"The conference “Historical Capitalism and International Law” will
take place on the 18th and 19th January 2018 at Sciences Po Law School,
Paris, as part of CIERA’s programme colloques juniors.
scholars will explore the topic, underlining the particularities of
capitalism as a social construction embedding several economic, social,
political and cultural dimensions, all of which can be further
articulated through analysing the legal dimension.
Departing from the
material reality of capitalism to analyse its origins, functioning,
current challenges and the prospect of its potential future
developments, the conference will focus on the nature and evolution of
economic and social institutions, their role in the exchanges and
movement of peoples, ideas and commodities, as well as the way through
which encounters, confrontations and interactions have shaped them in
The Conference will be held in Sciences Po Paris on the 18 and 19 January 2018."
For more details see: http://www.sfdi.org/en/actualites/sciences-po-paris-conference-historical-capitalism-and-international-law/