ESIL Interest Group History of International Law

ESIL Interest Group History of International Law

Wednesday 31 May 2023

CALL FOR PAPERS: "De-centering the history of international organisations" (KULeuven, 29 November - 1 December 2023, DEADLINE: 4 July 2023)


Source: KADOC conference page

International and transnational organisations have been prominent actors in histories of the long 20th century, histories often marked by methodological innovations, which have generated new insights and reframed our understanding of, for instance, the Cold War, global civil society, and decolonisation. However, there has been little reflection on how historians can apply those same methodological perspectives to the use of these organisation’s archives. This workshop seeks to explore how different methodological approaches to international and transnational organisations can bring new histories into view. Rather than approaching international and transnational organisations from a strictly institutional point of view, we, instead, wonder how these organisations and their archives can become the basis for telling other, local, regional or international, stories that shift the focus to the broader context in which these organisations operated. By going beyond the institutional histories the workshop probes to re-evaluate the historiographical position of these organisations, while maintaining a clear view of the historian’s placement, challenges and limits.
In order to discuss such “de-centering” of the history of international and transnational organisations, this workshop focusses on methodological and epistemological reflections, and aims to bring together scholars working on all different strands of internationalism – from intergovernmental to non-governmental and civil society organisations, from religious internationals to trade union confederations and financial institutions. We welcome contributions that are based on a critical evaluation of experiences in the field, particularly in archives, that highlight how researchers have considered the methodological implications of de-centring their examination of these international organisations.

Some of the questions that might prompt contributions include:
  • How can the de-centering of international and transnational organisations and their archives engender new insights on a broad range of historical topics?
  • How has the recent emphasis in transnational history on disconnections informed methods and project design? What has the concept of disconnections brought to the previous emphasis on connections and flows? How have we managed the relationship between connections and disconnections?
  • The spatialization of transnational history: how can we write an international history from the local level? Conversely, how can we narrate local history by making use of international sources?
  • What new international organisations or networks are brought into view when our starting point is local contexts? How are understandings of what is an international organisation challenged by recent developments in the field?
  • Archiving and archival practices reflect certain internal visions and understandings of the international organisation, shaping the sources with which we can tell stories. How can we challenge and supplement these understandings through alternative source collections or archival projects, and what are the methodological implications of doing so?
  • What are the promises and perils of newer materials such as born-digital materials and what insights do they offer for understanding current forms of international organisations?
Please submit a max. 350-word proposal by 4 July 2023.

Participants will be asked to submit a max. 4 page paper by 14 November, 2023. This paper should be a substantial outline of what a future full paper arising from your presentation will (or is envisaged to) look like. These will complement the 12-15 min oral presentations given during the workshop. They will also serve the basis for future collaborations, be it an edited collection/journal special editions or a collective research network grant. A particular aim of the workshop is to generate one or more ongoing collaborative projects, and time will be devoted to exploring these options.

Organising committee
Michelle Carmody, KADOC, KU Leuven
Manuel Herrera Crespo, KADOC, KU Leuven
Sam Kuijken, KADOC, KU Leuven

Scientific committee
Kim Christiaens, KADOC, KU Leuven
Karin Hoffmeester, International Institute for Social History, Amsterdam
Michelle Carmody, KADOC
Manuel Herrera Crespo, KADOC
Sam Kuijken, KADOC

Monday 29 May 2023

CONFERENCE: ESIL IG History of International Law preconference workshop, "Historical Perspectives on Fairness in International Law" (Aix-Marseille University, 2023 ESIL Annual Conference Aix-en-Provence, 31 August 2023)


IG History of International Law preconference workshop program - August 31st, 9:30 am -12:30 pm

Historical Perspectives on Fairness in International Law

Word of welcome - Prof. Markus Beham (University of Passau)


Panel 1: Chinese perspectives on fairness in the history of international law

1. Lam Sze Hong (Leiden University): Unequal Treaties: China’s approach toward colonial injustice revisit

2. Prof. Ryan Mitchell (The Chinese University of Hong Kong): International Law as a "Discourse Among Equals": Changing Chinese Perceptions of the Fairness of Global Order Between Colonialism and Great Power Competition

Moderator: Florenz Volkaert (Ghent University)

Panel 2: Fairness and decolonization

1. Dr. Wim Zimmerman (University of Salzburg): On virtue and vanity in international law: the making of self-determination in the General Assembly 1945-1960

2. Jacqueline Espenilla (Utrecht University): The promise of fairness: The development of the “common heritage of mankind” principle in international law

                                            Moderator: Prof. Markus Beham (University of Passau)


                                         Concluding remarks: Jaanika Erne (University of Tartu)

In light of the upcoming elections for coordinators of the IG History of International Law, the workshop will be followed by an interest group meeting. All IG members are kindly invited to attend to discuss the work of the IG, provide feedback and contribute to developing a new mission statement for the IG. The present mission statement can be found here.

