ESIL Interest Group History of International Law

ESIL Interest Group History of International Law

Friday 29 September 2023

SPECIAL ISSUE: Histoire, économie & société 2023/3 (42e année), "Souveraineté économique, souveraineté politique" (Volume 3, 2023)


Source: Histoire, économie & société

Table of contents:

Page 4 à 6

Autour de la souveraineté économique

Éric Bussière

Page 7 à 22

La possibilité d’un port. Impasses économiques et espoirs déçus dans la ville internationale de Tanger (1912-1956)

Antoine Perrier

Page 23 à 43

Le CIC et Haïti (1875-1910)

Nicolas Stoskopf

Page 44 à 57

Les enjeux de l’industrie du billet de banque en guerre dans la France métropolitaine et son Empire colonial (1938-1945)

Mathieu Bidaux

Page 58 à 75

Défendre le « crédit » du billet : la Banque de France face aux opérations d’échange monétaire à la fin de la Seconde Guerre mondiale

Matéo Teixeira

Page 76 à 87

Coordonner les politiques économiques en Europe du plan Werner à Maastricht. Autour des conceptions de Jacques Delors

Eric Bussière

Thursday 28 September 2023

BOOK: Catherine KESSEDJIAN, Olivier DESCAMPS, Teodolinda FABRIZI, "Au service du droit international: Les 150 ans de l’Association de droit international" (Éditions Panthéon-Assas, 2023)


Source: Editeurs Panthéon-Assas

Faire le bilan de 150 ans au service du droit international relève d’une gageure probablement insurmontable. Pourtant, il paraissait important de porter un regard rétrospectif, notamment sur ces femmes et ces hommes qui ont écrit les grandes heures de l’Association de droit international (ADI), apportant une contribution intellectuelle, à maints égards décisive, au droit international. Dans un monde en crise, à nouveau polarisé, il est urgent de retracer l’histoire et les apports de l’ADI au droit international.

Le livre a été conçu en trois parties. La première partie présente l’état du monde en 1873 pour tenter de comprendre le contexte dans lequel les fondateurs de l’ADI ont conçu cette société savante. La deuxième partie présente l’organisation et les personnalités qui l’ont fait vivre. La troisième partie analyse l’influence des travaux de l’organisation sur le développement du droit international.

Table of Contents:

Page 1 à 4
Pages de début

Page 4
Liste des contributeurs

Page 5 à 7
Christine Chinkin

Page 9 à 12
Préface en quatre actes

Franck Latty
Page 13 à 34

Olivier Descamps, Teodolinda Fabrizi, Catherine Kessedjian
Page 35 à 42

The Position of the Director of Studies
Alfred H. A. Soons

Partie I. Le moment 1873
Page 45 à 55
1873 : des mondes africains à la croisée des chemins
Jean-Pierre Bat

Page 57 à 68
The Latin American Context Around 1873
Paulo Borba Casella

Page 69 à 86
Le théâtre, miroir de la bourgeoisie européenne dans les trente dernières années du xixe siècle
Annamaria Cascetta

Page 87 à 99
Les mondes asiatiques en 1873
Frédéric Constant

Page 101 à 114
1873, à la croisée des mutations de l’ordre international
Isabelle Dasque

Page 115 à 130
La philosophie occidentale en 1873
Laurent Fedi

Page 131 à 149
La philosophie américaine en 1873 – D’un monde à l’autre
Mathias Girel

Page 151 à 162
La doctrine internationaliste en 1873
Jean-Louis Halpérin

Page 163 à 166
American Idealists and the Founding of the International Law Association
Mark Weston Janis

Page 167 à 197
International Law in 1873
Martti Koskenniemi

Page 199 à 213
Les arts à Paris en 1873 – Avant la tempête
Dominique Lobstein

Page 215 à 231
La justice internationale à la fin du xixe siècle
Raphaëlle Nollez-Goldbach

Page 233 à 248
Regards portés sur l’économie internationale en 1873
Jean-Pierre Williot

Partie II. Les branches de l’association
Page 251 à 256
The Albanian Branch (since April 2014)
Erjon Muharremaj, Fjorda Shqarri, Gentian Zyberi

Page 257 à 266
The American Branch
James A. R. Nafziger, John E. Noyes

Page 267 à 272
The Argentine Branch
Ricardo R. Balestra

Page 273 à 283
The History of the Australian Branch
Keith Suter

Page 285 à 294
The Austrian Branch
August Reinisch

Page 295 à 299
The Brazilian Branch – An Overview of its 73-Year History
Lucas Carlos Lima, Marcílio Franca, Aziz Tuffi Saliba

