ESIL Interest Group History of International Law

ESIL Interest Group History of International Law

Monday, 8 March 2021

ESIL RESEARCH FORUM CATANIA: Pre-Event Meeting, Research Forum “Solidarity: the Quest for Founding Utopias of International Law" (15 APR 2021, Online)

(image: Catania Port; source: Wikimedia Commons)

Welcome (09:00 CET)

Presentations (09:05 CET)


‘Louis Bara (1821-1857) and the Liberal-scientific Restatement of International Law in the Nineteenth Century Peace Movement’, Wouter De Rycke (Brussels) (30 minutes)

Discussion (15 minutes)


‘The Role of the Brazilian Academic Elite in the “Civilization Project” during the XIX Century: An Analysis from the Example of the Whitening of the Population’, Luisa Cortat Simonetti Goncalves-Renato Coutinho (Maastricht)

Discussion (15 minutes)

Break (5 minutes)


‘Views in the Literature on Interdisciplinarity Research Between History and Law’ Jaanika Erne (Tartu, ESIL IGHIL Steering Committee)

Discussion (15 minutes)

Interest Group Meeting (11:25 CET)

The Zoom-link or registration procedure will be shared as soon as possible.