ESIL Interest Group History of International Law

ESIL Interest Group History of International Law

Friday, 18 November 2016

CONFERENCE: International Law in the Long Nineteenth Century (c. 1775-1920) (Leuven: KULeuven, 24-25 Nov 2016)

(Mgr Sencie Institute; image source: Screenflanders)

The University of Leuven (R. Lesaffer, I. Van Hulle) organizes a conference on International Law in the Long Nineteenth Century  on 24 and 25 November 2016.

On the conference:
Recent historiography on public international law of the long nineteenth century consists of several storylines. For a long time, there was a strong emphasis on the period after 1870, which was regarded as a precursor to the formation of a truly global international law. Thus the nineteenth century was presented as the era in which international law as a discipline finally came to fruition through the creation of specialized chairs, professional societies, modern journals and academic contributions. International jurists embraced new scientific theories such as economic liberalism and positivism and said goodbye to the natural law as an interpretative paradigm. In addition, significant progress was made in the area of human rights, international humanitarian law, arbitration and the conclusion of multilateral treaties. However, in contrast to these nobles aspirations, recent literature on international law has also indicated the strong ties to imperialism. Recent research has taken important steps towards investigating the development of international law in the period before 1870, for example, by highlighting its contribution to the abolition of the slave trade and slavery, the impact of political economy, the role of the Holy Alliance and the growth of international maritime law and warfare. 
This conference aims to encourage critical reflections on traditional historiographical themes, methods and sources used to study nineteenth-century international law. As such, they will provide new research topics such as, for example, the role of big versus small states in shaping international legal doctrine, the contributions of Western and non-Western jurists for the development of international law, the continuities and differences in relation to earlier and later periods, the legacy of the Napoleonic era, indigenous forms of international law, regional systems of international law, etc.
Day 1:
Day 1, 24 November 2016
12:30 Registration - coffee, tea
12:45 Welcome by the Dean B. Tilleman
12:55 Welcome by Randall Lesaffer
13:00-14:30 First panel: The Eighteenth-Century Fall-Out on Nineteenth-Century International Law13:00-13:20 James Crawford, Napoleon – A Small Issue of Status
13:20-13:40 Camilla Boisen, Subjecting International Relations to the Law of Nature: A Neglected Aspect of the Early Modern Jurists and Edmund Burke
13:40-14:00 Raymond Kubben, The Nineteenth-Century Origin of Conceptual Comfort on ‘Statehood
(30 minutes question time - followed by coffee break)
15:00-16:30 Second panel: Neutrality15:00-15:20 Frederik Dhondt, Permanent neutrality or permanent insecurity? Obligation and self-interest in the defense of Belgian neutrality
15:20-15:40 Shavana Musa, The Law of Neutrality in the Long Nineteenth Century
15:40-16:00 Viktorija Jakimovska: Uneasy Neutrality: Great Britain and the Greek War of Independence
(30 minutes question time followed by coffee break)
17:00-18:00 Third panel: Historiography of Nineteenth-Century International Law17:00-17:20 Miloš Vec, Which Narratives for Which Histories? The Contested Story of 19th Century International Law
17:20-17:40 Jan Lemnitzer, Economic globalisation and mid-19th Century expansion of International law 

Day 2:
09:00-09:30 Registration - coffee, tea
09:30-11:00 First panel: Professionalization and International Law 09:30-09:50 Stephen Neff, The Science of Man: Anthropology and International Law in the Nineteenth Century
09:50-10:10 Vincent Genin, Institut de droit International’s Crisis (1873-1899)
10:10-10 30 Ana Delic, Formative Interactions of Comparative Law and Private International Law (1820s to 1900s)
(30 minutes question time - followed by coffee break)
11:30-13:00 Second Panel: Empire and the Periphery in the Nineteenth Century 11:30-11:50 Andrew Fitzmaurice, ‘Equality in the Law of Nations
11:50-12:10 Stefan Kroll, Public-Private Colonialism: Political Authority and Judicial Decision-Making in the Shanghai International Settlement
12:10-12:30 Luigi Nuzzo, An Italian History of International Law (30 minutes question time - followed by lunch)
14:00-15:30 Third Panel: Individuals and International Law
14:00-14:20 Gabriela Frei, A Nation should be judged by its Laws” – Sir William Jones and the Translation of Hindu and Islamic Laws in Bengal (1788-1794)
14:20-14:40 Raphael Cahen, The Mahmoud ben Ayed case and the transformation of international law
14:40-15:00 Inge Van Hulle, British Imperial International Law in Africa and its Agents
(30 minutes question time and concluding remarks)
15:45 Closing Reception