For the call for papers, consult our initial blog post or click here.

Tuesday 23 May 2023

EVENT: Erik Castrén Institute 25th Anniversary (University of Helsinki, 25 May 2023)

Image source: UHelsinki


ECI’s 25th Anniversary

The Erik Castrén Institute of International Law and Human Rights has the pleasure to invite you at its 25th Anniversary taking place on 25 May 2023, 10-13 at JuhlasaliUnioninkatu 33, Helsinki. 

In the Spring of 2023, it has been 25 years since the Erik Castrén Institute of International Law and Human Rights (widely known as ECI) was established. Over these 25 years, ECI has hosted many research projects, organized a multitude of events, and housed dozens of researchers, including academic visitors. Some might even say ECI has helped set the global research agenda in the discipline of international law. In order to mark the occasion, ECI organizes a public event, looking at the academic and professional landscape and the way it has evolved during these 25 years.

Those attending in person are kindly asked to register here by May 18.

For more details, visit the blog of the University of Helsinki

Monday 15 May 2023

BOOK: Immi TALLGREN, "Portraits of Women in International Law: New Names and Forgotten Faces?" (OUP, 2023)

Image source: OUP
  • Offers a diverse set of biographies of women and gender non-conforming persons who made a difference in international law
  • Includes remarkable professors of law, diplomats, judges, civil society activists, feminists, pacifists, secretaries, spouses, novelists, and philosophers from all continents
  • Disrupts the dominant gendered, racialized, and classed images of history in international law
  • Includes a creative array of drawings, paintings, and photographs of the book's subjects

Current histories seem to suggest that men alone have been capable of the development of ideas, analysis, and practice of international law until the 1990s. Is this the case? Or have others been erased from the collective images of this history, including the portrait gallery of notables in international law?

Portraits of Women in International Law: New Names and Forgotten Faces? investigates the slow and late inclusion of women in the spheres of knowledge and power in international law. The forty-two textual and visual representations by a diverse team of passionate portraitists represent women and gender non-conforming people in international law from the fourteenth century onwards around the world: individuals and groups who imagined, developed, or contested international law; who earned their living in its institutions; or who, even indirectly, may have changed its course.

This rich volume calls for a critical identification of the formal and informal institutional practices, norms, and rituals of (white) masculinities, both in the past and in the research of international law today. By abandoning reductive histories, their biased frames, and tacit assumptions, this work brings previously unseen glimpses of international law and its agents, ideas, causes, behaviour, norms, and social practices into the spotlight.

Table of Contents:

