ESIL Interest Group History of International Law

ESIL Interest Group History of International Law

Tuesday 11 August 2020

JOURNAL: Revista de Direito Internacional - Brazilian Journal of International Law [Focus Section History of International Law] XV (2018), nr. 3

(image source: uniCEUB)

Editorial - What does it mean to apply history in international law studies? (Arthur Capella Giannattasio)

Brazilian literature on international law during the empire regime. Or the diffusion of international law in the peripheries through appropriation and adaptation (Airton Ribeiro da Silva Júnior)
This essay attempts to understand the profile of Brazilian textbooks on international law published during the Brazilian Empire (1822-1889), in order to comprehend which doctrines and influences can be traceable in the Brazilian legal literature. In this sense, the article focused on the entanglements between Western and Brazilian knowledge, privileging the conception of moderation between cultures rather than unilateral imposition or reproduction - interpretations that eventually prevails on the study of diffusion of knowledge in legal history. The research revealed that all of the three textbooks that had been published during the Imperial political regime (1851, 1867, 1889) shared, in general, the same characteristics: all of them had been written by professors of the Faculty of Recife, they were all prepared to serve as textbooks to the discipline of international law, and the three books followed the Droit des Gens Moderne de l’Europe written by the German jurist Johann Ludwig Klüber. In fact, the very first book of international law published in Brazil, written by Pedro Autran da Matta Albuquerque, is an abridged translation of Klüber’s book. The history of the discipline and the bibliography of international law in nineteenth-century Brazil had been neglected; the present essay modestly attempts to fulfil this gap narrating the diffusion of international law from an extra-European standpoint.

Natural, positivo, romano e universal? Investigação sobre o direito das gentes em Tomás de Aquino (Rafael Zelesco Barretto)
O artigo busca sintetizar o pensamento de Tomás de Aquino sobre o direito das gentes, a partir de uma leitura contextualizada das passagens em que tal autor o menciona. Trata-se de uma instância intermediária entre os direitos natural e positivo, determinada pelos institutos repetidos entre os diversos povos. A hipótese de trabalho, que se pensa haver comprovado no texto, é que o direito das gentes tomista não é mera herança do direito romano, inserindo-se coerentemente no pensamento jurídico do autor da Suma, com sua marca típica de universalidade. O trabalho foi desenvolvido em quatro partes: a primeira resume a teoria jurídica do Aquinate. A segunda mapeia o direito das gentes no texto da Suma Teológica. A terceira parte faz a análise textual e contextual, reservando-se apartados para o Tratado da Lei, o Tratado da Justiça e as fontes, sobretudo de juristas romanos, empregadas pelo Aquinate. Tal análise será comparada com as conclusões de outros historiadores do pensamento jusinternacionalista a respeito, o que permitirá ressaltar certas nuances da postura do teólogo medieval.

The (Un)practical Secularization Process: International Law and Religion as Social Realities (Douglas De Castro)
The long debate about separation of International law and religion might be traced since the Peace of Westphalia. However, empirical evidence shows that not only both have been closely connected ontologically but instrumental to each other to realize their objectives. This article applies the tenets of the social theory propagation approach: phenomenology and rhetoric to identify the links between international law and religion in history to identify the dialectic existence between them, and how unpractical is secularization as “preached” by mainstream academic considering the social realities experienced in both fields.

Sur la nature du droit islamique (Hocine Benkheira)
L’expression « droit musulmans » ou « droit islamique » pourrait laisser croire à l’existence d’un modèle juridique universel. Dans notre contribution nous cherchons à souligner certaines spécificités du système institutionnel de l’islam, comme par exemple le fait que le rôle central est joué non par le juge, mais par le juriste ou mufti. C’est ce fait qui empêche la subordination du système juridique au système politique. Il en est autrement de nos jours alors que la plupart des pays musulmans ont adopté un modèle d’inspiration occidental.

Islamic Shariʿa Law, History and Modernity: Some Reflections (Suleiman A Mourad)
In the last two centuries, Muslim modernists have introduced major legal reforms that led to the restriction of the range and scope of Islamic Shariʿa Law and the overhaul of legal thought and practice in the Muslim World. Nevertheless, every time a new legal reform is proposed, it is met with outcries from Islamists who label it un-Islamic and blasphemy against God. This paper examines some major premodern scholars of Islamic jurisprudence whose thought and practice about Shariʿa Law featured tremendous flexibility in the way they understood their role as legislators and accepted a diversity of rules. The paper shows how important Islamic history is for a proper understanding of Islamic Shariʿa Law, which accommodates change and constant interpretation
(this issue results from the call for papers, which was distributed earlier on this blog)

Read all articles in open access here.