(image Source: ÖAW)
Beiträge zur Rechtsgeschichte Österreichs (Contributions to Austrian Legal History) is a peer-reviewed journal that is published twice a year at the Austrian Academy of Sciences Press both online as well as in print. The journal covers all aspects of Austrian legal history (constitutional history, history of private law, criminal law etc.), including its involvement in larger legal communities, from the Holy Roman Empire to the EU. The editors of the journal are also members of the Commission for Austrian Legal History of the Austrian Academy of Sciences; the journal‘s editorial office is provided by the Legal Sources Research Center at the University of Vienna.
The journal uses double-blind peer review by an international academic advisory board.
We invite you to submit a manuscript, not longer than 40.000 characters (exceptions may be granted in special cases), by 1 September 2020. Only original manuscripts in German or English will be accepted. A style guide (in English and German), a list of standard abbreviations and our standards of good scientific practice are available at www.rechtsgeschichte.at/beitraege.
Please submit your manuscript in electronic form to: thomas.olechowski@oeaw.ac.at