Foreword: Looking at Portraits, Karen Knop
1:Re-curating the Portrait Gallery of International Law: The Objectives, Process, and Floorplan of the Exhibition, Immi Tallgren
2:Christine de Pizan: The Law of Warfare as Seen by a Medieval Woman, Franck Latty
3:Olympe de Gouges: Beyond the Symbol, Anne Lagerwall and Agatha Verdebout
4:The Reign of Order and the Rights of Siege According to Rosa Luxemburg, Deborah Whitehall
5:Maria van Reigersberch: Wife of Hugo Grotius, Henk Nellen
6:Bertha von Suttner: Locating International Law in Novel and Salon, Janne E. Nijman
7:Jane Addams: Positive Peace from the Everyday to the International, Kate Grady and Gina Heathcote
8:Anna Julia Cooper: A Voice from the (Global) South, Christopher Gevers
9:Homelands of Mary Ann Shadd, Sarah Riley Case
10:Avabai Wadia: A Gentle Rebel of (Other) Nations?, Vasuki Nesiah
11:Ghénia Avril de Sainte-Croix: Abolitionism and the League of Nations, Frédéric Mégret
12:Yayori Matsui: Challenging the Silences of International Law through Pan Asian Feminist Solidarity, Keina Yoshida
13:Canonizing the Memory of Annie Ruth Jiagge in the Global Efforts Toward Gender Equality, Michael Addaney
14:Alva Myrdal: The Rise and Fall of Social Democratic Internationalism, Anne Orford
15:Ester Boserup: Women and Development on the Margins, Miriam Bak Mackenna
16:Helvi Sipilä: Advocating Women's Rights at the UN, Raimo Lintonen
17:Suzanne Bastid: The First of the 'Firsts', Immi Tallgren and Antoine Buchet
18:Marguerite Frick-Cramer: A Life Spent Shaping the Geneva Conventions, Boyd van Dijk
19:Vijayalakshmi Pandit: Gendering and Racing against the Postcolonial Predicament, Parvathi Menon
20:The Timing of Felice Morgenstern, Jan Klabbers
21:Paula Escarameia: Envisioning the Humane Face of International Law in the Twenty-first Century, Ana Caldeira Fouto, António Pedro Barbas Homem, and Pedro Caridade de Freitas
22:Forgotten Female Actors in Private International Law: The International Social Service, Roxana Banu
23:Female Staff in the Legal Section of the League of Nations, Benjamin Auberer
24:The 'Indigenous Women' Behind the 'Other' Beijing Declaration, Bérénice K. Schramm
25:The Women's Caucus for Gender Justice: Writing Gender into International Criminal Law, Anna van der Velde
26:Sarah Wambaugh: Life at the Frontiers of International Law, Imogen Saunders
27:Exile and Access: Lilly Melchior Roberts and the Infrastructures of International Law, Alexandra Kemmerer
28:Lea Meriggi: A Fighter For the Wrong Cause, Serena Forlati
29:Isabella Diederiks-Verschoor: (A Life) Creating Spaces, Christiaan Verwer and Anna van der Velde
30:Gezina van der Molen: A Journey from Universalism to Pluralism, Sarah MH Nouwen and Wouter Werner
31:Elisabeth Mann Borgese: Ecology, Relationality, and Law of the Sea, Sara Seck
32:Marie Theres Fögen: The Universalization of a Rotten Deal, Reut Paz
33:Kalliopi Koufa: First Greek Female Academic of Public International Law, Marilena Papadaki
34:Thomas Baty in Japan: Seeing through the Twilight, Shinya Murase
35:Zheng Yuxiu and the Diplomacy of Nationalism and Feminism, Margaret Kuo
36:Marjorie M. Whiteman: Not Flowers but a Medal, Hatsue Shinohara
37:Aleksandra Kollontai: 'New Woman', Sergey Vasiliev
38:The Role of International Law in Paulina Luisi's Activism, Andrei Mamolea
39:Working from 'Rooms of Their Own': For a Realistic Portrait of Joyce Gutteridge CBE and Other Trailblazing Women, Luiza Leāo Soares Pereira
40:"If Only They Listened to Simone Weil": From Rights to Roots, Outi Korhonen
41:Helene Halperin-Ginsburg: The Social Function of International Law, Ksenia Shestakova
42:Human Rights and Communist Internationalism: On Inji Aflatoun and the Surrealists, Mai Taha
43:Fearless Speech: A Portrait of UN Typist Shirley Hazzard , Dianne Otto
Epilogue: Exit through the Gift Shop, Hilary Charlesworth

Immi Tallgren, Professor of International Law, University of Helsinki

Immi Tallgren is Adjunct Professor of International Law at the University of Helsinki and Senior KONE Research Fellow at the Erik Castrén Institute of International Law and Human Rights. She has previously worked at the Finnish MFA, the Legal Affairs Unit of EUROPOL, the European Space Agency, and the Max Planck Institute Luxembourg. Her research interests are primarily in international criminal law, history of international law, law and cinema, and feminist approaches to international law. Her recent publications include The Dawn of a Discipline: International Criminal Justice and its Early Exponents (with Frédéric Mégret, CUP, 2020) and Retrials: The New Histories of International Criminal Law (with Thomas Skouteris, OUP, 2019).


