ESIL Interest Group History of International Law

ESIL Interest Group History of International Law

Thursday, 3 March 2022

JOURNAL: The English Historical Review, Volume 136, Issue 583, December 2021

Source: OUP

The most recent issue of the English Historical Review includes several publications relevant to the history of international law:

  • Article: A Priceless Grace? The Congress of Vienna of 1815, the Ottoman Empire and Historicising the Eastern Question

Ozan Ozavci

The English Historical Review, Volume 136, Issue 583, December 2021, Pages 1450–1476,

  • Review article: Großraum Europa: The Nazi Concept of ‘Greater European Space’ in Recent Literature

The Construction of a National Socialist Europe during the Second World War: How the New Order Took Shape. By Raimund Bauer (Abingdon:  Routledge,  2019; pp.  202. £120);

‘Das Neue Europa,’ 1933–1945: German Thought Patterns about Europe. By Carl Wege (Stuttgart:  Edition Axel Menges,  2016; pp.  132. €39);

A New Nationalist Europe under Hitler: Concepts of Europe and Transnational Networks in the National Socialist Sphere of Influence, 1933–1945. Edited by Johannes Dafinger and Dieter Pohl (Abingdon:  Routledge,  2019; pp.  324. £120; pb. £36.99);

Fascism without Borders: Transnational Connections and Cooperation between Movements and Regimes in Europe from 1918 to 1945. Edited by Arnd Bauerkämper and Grzegorz Rossoliński-Liebe (New York:  Berghahn,  2017; pp.  384. £110; pb. £27.95);

The Nazi-Fascist New Order for European Culture. By Benjamin G. Martin (Cambridge, MA:  Harvard University Press,  2016; pp.  384. £33.95);

Building a Nazi Europe: The SS’s Germanic Volunteers. By Martin Gutmann (Cambridge:  Cambridge University Press,  2017; pp.  254. £70.99; pb. £22.99).

Oded Heilbronner

The English Historical Review, Volume 136, Issue 583, December 2021, Pages 1574–1594,