ESIL Interest Group History of International Law

ESIL Interest Group History of International Law

Tuesday 8 October 2024

BOOK: Patrick QUINTON-BROWN, "Intervention before Interventionism: A Global Genealogy" (OUP, 2024)

Source: OUP


Intervention before Interventionism is about the ways in which statespeople have reordered intervention and non-intervention since the middle of the twentieth century. It is concerned primarily with non-Western contestations of Western-dominated order; it illustrates institutional change in and through decolonization; and it provides a conceptual roadmap for understanding dilemmas of intervention and non-intervention today, particularly in relation to contestation as it has re-emerged in the twenty-first century. While building on and conversing with existing literature, the book stands out from previous approaches insofar as it is a mapping of international struggles for the reconstitution of intervention in the globalization of the society of states.

Table of Contents:

1 Reconstituting intervention: Contestation and the Princeton Conference
2 Dictatorial intervention and the UN Charter
3 Anti-colonial intervention and the Bandung Spirit
4 ‘Friendly’ intervention and the Special Committee
5 Emancipatory intervention and the New International Orders
6 Liberal intervention and the Responsibilities to Protect

More info with the publisher.