"What an imaginatively assembled collection of essays. Overflowing with engrossing vignettes and unexpected characters, this is international law but not as we know it. No less than a re-writing and upending of international legal history. And seriously pleasurable!" - Gerry Simpson, Professor of International Law, London School of Economics

"Immi Tallgren has produced one of the most creative edited volumes in the history of international law and international relations that I have seen. This is a remarkable achievement, a field-defining piece of work." - Patricia Owens, Professor of International Relations, University of Oxford

JOURNAL: Diplomatica: A Journal of Diplomacy and Society, Volume 5, Issue 1 (1 May 2023)

Image source: Brill


Latest issue: Vol. 5, No. 1 (May 2023)

Table of Contents


Salla Turunen
“Have You Been Recruited Because You Are a Woman or Because You Are Good?” Gendered Humanitarian Diplomats at the United Nations

Ahmad Guliyev
“Giving What They Hold Dear”: Safavid Diplomatic Gifts to Venice

Kazuhiro Nose
The Cultural and Economic Diplomacy of an Emerging Trade Power: the European Community at the Osaka Expo, 1970

Itzel Toledo García
Women Diplomats during the Interwar Period: the Case of Palma Guillén

Pierre-Bruno Ruffini
Science Counselors of the European Union – a Case Study of Science Diplomacy

Forum: North-South Diplomacy

Jonathan Harris, Ruth Craggs, and Fiona McConnell
Understanding Diplomatic Training from the Global South: Transnational Networks and (Post)colonial Connections

Vineet Thakur
Casting and Casteing Indian Diplomacy

Adriana Erthal Abdenur
The Second Edition of the South Commission

Book Reviews

Megan Armknecht
Keith Hamilton, 2021. Servants of Diplomacy: A Domestic History of the Victorian Foreign Office

Samuel Coggeshall
Maximilian Drephal, 2019. Afghanistan and the Coloniality of Diplomacy: the British Legation in Kabul, 1922–1948

Alison R. Holmes
Iver B. Neumann, 2020. Diplomatic Tenses: A Social Evolutionary Perspective on Diplomacy

Karl W. Schweizer
Eugenio Cusumano and Christopher Kinsey (eds.), 2019. Diplomatic Security: A Comparative Analysis

Margot Tudor
Jens Steffek, 2021. International Organization as Technocratic Utopia

The Mattingly Prize

Visit Brill for more information.

JOURNAL: Journal of the History of International Law, Volume 25, Issue 1 (Apr 2023)

Image source: Brill

Table of Contents


Allying with Unbelievers: Hugo Grotius’s Letters to East-Indian Rulers
Marc de Wilde
Pages: 1–35

The Person of the State: The Anthropomorphic Subject of the Law of Nations
Adam Strobeyko
Pages: 36–69

Civilising Violence: International Law and Colonial War in the British Empire, 1850–1900
Christopher Szabla
Pages: 70–104

German Idealism after Kant: Nineteenth-Century Foundations of International Law
Robert Schütze
Pages: 105–141

Book Reviews – Symposium on Martti Koskenniemi, To the Uttermost Parts of the Earth

Theme: ‘Commerce, Capitalism and the Law of Nations’ , written by Martti Koskenniemi
Koen Stapelbroek
Pages: 143–148

Theme: ‘The Struggle between Statehood and Civil Society’ , written by Martti Koskenniemi
Jennifer Pitts
Pages: 149–155

Theme: ‘Theology and the Justification of Sovereignty and Property’ , written by Martti Koskenniemi
Wim Decock
Pages: 156–160

Source: Brill

LECTURE SERIES: Histories of International Law: Chinese and Global Perspectives, "The Opening Up and Reform Policy and China's Re-engagement with the International Legal Order" (Zoom/City University of Hong Kong, 19 May 2023)

The third lecture in the Histories of International Law: Chinese and Global Perspectives lecture series organised by the Centre for Chinese and Comparative Law, City University of Hong Kong, in partnership with Wudan University School of Law and Fudan University School of Law (organizing committee: Professors Ignacio de la Rasilla, Jiangyu Wang and Congyan Cai) will take place 19 May 2023.
Prof. Jacques DeLisle (UPenn) will give a talk about "The Opening Up and Reform Policy and China's Re-engagement with the International Legal Orde". Prof. Jiangyu Wang (Centre for Chinese and Comaprative Law, City University of Hong Kong) will act as discussant.

For more information on the lecture series, consult our previous blog post.