Page 301 à 312
The British Involvement in the ILA
Jeremy Carver

Page 313 à 322
ILA-Canada – A History of Innovation and Forward-Thinking on International Law
Konstantia Koutouki

Page 323 à 327
The History of the Caribbean Branch
Chantal Ononaiwu

Page 329 à 340
The Dutch Branch – Koninklijke Nederlandsche Vereeniging voor International Recht (KNVIR)
Arthur Eyffinger

Page 341 à 345
The History of the Finnish Branch
Gustaf Möller, Lina Tornberg

Page 347 à 358
Regard historien sur la Branche française (1925-2021)
Dzovinar Kévonian

Page 359 à 367
The German Branch – Deutsche Vereinigung für Internationales Recht (DVIR)
Stephan Hobe

Page 369 à 373
A Short History of the Hungarian Branch
Vanda Lamm

Page 375 à 383
The History of the Irish Branch
Patricia Conlan

Page 385 à 392
Italy and the ILA – A History Spanning over Three Centuries
Gabriella Venturini

Page 393 à 403
One Hundred Years of the ILA Japan Branch
Shinya Murase

Page 405 à 406
The Korean Branch – Introduction and Achievements
Chang-Wee Lee

Page 407 à 408
The Founding of the Nicaraguan Branch
Amílcar Navarro Amador

Page 409 à 413
The History of the Norwegian Branch – Norsk forening for internasjonal rett
Stian Øby Johansen, Geir Ulfstein

Page 415 à 418
The Pakistan Branch
Arshad Ghaffar

Page 419 à 426
The Polish Branch
Ewelina Cała-Wacinkiewicz, Jerzy Menkes, Joanna Nowakowska-Małusecka, Wojciech Sz. Staszewski

Page 427 à 430
The History of the Portuguese Branch
Manuel de Almeida Ribeiro

Page 431 à 434
The Singapore Branch
Daphne Hong

Page 435 à 438
The History of the South African Branch
Clea Strydom

Page 439 à 444
The Spanish Branch
Julio González-Soria

Page 445 à 451
A Short History of the Swiss Branch
Andreas R. Ziegler

Partie III. L’influence des travaux de l’ADI sur le développement du droit international

Page 455 à 465
The Contribution of the ILA Committee on International Trade Law
Frederick M. Abbott

Page 467 à 479
The ILA’s Human Rights Committee and the Progressive Development of International Law
Christina M. Cerna

Page 481 à 498
L’influence du travail de l’ADI sur le développement du droit international dans les domaines de la protection des biens culturels
Marie Cornu, Manlio Frigo

Page 499 à 513
The Contribution of the ILA to the Development of International Water Law
Joseph W. Dellapenna

Page 515 à 520
Framing International Law for Sustainable Development
Kamal Hossain

Page 521 à 533
L’influence des travaux de l’ADI sur le développement du droit international en matière de procédure civile et commerciale
Patrick Kinsch, Vincent Richard

Page 535 à 550
The Influence of the Work of the ILA’s Space Law Committee on the Development of International Law
Irmgard Marboe

Page 551 à 565
Le droit à réparation des victimes de violations du droit international humanitaire
Photini Pazartzis

Page 567 à 582
Investment Law
August Reinisch

Page 583 à 608
Major Developments in the Law of State Immunity since the ILA Revised Articles for a Convention on State Immunity Presented at the Buenos Aires Conference in 1994
Jürgen Bröhmer, Georg Ress

Page 609 à 621
The Contribution of the International Law Association to the Development of International Law in Relation to Climate Change
Sara L. Seck

Page 623 à 646
L’influence des travaux de l’ADI sur la pratique de l’arbitrage international
Julie Spinelli

Page 647 à 659
Committee on International Securities Regulation
Peter Willis SC

Page 661 à 665
Les conférences de l’ADI
The ILA Conferences
Peter Willis SC

Page 667 à 677
Building Tomorrow’s ILA
From the Perspective of the ILA’s Younger Members

Page 679 à 700
Les contributeurs

Page 701 à 706
Pages de fin

More details with the publisher.

