ESIL Interest Group History of International Law

ESIL Interest Group History of International Law

Friday, 26 June 2020

DIGITAL ARCHIVES: League of Nations (The Total Digital Access Project) past halfway

(image source: UNOG)

The Project team is proud to announce that, despite the recent challenges posed by COVID-19, we have reached an important milestone and have passed the half-way point of the scanning, with well over 7.5 million pages scanned! We want to thank our staff for their continued efforts and dedication to the project, as well as our partners and all those who have expressed their interest and encouragement! The Total Digital Access to the League of Nations Archives Project (LONTAD) will ensure state-of-the-art free online access and the digital and physical preservation of approximately 15 million pages, or almost three linear kilometers, the entirety of the archives of the League of Nations (1920-1946), the first global intergovernmental organization aiming to establish international peace and cooperation, and the predecessor of the United Nations. The LONTAD project is made possible through a generous donation of a private Swiss foundation. While digitization of these materials is only one part of the project, the figures above indicate our overall progress towards achieving this important step by the three main steps: preparing the documents for digitization, scanning, and indexing the materials to make them searchable. This website serves as a temporary platform to follow LONTAD’s progress, provide selections and highlights of materials from the collections, give access to related resources, and to provide technical information that may be useful to other archives professionals.
Read more here.