Register via the following link:

Thursday 4 May 2023

CALL FOR PAPERS: "The Monroe Doctrine: History, Interpretations, Legacy" (Frankfurt-am-Main, 1 and 2 December 2023, DEADLINE 15 MAY 2023)


Frankfurt-am-Main, 1 and 2 December 2023

Organized by Justus-Liebig Universität Giessen and the TRACE Research Center “Transformations of Political Violence”, an inter­disciplinary research network of five Hessian research Institutions: The Peace Research In­stitute Frankfurt (PRIF), the Goethe University Frankfurt, the Justus Liebig University Giessen, the Philipps University Marburg and the Technical University of Darmstadt. Additional support provided by the Asser Institute for International and Development Studies, The Hague, and the Peace Research Institute, Frankfurt.

Call for Papers:

December 2nd, 2023, will mark the bicentenary of President James Monroe’s famous State of the Union to the U.S. Congress. Out of the 6500 words of his full address, two sentences are remembered as the Monroe Doctrine: « no future colonization by any European power » in the American continents and « not to interfere in the internal concerns » of any other countries.

Over twenty years after Monroe’s pronouncement, the doctrine was invoked by President James Polk in a 1845 speech to Congress, but this time he cited it to outline expansionist designs in Latin America.

Later on, the principle of non-interference marked the separation of the Americas from Europe and the rise of geographical spheres of political and economic influence. The Monroe Doctrine also reinforced the principle of non-intervention as opposed to the European Concert of Powers collectively authorizing armed intervention in Italy and Spain after the congresses of Ljubljana and Verona.

Monroe’s speech had great resonance upon political writers and jurists all over the world such as Friedrich Gentz who identified it as “a document which will make an epoch in the history of our time”. Indeed, the Monroe Doctrine would be re-discussed and re-interpreted at the turn of the century (1880-1910), especially within the Roosevelt Corollary of the doctrine which legitimized U.S. hemispheric interventions that were becoming ever more frequent in the 1910’s.      

After WW I, the doctrine reached newfound prominence in Article 21 of the Covenant of the League of Nations, which stated that “Nothing in this Covenant shall be deemed to affect the validity of international engagements, such as treaties of arbitration or regional understandings like the Monroe doctrine, for securing the maintenance of peace”.

Within the debate between regionalism and universalism of international law, the principle of non-intervention became a legal norm (Art. 8 of the Montevideo Convention on the Rights and Duties of States; Arts. 2(1) and 2(7) of the UN Charter) and a tool of monitoring political violence.

As Juan Pablo Scarfi pointed out recently, “although the bicentenary of the Monroe Doctrine is approaching in 2023, we have not seen much significant scholarly discussion over its legacy in recent years”. Indeed, shortcomings remain in regard to academic research on the Monroe Doctrine. Especially in a transnational and multidisciplinary (economic, juridical, cultural, and political) perspective within the broader scope of the Monroe Doctrine which could be seen also as an institutional containment of violence.

In order to examine the legacy of the Monroe doctrine two hundred years after its pronouncement, this conference will address three main questions and sections:

     1)     The historical background of the Monroe Doctrine in transnational perspective.

Contributions can be made on the making of the doctrine, its interpretation and resonance in the U.S., Latin America, and Europe but also in other locales such as the Middle East, Asia and Africa. Paintings, novels and other cultural and material artefacts could also be analysed to reflect upon the impact of the doctrine in the 1820’s and onwards. Contributions by economists are very welcome to look more deeply at the economic repercussions of the doctrine.   

     2)     The rearrangement and new interpretation of the Monroe Doctrine from the 1880’s to the 1940’s

This second section will be devoted to the legacy of the doctrine in the wake of its centenary and in the context of American interventionism and imperialism at the turn of the century. How was the Doctrine interpreted by international lawyers within the Institut de Droit International, the International Law Association and the various national international law societies founded at the end of the 19th century? Here again, even if the principal focus will be on Latin America, contributions on other geographies and spaces are most welcome.

     3)     The Contemporary Legacies of the Monroe Doctrine

Finally, the conference will evaluate how far the Monroe Doctrine has irrigated contemporary international law and its many subfields such as investment law, forms of trade protectionism and other aspects of diplomatic relations (e.g. the use of force). Indeed, the nineteenth century was an era of unprecedented internationalization of economic rights, which safeguarded property and investments accrued in the context of colonialism and imperialism. This part will examine the extent to which the ideological underpinnings of the Monroe Doctrine supported these unequal economic structures.

 Propositions can be send in English (yet, French, German and Spanish can be also accepted) by email to ; ;

All applications must be sent by May 15th 2023 with an abstract of 250 words and a short CV. The proceedings will appear in a peer-reviewed publication. In principle, transportation should be covered by participants, but accepted panellists will be able to apply for travel grants subject to available funding. 




