.00 Uhr


17.00-17.30 Uhr
Diplomatic Relations between the Kingdoms of León and Castile and Their Neighbours (1140–1230 ca.)

17.30-18.00 Uhr
Tratados, documentos y cartas entre las Coronas de Aragón y Castilla: la Guerra de los Dos Pedros (1356 y 1369)

18.00-18.15 Uhr

Samstag, 6. Oktober 2018

9.00-9.30 Uhr
The Treaty of Tordesillas between Portugal and Castile (June, 7, 1494)

9.30-10.00 Uhr
Trattati e dintorni: Genova e Bisanzio nella seconda metà del secolo XII

10.00-10.15 Uhr

10.15-10.30 Uhr

10.30-11.00 Uhr
I trattati tra Venezia e i regni musulmani e arabi d'Oriente e d'Occidente (XI-XIV secolo)

11.00-11.30 Uhr
Trent'anni dopo. Ritorno sulle tracce scritte dei rapporti tra Pisa e il Maghreb nel medioevo (secoli XII-XIV)

11.30-11.45 Uhr

11.45-12.00 Uhr

12.00-12.30 Uhr
L’alliance conclue entre le sultan mamelouk Khalīl et le roi d’Aragón Jacques II en 693/1293

12.30-13.00 Uhr
ANA LABARTA (Valencia)/ROSER SALICRÚ (Barcelona)
Le traité de paix bilingue entre le Royaume de Grenade et la Couronne d’Aragon de 1405

13.00-13.15 Uhr

13.15-13.30 Uhr
Abschluss der Tagung

(source: ESCLH Blog)

CALL FOR PAPERS: SEMINAR: On the Origins of International Legal Thought (Cambridge: Lauterpacht Centre, 7 Dec 2018) DEADLINE 31 JUL 2018

(image source: Lauterpacht centre)

Comprehension of the development of legal thought over time is necessary for any historical, philosophical, practical, or theoretical enquiry into the subject today. Perspective is everything. When seen against the background of broad geopolitical, diplomatic, administrative, intellectual, religious, and commercial changes, law begins to appear very resilient. It withstands the rise and fall of empires. It provides the framework for the establishment of new orders in the place of the old. Today what analogies, principles, and authorities of law have survived these changes continue to inform so much of the international legal tradition, and it is unobvious why tomorrow will be any different.

An intimate seminar will take place across one day at the Lauterpacht Centre for International Law towards the end of Michaelmas Term. Participation is open to academics from around the world. The conference is free, with little chance of a per diem reimbursement, however there may be some prospect for the remuneration of a portion of travel and accommodation expenses in exceptional cases.

A handful of candidates will be invited to participate personally, and this line-up will be confirmed at a later date. On top of this, there are between three and four positions available to be filled. Although the call is open to historians and legal scholars working in any period from Ancient Rome to the present, preference will be shown towards historical research framed within the period between 1860 and 1939, especially if concern is shown for private international law, public international law, or legal/state personality in this period. Sympathy towards imperial, interpolitical, and/or interreligious perspectives will be especially welcome. More than anything else, participants should be prepared to contemplate the dynamism of legal thought in various contexts. If your work meets a good standard, there is every prospect of inclusion within an edited collection of chapters, entitled Empire and Legal Thought (Oxford University Press). If you would like to be included within this collection, a full chapter of 8,000 words will need to be provided before the end of the calendar year. Please, therefore, send an abstract of between 200 and 500 words, along with some indication of whether or not you would like to contribute a chapter to a volume for OUP, to, by July 31st, 2018. All things considered, participants who are prepared to publish a chapter along the lines of the presentation will be favoured at the shortlisting stage.

This seminar will be organised and led by Dr Edward Cavanagh FRHistS is a Fellow of Downing College, a Fellow of the Lauterpacht Centre of International Law, an Associate Fellow at the Institute for Commonwealth Studies, and a member of the Faculty of History at the University of Cambridge. He has published several articles across law and history in a number of well reputed outlets, including Law and History ReviewItinerarioModern Intellectual HistoryHistorical JournalComparative Legal HistoryHistory CompassSouth African Journal on Human Rights, and Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History.

(source: ESCLH Blog)

Saturday 19 May 2018

REMINDER: JHIL Conference February 2019: Politics and the Histories of International Law (MPIL Heidelberg; DEADLINE 31 MAY 2018)

We have the following Call for Papers for a conference on “Politics and the Histories of International Law” by the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law.