Venue: Mgr. Sencie Instituut, Erasmusplein 2, 3000 Leuven (room MSI 1 03.12)

More information and registration

Tuesday, 15 November 2016

BOOK: Eric SCHNAKENBOURG & Nicolas DROCOURT (eds.), Thémis en diplomatie. Droit et arguments juridiques dans les relations internationales de l'Antiquité tardive à la fin du XVIIIe siècle [Histoire]. Rennes: PU Rennes, 2016, 331 p. ISBN 9782753551237, € 23

(image source: PUR)

The Presses Universitaires de Rennes published the volume Thémis en diplomatie. Droit et arguments juridiques dans les relations internationales de l'antiquité tardive au XVIIIe siècle, under the direction of Eric Schnakenbourg and Nicolas Drocourt (Nantes).

Book abstract:
L’étude des relations internationales et des contacts diplomatiques au travers des âges ne saurait faire l’économie d’une réflexion sur le rôle et l’importance du recours au droit et aux arguments juridiques. C’est autour de ce postulat que sont réunies les diverses contributions du présent ouvrage qui s’inscrivent dans un espace allant des marges orientales de Byzance à l’Europe occidentale et dans un large champ chronologique, de l’Antiquité tardive à la fin du XVIIIe siècle.

Table of contents: here.

On the editors:
Nicolas Drocourt est maître de conférences en histoire médiévale à l’université de Nantes et membre du centre de recherche en Histoire internationale et atlantique (CRHIA) ; ses travaux portent sur la diplomatie médio-byzantine. Il a notamment dirigé La figure de l’ambassadeur entre mondes éloignés. Ambassadeurs, envoyés officiels et représentations diplomatiques entre Orient islamique, Occident latin et Orient chrétien (XIe-XVIe siècle), PUR, 2015. 
Éric Schnakenbourg est professeur d’histoire moderne à l’université de Nantes et directeur du centre de recherche en Histoire internationale et atlantique (CRHIA). Il est spécialiste de l’histoire des relations internationales en Europe et dans l’espace atlantique aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles. Il a notamment publié Entre la guerre et la paix : Neutralité et relations internationales, XVIIe-XVIIIe siècles, PUR, 2013.
Notes on other contributors here.

More information on the publisher's website.

Update: this book is now also available as an e-book on the (DOI 10.4000/books.pur.47665). A free google preview can be found here..

CALL FOR ABSTRACTS: ESIL RESEARCH FORUM, Granada: Workshop "Neutrality in the History of International Law - Myths and Evolving Realities"; DEADLINE 15 DEC 2016

(image source: Wikimedia Commons)

No law is neutral. Law is always a mirror of the value-system and the power structure  underlying  any  given  society  at  any  point  in  time and international law has never been an exception to this rule. A different, and yet related matter, is the extent to which the law applies equally (or not) to all members of any given society, the extent to which these members participate as equals (or not) in the formation of international law and the extent to which the law is effectively (or not) applied in an objective and un-biased manner (what is, commonly known, as 'neutrally') by international bodies and adjudicators charged with applying it to international situations or with settling disputes between any given parties. The aspiration towards 'neutrality'  (as  such  conceived)  of  international  law  in  its  quest  for  an ever-greater  legitimacy,  has, undoubtedly, evolved  throughout  different historical  periods.  

Neutrality  in  the  history  of  international  law can,  on the other hand, also be understood as a legal institution. Neutrality as a legal  institution  was  born  as a  synonym  for  emancipation  from  a  rigorous moral  top-down  juridical-moral  framework  inherited  from  theology. Its theoretical  blossoming  went  in  parallel  with  the  consolidation  of  the principle  of  sovereign  equality  of  nations  and  the  principle  of  non-intervention in domestic affairs during the transition of the classical law of nations to modern international law. Since the establishment of the first international  institutions  with  universal  and  permanent  character, neutrality  as  a  legal  institution  has  continued  to  evolve  against  the background  provided  by  the  ever-shifting  chessboard  of  international relations  and  proliferating  international  institutions. 

