ESIL Interest Group History of International Law

ESIL Interest Group History of International Law

Monday 14 October 2019

CONFERENCE: Peace and Security in Times of Transition: Socialist and Post-Socialist States and the Development of International Peacekeeping Since 1945 (29-31 October 2020, Moscow) (DEADLINE: 1 DECEMBER 2019)

(Source: HSozKult)

Via HSozKult, we learned of a conference at the Deutsches Historisches Institut in Moscow on the role of socialist and post-socialist states in the development of peacekeeping operations since 1945.

The interconnected histories of international organizations and the normative conceptions of international relations with their discussions about range and universality constitute one of the most promising and challenging topics of International History since 1945. Debates about the balance between state sovereignty and territorial integrity, international security, human rights, and dimensions of peace were reflected and still are reflected by international approaches to international challenges, new- and old-type crises, and problems of Cold War, decolonization as well as post-Cold War and post-colonial processes. […]“

More info with HSozKult

(source: ESCLH Blog)