L’histoire n’est pas une religion. L’historien n’accepte aucun dogme, ne respecte aucun interdit, ne connaît pas de tabous. Il peut être dérangeant. - LIBERTÉ POUR L’HISTOIRE, 2005

Almost all scholarship on international law and its history has political implications. Some say that international legal scholarship is inevitably ideological in nature and that its findings depend on concealed political preferences. Put differently, legal scholarship could be nothing more than the pseudo-objective defence of ruling ideologies. Most famously, Hans Kelsen had denounced a ‘tendency wide-spread among writers on international law’ to produce ‘political ideology’. Kelsen sought to escape this by writing books of a ‘purely juristic character’ (Principles of International Law, 2nd ed. 1967, ix). In his foreword to the commentary on the UN Charter of 1950, he stressed that ‘separation of law from politics in the presentation of national or international problems is possible’ (The Law of the United Nations, 1950, viii).

Many nowadays doubt that purging international legal scholarship of politics would work. In 2004, Martti Koskenniemi put this as follows: ‘The choice is not between law and politics, but between one politics of law, and another. Everything is at stake, but not for everyone’ (EJIL 16 (2005), 123).
So, which factors ‘politicise’ international legal scholarship? The first factor is that the object under investigation is itself a political matter. International law has throughout its history been political, because its content depends on the political power of the parties negotiating the treaties, and because it transports political values.

Scholars themselves cannot completely avoid being more or less political actors, because their value judgements, which are inescapable, often carry political implications. However, an important difference between doing scholarship and doing politics lies in the authors’ main intention: It is, ideal-typically, not the primary purpose of scholarship to make politics and unbounded evaluation but to generate knowledge − which could then be used politically, by the author herself or by others. Along this line, most scholars of history seek to uncover various aspects of past events and debates and to contextualise them, thereby realising a modicum of objectivity and neutrality. Some consciously try to avoid judgment, while others are more prone to judging deliberately and to employing historical insights in contemporary political debates.

Research on the history of international law is not only inherently political but moreover specifically ‘risk-prone’. Writing on topics such as genocide, state of exception, failed states, humanitarian intervention, asymmetrical war, or cyber-attacks is especially liable to being used and abused by participants in political controversies. In fact, when it comes to writing history, the fight over master narratives is especially fierce, among governments, in different academic camps, and between governments and academics. The notorious example are memory laws which consecrate specific views on atrocities of the past (especially genocidal massacres) and which sometimes additionally criminalise the denial of those atrocities. These attempts to close historical debates by law have been criticised by historians, most famously in the petition ‘Liberté pour l‘histoire’ by French historians reacting against various French memory laws.

To conclude, the interpretations of historical events are almost inescapably political, and potentially have the power to shape international relations: ‘On résiste à l’invasion des armées; on ne résiste pas à l’invasion des idées’ (Victor Hugo, Histoire d’un crime, 1877/2009, 639). It is against this background that the rights and responsibilities of those researching on the history of international law should be seen.

The JHIL invites scholars to engage with the questions of the role of politics and ideology in the historiographies of international law. We welcome propositions for papers which address methodological questions, as well as case studies or historiographical analyses that focus on certain contentious subjects within the field of international law and its history


  • Date: The conference will last from Friday morning, 15 February to Saturday noon (16 February 2019). It will start with an informal get-together on Thursday evening, 14 February.
  • Venue: Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and Public International Law, Im Neuenheimer Feld 535, D-69120 Heidelberg, Germany.
  • Scholars who would like to present a paper at the conference are invited to submit a title and abstract (250–500 words) to the managing editor of the JHIL ( before 1 June 2018. Abstracts will be assessed by the editors of the JHIL with involvement of the journal’s Academic Advisory Board. A decision on acceptance of the abstract will be communicated by 1 July 2018.
  • Authors of accepted abstracts will be requested to submit their draft papers by 1 February 2019. The draft will be circulated among participants (authors and admitted engaged listeners).
  • Final versions of the papers will be due by 30 March 2019. Papers will then be submitted to the normal review procedure of the JHIL, online at: editorial
  • See the “Instructions for authors” online at: authors_instructions/JHIL.pdf.
  • The Max Planck Institute will cover the costs of the accommodation of accepted paper presenters (up to three nights) and will offer a needs-based subsidy towards travel costs.
  • An additional call for engaged listeners will be issued shortly.
  • For updated technical information on the conference see publications/periodic-publications/jhil.cfm.

For more information, please visit the website of the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law

(source: ESCLH Blog)

Friday 18 May 2018

JOURNAL: European Journal of International Law XXIX (2018), No. 1

(image source:

The latest issue of the European Journal of International Law, the official organ of ESIL, published its latest issue. Several contributions touch on either the foundations or the historical development of international law.