Finally,  the relationship of neutrality and the history of international law can be also examined  through  the  lenses  of  the  neutrality  (or  lack  of)  of  history writing itself. If all history is, as B. Croce noted, contemporary history (by which it is generally meant that all history writing is, in one degree or other, done from the perspective of the present and also that all history writing  constitutes  an  intervention  in  the  present)  could  any  historical account  possibly  aspire  to  be  considered  a  'neutral'  history  of international law? And, if so, under what criteria? 
The  Interest  Group  of  the  History  of  International  Law  welcomes  abstracts that  engage  critically  with  any  of  these  dimensions  of  neutrality  in  the history  of  international  law  or  a  combination  thereof  in  historical perspective  by  reference  to  relevant  episodes  in  the  history  of international law and/or different historiographical schools.   
Each submission should include: 
– An abstract of no more than 400 words, the intended language of presentation, 
– A short curriculum vitae containing the author’s  name,  institutional  affiliation,  contact  information  and  e-mail address. 
Applications should be submitted to both Ignacio de la Rasilla del Moral (;  and Frederik  Dhondt (   by  15th December  2016.  All  applicants  will  be notified of the outcome of the selection process by 15th January 2017.  
Selection will be based on scholarly merit and with regard to producing an engaging  workshop,  without  prejudice  to  gender,  seniority,  language  or geographical  location.  Please  note  that  the  ESIL  Interest  Group  on  the History  of  International  Law  is  unable  to  provide  funds  to  cover  the conference registration fee or related transport and accommodation costs.  

More information on the Research Forum (30-31 March 2017) can be found on the website of the European Society of International Law or on the Granada Law School website.

Wednesday, 2 November 2016

BOOK: Luis RIBOT & José María IÑURRITEGUI (eds.), Europa y los tratados de reparto de la Monarquía de España, 1668-1700. Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva [Historia, ed. Juan Pablo FUSI], 2016, 338 p. ISBN 9788416647583, € 25

Next week on Friday (11 November), the book Europa y los tratados de reparto de la Monarquía de España, 1668-1700 (ed. L. Ribot & J.M. Iñurritegui) will be presented in Madrid. This work in Spanish collects articles from several scholars on these epochal treaties.

Table of contents:

  • Introducción (José María Iñurritegui) (13-28)
  • Los tratados de reparto de la Monarquía de España. Entre los derechos hereditarios y el equilibrio europeo (Luis Ribot) (29-54)
  • Del Contrato al Tratado. La Transformación Legal de la Sucesión Española (1659-1713) (Frederik Dhondt) (54-78)
  • El reparto del imperio español: La imposible búsqueda del equilibrio europeo (Lucien Bély) (79-92)
  • Embajadores, negociaciones e "intereses de Estado": Teorías y prácticas (1668-1714) (Daniela Frigo) (93-124)
  • Las negociaciones anglo-francesas sobre los tratados de reparto de España (1698-1700): Una reevaluación (David Onnekink) (125-146)
  • Pérdida de España: Ciencia de reparticiones y crisis de soberanía (José María Iñurritegui) (147-172)
  • Leopoldo I: La Política imperial, los derechos dinásticos y la sucesión española (Christoph Kampmann) (173-194)
  • "Dentro de la misma España, en esta misma península". Discurso y auto-representación en Portugal a propósito de la sucesión de Carlos II (David Martín Marcos) (195-216)
  • Los tratados de reparto, la revolución de la política exterior inglesa y el caso de Saboya (Christopher Storrs) (217-246)
  • Guerra y alianzas en la lucha por la hegemonía europea durante la segunda mitad del siglo XVII. El papel de España (Antonio José Rodríguez Hernández) (247-276)
The volume also contains a publication of sources:
  • Estudio Introductorio de los tratados de reparto de la Monarquía de España (Julio Arroyo Vozmediano) (279-290)
  • Primer tratado de reparto, 19 de enero de 1668 (291-300)
  • Segundo tratado de reparto, 11 de octubre de 1698 (301-316)
  • Tercer tratado de reparto, 3 de marzo de 1700 (317-338)
The work is available for € 25. See publisher's website.

Tuesday, 1 November 2016

TRAINING DAY: Socio-Legal Sources and Methods in International Law (Institute of Advanced Legal Studies/British Library/Socio-Legal Studies Association) (London, 25 Nov 2016)

(image source: Wikimedia Commons)

The Institute of Advanced Legal Studies (University of London/School of Advanced Study), the British Library and the Socio-Legal Studies Association co-organise a Training Day on "Socio-Legal Sources and Methods in International Law".

The training is amed at PhD/MPhil researchers, early career academics and policy researchers.

Socio-Legal Methods in International Law  
- Luis Eslava, University of Kent Law School
-  Isobel Roele, Queen Mary University of London Law School
-  Emilie Cloatre, University of Kent Law School
Socio-Legal Sources of International Law
-  Hester Swift, Foreign and International Law Librarian, IALS
-  Yassin Brunger, Queen’s University Belfast School of Law
-  Lesley Dingle, Foreign and International Law Librarian,
University of Cambridge
Socio-Legal Histories of International Law -  Mira Siegelberg, Queen Mary University of London School
of History/School of Law
-  Jeroen Vervliet, Director of the Peace Palace Library, The
-  Ruth Frendo, IALS Archivist and Records Manager
Objects of International Law 
-  Jessie Hohmann, Queen Mary University of London Law
-  Jonathan Sims, Content specialist for humanities and
social sciences, British Library 
Online booking and payment here.