Tuesday 26 September 2023

SEMINAR & GRANT OPPORTUNITY: The Haiti Seminar /Le Séminaire Haïti: Money, Finance and Sovereignty, 1825-2025

 The Haiti Seminar /Le Séminaire Haïti

Money, Finance and Sovereignty


 The Haiti Seminar

While not exclusively centered on Haiti, the Haiti Seminar finds its motivation in the profound impact of the tragedy of Haiti's debt on collective memory, as underlined for instance in the series of articles the New York Times devoted in the Spring of 2022 to the legacy of Haiti's debt of 1826. Haiti's "odious debt" started with the indemnification of slave-owners imposed by the French government in 1825 as a condition for acknowledging Haiti's sovereignty. This episode serves as a pivot, a prime illustration of the importance of sovereign debt, and a significant case study.


Haiti's debt is particularly noteworthy due to its role in highlighting the intricate connections between money, debt, sovereignty, and international law. The mechanics of Haiti's so-called double debt -- on the one hand the reparations owed to former plantation owners for the loss of their property, and on the other hand, the financial debt which the state of Haiti owed to the investors who had subscribed to the bond issued to pay-off the indemnity -- summon crucial aspects of modern global capitalism.

While the original focus will be on Haiti's debt (to which we will keep returning), the Seminar intends to operate a broadening of the perspective, covering diverse historical experiences during the two centuries following the original settlement of Haiti's double debt. More broadly, the Seminar is meant to provide a venue for researchers interested in the international politics of debt, money and state-making. It will feature a combination of paper presentations (based on circulated drafts) and less frequently, round tables devoted for instance to the discussion of new books.

The Seminar takes an interdisciplinary approach, aiming to bring together scholars from diverse academic backgrounds. In particular, it will invite historians, economists and legal scholars to debate their perspectives and engage in fruitful exchanges. It seeks in particular to foster discussions that encompass both case studies and comparative approaches and enable to put in historical perspective questions of debt sustainability, debt forgiveness, conditionality, political control, etc.


The Haiti Seminar is led by Marc Flandreau at the University of Pennsylvania in partnership with the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva, and the School of Social Sciences and Government of the Tecnológico de Monterrey, Guadalajara. It is conceived to operate over a three-year period, commencing in 2023-24. The project will distribute a series of research grants. In particular, 10 Doctoral Prizes of 5,000 USD each will be awarded to registered PhD students located anywhere in the world and working on the history and economics of sovereign debt, a funding initiative supported by Crédit Mutuel, Paris. The Seminar takes place online on Thursdays at 12pm (Haiti Time)/ 6 pm (Paris Time). It will be concluded by an academic conference in the Summer of 2026.


Source: UPenn

Monday 25 September 2023

BOOK: George FORJI AMIN, "International Law and the History of Resource Extraction in Africa:Capital Accumulation and Underdevelopment, 1450-1918" (Routledge, 2023)

Source: Routledge
This book investigates the historical economic and legal regimes that legitimated the resource extraction and exploitation of Africa between the 15th and 19th centuries and led to the continent’s trajectory of underdevelopment in the world system. The book interrogates the economic and legal structures that supported European intervention in Africa. It explores the trade and private property rights which were to shape the economic future of the continent, most notably the trade in human beings as legitimate private property by European powers. The book then looks at the techniques used to submerge African sovereignty under European sovereignty during the scramble for territorial control in the 19th century, concluding with the validation of occupation in international law following the 1884–1885 Berlin Conference. The book argues that the doctrines of trade and property rights sanctioned by international law led to a trend of African dispossession that set the continent on a path to underdevelopment, with long-reaching consequences. This book will be of interest to researchers and students across law, history, economics, international relations, and African studies

Table of Contents: 
1 The Third World and Nature of World Order
2 From Latin America to Africa: Primitive Accumulation, the Modality of Sub-Saharan Africa’s Incorporation into the World Order
3 People as Property: The Transatlantic Slave Trade, International Law, and the Making of the New World
4 Industrial Capitalism, Concepts of Improvement, and the Civilising Mission Metaphor in Africa
5 The Scramble for Africa: Non-State Actors and Acquisitions by Cession Treaties
6 Public Law Arrangements: The Pursuit for Free Trade, the Berlin Conference 1884–1885 and the Partition of Africa
7 General Concluding Remarks

More details with the publisher.

BOOK: Isabelle DAVION & Stanislas JEANNESSON (eds.), "Les traités de paix, 1918-1923: La paix les uns contre les autres" (Sorbonne Université Presse, 2023)

Source: SUP

Considérer comme un tout l’ensemble des traités conclus de 1918 à 1923, envisager de façon globale l’espace européo-méditerranéen, affecté dans sa totalité par une « guerre sans fin », interroger les premières années d’application des traités, lesquelles opèrent la bascule entre la sortie de guerre et l’entrée en paix, tels sont les objectifs de cet ouvrage, issu du renouvellement historiographique occasionné par le centenaire de la Grande Guerre.