Eyal Benvenisti, 'Upholding Democracy Amid the Challenges of New Technology: What Role for the Law of Global Governance?'
Wolfgang Alschner, Damien Charlotin, 'The Growing Complexity of the International Court of Justice’s Self-Citation Network'
Hendrik Simon, 'The Myth of Liberum Ius ad Bellum: Justifying War in 19th-Century Legal Theory and Political Practice'
Ignacio de la Rasilla, 'A Very Short History of International Law Journals (1869–2018)'

Focus: International Economic Law 
Sungjoon Cho, Jürgen Kurtz, 'Convergence and Divergence in International Economic Law and Politic'
Christopher Vajda, 'The EU and Beyond: Dispute Resolution in International Economic Agreements'

Symposium: International Law and the First World War International Law before 1914 and the Outbreak of War
Gabriela A Frei, 'International Law and the First World War: Introduction'
Jochen von Bernstorff, 'The Use of Force in International Law before World War I: On Imperial Ordering and the Ontology of the Nation-State'

Critical Review of International Jurisprudence 
Alan Desmond, 'The Private Life of Family Matters: Curtailing Human Rights Protection for Migrants under Article 8 of the ECHR?'

Critical Review of International Governance 
Joel A Dennerley, 'State Liability for Space Object Collisions: The Proper Interpretation of ‘Fault’ for the Purposes of International Space Law'

Review Essay 
Charlotte Peevers, 'Liberal Internationalism, Radical Transformation and the Making of World Orders'

Book Reviews

More information here.

Thursday 10 May 2018

BOOK : David DEROUSSIN, ed., La Grande Guerre et son droit (Paris: Librairie LGDJ). ISBN 9782275060521, 44,00 €

(Source: Librairie LGDJ)

Librairie LGDJ has just published a new book on World War I and its influence on lawyers and legal systems during the war.


Si le centenaire de la Première Guerre mondiale a évidemment été l'occasion d'expositions et de manifestations scientifiques nombreuses, rares sont celles dont le droit a été l'objet exclusif. Tel est au contraire le parti pris de l'ouvrage aujourd'hui présenté au public, qui entend appréhender non seulement l'attitude des juristes face à la guerre, mais aussi la réaction des systèmes juridiques eux-mêmes, à travers des exemples tirés tant du droit privé que du droit public, dans le but de saisir le fonctionnement concret des règles de droit dans un contexte assurément particulier, la résistance des principales distinctions (droit privé/droit public), catégories (propriété privée) et notions juridiques et la solidité de certains principes juridiques (liberté contractuelle, intangibilité du contrat).
L'ouvrage s'adresse ainsi non seulement aux universitaires et étudiants des facultés de droit et d'histoire, mais aussi à tous ceux qui souhaitent découvrir comment les systèmes juridiques des principaux pays belligérants, confrontés à l'âpreté des combats et à l'enlisement d'un conflit dans lequel ils ne sont pas tous entrés de manière identique, ont entendu répondre aux divers défis qui leur étaient adressés. 

Les contributions réunies dans ce volume, pour l'essentiel rédigées par des historiens du droit, montrent alors que, pour chacun de ces systèmes, les difficultés liées à la mobilisation, à la conduite des opérations militaires, au maintien de l'activité économique, au fonctionnement de la justice ou encore à la réparation des dommages de guerre, ont souvent été résolues au moyen de techniques pour une bonne part similaires, comme la mise en place d'un contrôle accru des activités économiques au moyen notamment de restrictions à la liberté contractuelle et à la liberté du commerce, le recours à la technique des moratoria ou, au contraire, le maintien de certains grands principes du droit contractuel, spécialement la force obligatoire du contrat. Elles montrent également que cette adaptation des systèmes juridiques au temps de guerre a souvent bénéficié de l'expérience passée (notamment le premier conflit franco-prussien de 1870) et que, sur certains points (réparation des dommages de guerre, encadrement accru du contrat de bail), elle laissera des traces bien après la fin des hostilités. 

Sous la direction de David Deroussin, avec les contributions de P. Allorant, Ph. Bouchardeau, P.-L. Boyer, A.-S. Chambost, F. Cherfouh, D. Deroussin, C. Drand, B. Durand, Fr. Gilson,
J.-L. Halpérin, J. Hummel, J. Lafosse, E. Lemonidou, A. Mages, U. Pavan Dalla Torre, A. Péroz, G. Richard, G. Rubin, G. Sawicki, M. Wanaim, J. Zollmann.

The first pages of the book, including its table of content, can be found here

For more information, see the publisher’s websiteµ

(source: ESCLH blog)