-Seventh Annual Speech by James Monroe, 2 December 1823

-Friedrich Gentz, “Colonial Frage (1824)” in G. Kronenbitter (ed), Friedrich Gentz Gesammelte Schriften, Hildesheim, Olms-Weidmann, 2002, VIII/5, p. 102-112.

Selected Literature

Alvarez Alejandro, The Monroe Doctrine : Its Importance in the international life of the States of the New World, Oxford, OUP, 1924.

Becker Lorca Arnulf, Mestizo International Law, A Global Intellectual History 1842-1933, Cambridge, CUP, 2015.

Bemis Samuel Flagg, John Quincy Adams and the Foundations of American Foreign Policy, Alfred A. Knopf, 1949

Brock Lothar & Hendrik Simon, The Justification of war and international order. From Past to Present, OUP, 2021.

Bryne Alex, The Monroe Doctrine and United States National Security in the Early Twentieth Century, Springer Nature, 2020.

Cresson William P., The holy alliance. The European background of the Monroes doctrine, OUP, 1922

Eslava Luis, Liliana Obregon and René Uruena, “Imperialismo(s) y Derecho(s) Internacional(es):  Ayer y Hoy’ in Antony Anghie, Martti Koskenniemi and Anne Orford (ed), Imperialismo y Derecho Internacional, Siglo del Hombre, 2006, p. 11-93.

Ghervas Stella, Conquering Peace : From the Enlightenment to the European Union, Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 2021.

Gretchen Murphy, Hemispheric imaginings. The Monroe Doctrine and narratives of U.S. empire, University Press, Durham, 2005.

May Ernest R., The Making of the Monroe Doctrine, HUP, 1992.

May Robert E., "The Irony of Confederate Diplomacy: Visions of Empire, the Monroe Doctrine, and the Quest for Nationhood.", Journal of Southern History, 83/1, 2017, 69-106.

Mariano Marco, L'America nell'"Occidente", Storia della dottrina Monroe (1823-1963), Carocci Editore 2013.

Meiertöns Heiko, Die Doktrinen U.S.-amerikanischer Sicherheitspolitik. Völkerrechtliche Bewertung und ihr Einfluss auf das Völkerrecht. Nomos, 2006

Merk Frederick, The Monroe Doctrine and American Expansionism, 1843–1849, Knopf, 1966.

Obregon, Liliana, “ Completing Civilization: Creole Consciousness and international Law in Nineteenth-Century Latin America”, in Anne Orford, International Law And its Others, CUP, 2006, p. 247-264

Perkins Dexter, The Monroe Doctrine, Gloucester, P. Smith, 1965-1966, 3. Vol.

Rossi Christopher, Whiggish International Law. Elihu Root, The Monroe Doctrine, and International Law in Americas, Brill, 2019

Scarfi Juan Pablo, “Camilo Barcia Trelles on the Meaning of the Monroe Doctrine and the Legacy of Vitoria in the Americas”, European Journal of International Law, 31/4, 2020, 1463–1475,

Scarfi J. P., “Denaturalizing the Monroe Doctrine: The rise of Latin American legal anti-imperialism in the face of the modern US and hemispheric redefinition of the Monroe Doctrine”, Leiden Journal of International Law, 33/3, 2020, 541-555.


Sexton Jay, The Monroe Doctrine : empire and nation in nineteenth-century America, Hill and Wang, 2010

Sluga Glenda, The Invention of International Order: Remaking Europe after Napoleon, PUP, 2022.

Tatum Edward Howland, The United States and Europe, 1815-1823: A Study in the Background of the Monroe Doctrine, Russell & Russell, 1967.

Wilbur W. Allan, The Monroe doctrine, Heath, 1965.


Organising Committee

Raphaël Cahen (JLU Giessen)

León Castellanos-Jankiewicz (Asser Institute)

Hendrik Simon (Peace Research Institute Frankfurt)


Scientific Committee

Horst Carl (JLU Giessen)

Thilo Marauhn (JLU Giessen)

Yves Bruley (Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes)

Frederik Dhondt (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)

Stella Ghervas (Newcastle University)

Martti Koskenniemi (University of Helsinki)

Ntina Tzouvala (Australian National University)

Miloš Vec (University of Vienna)

                                Source: ESCLH blog