De Brest-Litovsk à Lausanne, en passant par Versailles ou Trianon, la vingtaine de traités qui se succèdent en cinq années, dans des contextes très différents, ont pour point commun de mettre un terme, parfois de façon très provisoire, à un état de guerre qui, pour nombre de peuples d’Europe centre-orientale et du Moyen-Orient, se prolonge sous diverses formes bien au-delà de 1918. Ils s’efforcent en outre, avec plus ou moins de réussite, de mettre en place un nouveau système international, en mobilisant des acteurs multiples – dirigeants, diplomates, experts, opinions publiques – et des principes nouveaux, dont le droit des peuples à disposer d’eux-mêmes et la sécurité collective, contribuant ainsi à façonner en grande partie l’Europe et le monde contemporains.

Consult SUP for more information.

JOURNAL: American Journal of International Law Unbound, "Special Issue: 150 Years of the Institut de Droit International and the International Law Association" (Volume 117, 2023)

The latest issue of AJIL Unbound comprises a dedicated section on the history of international law, in particular the Institut de droit international and the International Law Association. Consult AJIL's website for more information.

Table of Contents:

Introduction to the Symposium on 150 Years of the Institut de Droit International and the International Law Association: Cause for Celebration or Concern?

Introduction to the Symposium on 150 Years of the Institut de Droit International and the International Law Association: Cause for Celebration or Concern?
Part of 150 Years of the Institut de Droit International and the International Law Association
Jeffrey L. Dunoff

The Institutionalization of International Law at a Crossroads: Pacifists, Jurists, and the Creation of the ILA and the IDI
Part of 150 Years of the Institut de Droit International and the International Law Association
Xiaohang Chen

Legal Knowledge as Social and Political Capital
Part of 150 Years of the Institut de Droit International and the International Law Association
Sara Dezalay

The Institute of International Law and the Colonial Phenomenon
Part of 150 Years of the Institut de Droit International and the International Law Association
Georges Abi-Saab

Unveiling the “Legal Conscience of the Civilized World:” a Critical Look at the Institut de Droit International
Part of 150 Years of the Institut de Droit International and the International Law Association
Julia Emtseva

The IDI, The ILA, and their Impact on the Institutionalization of International Law in the Americas: Resonances and Dissonances
Part of 150 Years of the Institut de Droit International and the International Law Association
Juan Pablo Scarfi

The International Law Commission, the Institut, and States
Part of 150 Years of the Institut de Droit International and the International Law Association
Dire Tladi

Friday 1 September 2023

SYMPOSIUM KEYNOTE: Prof. Martti Koskenniemi on "The Law of an International Civil Society: The Road not Taken" (Brussels: VUB/Hybrid, 15 September 2023)

On Friday 15 September, at the invitation of drs. Wouter De Rycke and dr. Raphaël Cahen, Prof. em. dr. dr. h.c. mult. Martti Koskenniemi (University of Helsinki, doctor honoris causa of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel in 2023) will hold a public keynote entitled: 

The Law of an International Civil Society: The Road not Taken

This lecture will take place in Room I.0.02 on the VUB's Campus of Humanities, Sciences and Engineering at 09:45. It is also possible to attend the lecture online. 

Prof. Koskenniemi's lecture is the keynote of a symposium  Imagining Peace in the Long Nineteenth Century (1789-1914). In Search of New Actors and Vocabularies assembled by drs. Wouter De Rycke and dr. Raphaël Cahen

The symposium ‘Imagining Peace in the Long Nineteenth Century. In search of New Actors and Vocabularies’ aims to investigate unofficial forms of normative peace-thinking in the long nineteenth century. In the period roughly between 1789 and 1914, political, legal, economic, and cultural developments made a radical and lasting impact on the possible representations of peace. Significant sections of European and American society came to define peace not simply as the mere ‘absence of war’, but as a desirable, long-term condition in which disputes were consistently settled pacifically. Changing patterns of communication and political agency increasingly enabled new actors from within civil society to contest these realities. Outside of the narrow circles olaat f government and high diplomacy, a plethora of new actors campaigned for a new kind of international law. Their ideal was ‘peace through law’. Our symposium investigates the legal imagination of ordinary lawyers, philanthropists, economists, feminists, nationalists, and pacifists. In his public opening lecture, professor Koskenniemi will engage with these questions. What were the roads not taken? 

Contact the organizers for further information.

Source: Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Contextual Research in Law