The Interest Group History of International Law of the European Society of International Law invites all members interested in diffusing reports on conferences they attended through its blog ( The ESILHIL-blog aims to acquire the status of a standard news and communication channel for historians of international law (including researchers from various connected disciplines). The present call aims to further exploit the communication possibilities of the medium, emphasizing the fast publication of conference reports.
We gladly accept summaries or more extensive comments on scientific events (conferences, colloquia, workshops) taking place all over the globe, related to the history of international law. New blog entries should be in English or French, any other language, provided an English or French translation is available, and will contain a short presentation of the authors. Although there is no formal word limit, we advise prospective authors to limit themselves to about 1 000 words. Conference reports will be treated and presented as expressing solely the opinions of their author.Proposals can be mailed to dr. Frederik Dhondt (