Fees: £ 80 (standard); SLSA members £ 70; students £ 55 (incl. lunch/refreshments)

Institute of Advanced
Legal Studies
Charles Clore House
17 Russell Square
London  WC1B 5DR


WORKSHOP: Girls Trade and International Law. Processes of Juridification from the 19th Century Onwards (Leipzig, 4-5 Nov 2016)

(image source: uni-leipzig)

Kathleen Zeidler (University of Leipzig) and Sonja Dolinsek (University of Erfurt) co-organise a workshop on Girls Trade and International Law. Processes of Juridification from the 19th Century onwards. The event takes place from 4 till 5 November 2016.

Das Phänomen „Mädchenhandel“ hat Konjunktur. Es wurde am Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts zum Gegenstand transnationaler Verhandlungen, internationaler Regelungen und überstaatlicher Vereinbarungen und stellt bis heute ein wichtiges Feld für grenzüberschreitende Rechtsan- gleichung und Vereinheitlichung rechtlicher Normen dar. Im Workshop wollen wir uns den internationalen Verrechtlichungsprozessen vom 19. Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenwart aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven annähern. Ausgehend von der Entdeckung des Mädchenhandels als internationales Phänomen diskutieren wir die Praktiken der Ermittlung, Politik und Recht im staatlichen Kontext bis hin zu den aktuellen Debatten und Problemen.
 Freitag, 4. November
Begrüßung und Einführung Sonja Dolinsek (Universität Erfurt) und Kathleen Zeidler (GWZO)
Keynote: Die Stellung der Frauen im Völkerbund: Internationale Normierungs- und Standardisierungsprozesse in der Zwischenkriegszeit
Regula Ludi (Universität Bern)
Moderation: Dietlind Hüchtker (GWZO)
Panel I: Entdeckung – Mädchenhandel als internationales Phänomen
Moderation: Dietmar Müller (GWZO)
Historisierung der transnationalen Diskurse zu Mädchenhandel
Ruth Ennis (Universität Leipzig)
Der Völkerbund und die völkerrechtliche Regelung zur freien Bewegung von Frauen und Mädchen sowie der Versuch eines internationalen Verbotes des Prostitutionsgewerbes
Thomas S. Carhart (Universität Freiburg)
Filmsichtung mit Diskussion
Bibliothèque Pascal
Regie: Szabolcs Hajdu, Ungarn 2010 Ungarisch/Rumänisch mit deutschen Untertiteln Einführung: Kathleen Zeidler (GWZO) Moderation: Sonja Dolinsek (Universität Erfurt)

Samstag, 5. November 2016
Panel II: Ermittlung – Suche nach dem Mädchenhandel
Moderation: Katarina Ristić (Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg)

Marcus Braun – Ein US-special immigrant inspector auf den Spuren des Mädchenhandels in Europa (1908–1909)
Jakob Lanman Niese (Leipzig/Magdeburg)
„... unser Volk rekrutiert selten Ware für die Prostitution“: Mädchenschutz im Königreich SHS/ Jugoslawien der Zwischenkriegszeit
Svetlana Stefanović (Belgrad)
Panel III: Verrechtlichung – Mädchenhandel im staatlichen Kontext
Moderation: Kathleen Zeidler (GWZO)

Gouvernementalisierung und/oder Verrechtlichung? Überlegungen am Beispiel des Kampfes gegen Prostitution und Mädchenhandel in Luxemburg um 1900
Heike Mauer (Universität Duisburg-Essen)
Frauenhandel im 19. Jahrhundert in Deutschland und im deutschsprachigen Österreich
Jürgen Nautz (Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe / Universität Wien)
Panel IV: Fortsetzung – „Mädchenhandel“ zwischen internationalem Recht und internationaler Kritik
Moderation: Claudia Kraft (Universität Siegen)
Nach der „Abolition“: Wie der Frauen- und Mädchenhandel in Vergessenheit geriet (1949–1975)
Sonja Dolinsek (Universität Erfurt)
Investigating Human Trafficking: Troubles and Development of Law Enforcement in Hungary
Tamas Bezsenyi / Noémi Katona (Budapest)
Mädchenhandel, Menschenhandel, moderne Sklaverei: Liegt der Teufel im Begriff?
Janne Mende (Universität Kassel)
Resümee und Diskussion
Dietlind Hüchtker (GWZO) und Claudia Kraft (Universität Siegen)

More information on HSozKult.