ESIL Interest Group History of International Law

ESIL Interest Group History of International Law

Friday, 10 October 2014

CONFERENCE: Treaties of Commerce. Balance of Trade and the European Order of States (Pisa, 26-27 November 2014)

(image: the harbour of Leghorn, Wikimedia Commons)

The University of Pisa organises a very promising conference on the history of international law and trade on 26-27 November, at the palazzo Manfreducci. 


Wednesday 26 November
9:00-9:15, Antonella Alimento, Università di Pisa, Introduction: The PRIN Project on ‘The Liberty of the Moderns’ and Commercial Treaties
First Session 
Chair: Antonella Alimento, Università di Pisa
9:15-9:30, Koen Stapelbroek, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Commercial Treaties and the Historiography of Eighteenth-Century Politics and Trade: Preliminary Considerations
9:30-10:00, Eric Schnakenbourg, Université de Nantes, Les conditions de l’échange marchand: traités de commerce et droit maritime au XVIIIe siècle
Coffee break
10:30-11:00, Guillaume Calafat, Université de Paris I, Faut-il traiter avec les «Barbaresques»? Commerce, compétition et pouvoir au XVIIIe siècle 
11:00-12:00, Discussion
Second Session 
Chair : John Shovlin, New York University
14:30-15:00, José Luís Cardoso, Institute of Social Sciences Lisbon, The Anglo-Portuguese Treaties of Commerce of 1703 and 1810: Opportunities and Constraints of Economic Development
15:00-15:30, Maria Virginia León, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, El Tratado hispano-británico del asiento durante la primera mitad del siglo XVIII
Coffee break
16:00-16:30, Doohwan Ahn, Seoul National University, The Treaty of Utrecht Revisited: The Balance of Trade or the Balance of Power?
16:30-17:00, Koen Stapelbroek, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Global Trade and the Commercial Treaties of the Dutch Republic
17:00-18:00, Discussion
Thursday 27 November
Third Session 
Chair: Koen Stapelbroek, Erasmus University Rotterdam
9:00-9:30, Antonella Alimento, Università di Pisa, From the Balance of Power to the Balance of Commerce Strategy: the French Rejection of the Treaties of Commerce Policy (1713-1763) 
9:30-10:00, John Shovlin, New York University, Remaking the Franco-British Rivalry in India: The Godeheu–Saunders Treaty and the Political Economy of Peaceful Competition
Coffee Break
10:30-11:00, Pascal Dupuy, Université de Rouen, Jeux et enjeux autour du traité de commerce franco-britanique de 1786: les représentations françaises
11:00-11:30, Marc Belissa, Université de Paris 10, Quel commerce pour un peuple républicain? Les débats révolutionnaires sur les traités de commerce de la République française (1792-1799)
11:30-12:30, Discussion
Fourth Session 
Chair: José Luís Cardoso, Institute of Social Sciences Lisbon
14,30-15,00 Marco Cavarzere, Ludwig-Maximilian Universität (Munich), The ‘Convention préliminaire de commerce’ between France and Prussia (1753) and the Rise of a New Commercial Nation
15:00-15:30, Christine Lebeau, Université de Paris I, Négocier un traité de commerce en contexte impérial. L’exemple de la Monarchie des Habsbourg dans la deuxième moitié du XVIIIe siècle
Coffee break
16:00-16:30, Biagio Salvemini, Università di Bari, Dans le silence des traités: l’interventionnisme institutionnel dans le commerce entre le Royaume de France et le Royaume de Naples au XVIIIe siècle 
16:30-18:00, Final Discussion 
More information here: